Adr New
Adr New
Adr New
Elderly (>60 y old)
Very young (1-4 y)
Patients taking more than one drug
1) Type A Reactions
a) Related to pharmacological action of drug
b) Predictable
c) Common
d) Dose – dependent
About 80% of ADR----Type A reactions
TypeA reactions Classes
i) Toxicity / Toxic effects
ii) Secondary effects
iii) Side Effects
iv) Intolerance
i) Toxicity of overdose (Drug overdose)
An adverse drug reaction caused by excessive dosing
Repeated admnistration of the drug which leads to
toxicity. This can change physiological functions or
can damage the organs in the body. The
exaggerated pharmacological effect of the drug
leads to toxicity.
Eg: hepatic failure with dose of paracetamol
streptomycin with ototoxicity
hypoglycemia with sulfonylurea;
ii) Side Effects
Nearly unavoidable secondary drug effect produced by
therapeutic doses
They are undesired or unwanted pharmacological
actions of the drugs, when they are given in
therapeutic doses. Most of the side effects are harmful,
only some are beneficial.
Intensity is dose dependent
Occur immediately after initially taking drug or may
not appear until weeks after initiation of drug use.
Eg : Oral antidiabetic - hypoglycemia
Eg : Atropine causs dryness of mouth. Due to this
side effect it can be used as a pre-anaesthetic
medication for the control of secretions.
Eg : sedation with antihistamines
Eg : Aluminum hydroxide gel causes constipation
iii) Secondary Effects
Secondary pharmacological effect
A drug may contain no of pharmacological effects
at therapeutic doses. An indirect effect is
produced simultaneously along with the primary
or desired action. The indirect effect of a drug is
known as secondary effect.
Eg : Thiazide diuretics used for treating HTN
causes hypokalemia
Eg:Antihistamines used as anti allergy – sedation
Some individuals cannot tolerate the normal
therapeutic doses of the drugs not even when
administered in small doses, as well as this may cause
toxic effects in the individuals.
Drug effects :
Chloroquine tablet : Noxious , abdominal pain and
(normal or less dose) vomiting
Unrelated to known pharmacological
actions of drug.
Bizarre Unpredictable
Often caused by immunological &
pharmacogenetic mechanisms
Unrelated to dosage
Comparatively rare & cause serious illness
or death
Eg : Penicillin causes Anaphylactic shock
Both environmental & genetic factors =
important in this reaction.
It includes :
i) Idiosyncratic reactions or idiosyncracy
ii) Allergic or hypersensitive reactions
Type B reactions classes
i) Idiosyncratic reactions or idiosyncrasy:
They defined as qualitative intolerance
where abnormal reactions to drugs are precipitated
due to Genetical abnormality or absence of
This occurs in only some individuals who are
genetically abnormal or peculiar.
Ex- Individuals who are deficient of glucose -6-
phosphate – dehydrogenase in their RBC
Shows idiosyncratic effect ( haemolysis) upon
administration of drugs like primaquine (antimalarial)
salicylates( NSAIDs) sulfonamides (antibiotics).
ii) Allergic or hypersensitive reactions
Allergic or hypersensitive reactions are defined as
abnormal or altered reactions towards an antigen
( generally referred to allergen ) including more or less
sensitivity or untoward immunological reactions.
It is used to indicate the hypersensitivity of the body
cells to the drug.
Type-I : reaction mediated by IgE antibodies
Type- II : cytotoxic reaction mediated by IgG or IgM
Type-III : reaction mediated by immune complexes.
Type-IV : delayed reaction mediated by cellular response.
Probability Scale
5. Are there alternative causes (other than the -1 +2 0 ____
drug) that could on their own have caused
the reaction?
6. Did the reaction reappear when a placebo -1 +1 0 ____
was given?
7. Was the drug detected in the blood (or +1 0 0 ____
other fluids) in concentrations known to be
Naranjo CA. Clin Pharmacol 8. Was the reaction more severe when the +1 0 0 ____
dose was increased, or less severe when the
Ther 1981;30:239-45 dose was decreased?
9. Did the patient have a similar reaction to +1 0 0 ____
the same or similar drugs in any previous
10. Was the adverse event confirmed by any +1 0 0 ____
objective evidence?
Total Score ____
9 Highly Probable
5-8 Probable
1-4 Possible
0 Doubtful
Detecting ADR
Documentation of ADR
Reporting serious ADR to AMC