IND As - 116 Leases GPT
IND As - 116 Leases GPT
IND As - 116 Leases GPT
The objective is to ensure that lessees and lessors provide relevant information in a
manner that faithfully represents those transactions.
Ind AS 116 will replace current Ind AS 17 Leases, from its proposed effective date 1
April 2019.
An entity shall apply this Standard consistently to contracts with similar
characteristics and in similar circumstances.
Definitions of a Lease
• Identified asset.
• Lessee obtains substantially all of the
economic benefits.
• Lessee directs the use.
If all the above conditions are fulfilled the
Contract will classify as lease.
Scope of IND AS 116
Subsequent Measurement
The accounting treatment of leases involves measuring
lease liabilities and right-of-use assets, impacting
future lease payment obligations and asset values.
Disclosure Requirements
The standard sets out specific requirements for
lessees to disclose information about their leases in
the financial statements and related notes.
Lessor Accounting
Lease Income
Lessors recognize lease income over the lease
term, reflecting the transfer of the underlying
asset and the passage of time.
Impact on Financials
The standard affects lessors' profit recognition,
classification of leases, and presentation of
financial information in the income statement.
Asset Management
Lessor accounting involves assessing and
managing the credit risk associated with
leases, as well as allocating profits and costs
from lease contracts.
Operating leases
Off-Balance-Sheet Treatment Limited Duration
Operating leases do not result in the recognition of an Operating leases often cover a shorter period than the
asset or a liability on the lessee's balance sheet. economic life of the leased asset.
Interest Expense
The interest expense associated with financing
leases is front-loaded, reflecting a higher cost early
in the lease term.
Impact on Financial Statements
Income Statement Balance Sheet
Lease accounting directly impacts the income Recognition of lease liabilities and right-of-use assets
statement, including operating expenses, depreciation, significantly impacts the balance sheet structure and
and interest expenses. financial position.
Complex Contracts
Dealing with complex lease contracts and the
interpretation of lease terms can create practical
challenges in applying the standard's requirements.
Practical Expedients
The standard provides practical expedients for certain
aspects of lease accounting, but deciding when and
how to apply them requires careful consideration.
Presentation and Disclosure
Financial Statements
Lease accounting requirements demand specific
presentation methods in financial statements to reflect
lease transactions accurately.
Lease Commitments
Disclosure of future lease payments and other lease-
related commitments in the financial statements is
crucial for transparency.