LECTURE - 2021-Rizal's Second Travel Abroad

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Higher Education and

Life Abroad
Rizal’s Second Travel Abroad
In Hongkong and Japan

February 3, 1888:
Rizal sailed to Hongkong onboard “Zafiro”

He stayed inside the ship during its

short stop at Amoy

Hounded by powerful enemies, Rizal was forced to

leave his country for a second time in February
1888. He was then a full-grown man of 27 years of
age, a practicing physician, and a recognized man-
In Hongkong and Japan

Jose Rizal stayed at the Victoria Hotel in

He was welcomed by the Filipino
residents like Jose Maria Basa, Balbino
Mauricio and Manuel Yriarte (son of
Francisco Yriarte, alcalde mayor of Laguna)

He experienced the firecracker-laden

Chinese New Year and the marathon
lauriat party with numerous dishes being
In Hongkong and Japan
· February 3, 1888-Rizal left Manila for Hong Kong on board the Zafiro
· February 7, 1888- Zafiro made a brief stopover at Amoy
· Rizal did not get off his ship at Amoy for three reasons: (1) he was not
feeling well (2) it was raining hard (3) he heard that the city was dirty
· February 8, 1888- Rizal arrived in Hong Kong
· Victoria Hotel- Rizal stayed while in Hong Kong. He was welcomed by
Filipino residents, including Jose Maria Basa, Balbino Mauricio, and
Manuel Yriarte (son of Francisco Yriarte (son of Francisco Yriarte,
alcalde mayor of Laguna)
· Jose Sainz de Varanda- a Spaniard, who was a former secretary of
Governor General Terrero,
shadowed Rizal’s movement in Hong Kong
-it is believed that he was commissioned by the Spanish authorities to
spy on Rizal
· “Hong Kong”, wrote Rizal to Blumentritt on February 16, 1888, “is a
small, but very clean city.”
In Hongkong and Japan

-Macao is a Portuguese colony near Hong Kong.

-According to Rizal, the city of Macao is small, low,
and gloomy. There are many junks, sampans, but
few steamers. It looks sad and is almost dead.
· February 18, 1888- Rizal, accompanied by Basa,
boarded the ferry steamer, Kiu-Kiang for Macao
· Don Juan Francisco Lecaros- A filipino gentleman
married to a Portuguese lady
-Rizal and Basa stayed at his home while in Macao
· February 18, 1888- Rizal witnessed a Catholic
possession, in which the devotees were dressed in
and purple dresses and were carrying unlighted
· February 20, 1888- Rizal and Basa returned to
Hong Kong, again on board the ferry steamer Kiu
In Hongkong and Japan
· February 22, 1888- Rizal left Hong Kong
on board the Oceanic, an American
steamer, his destination was Japan
· Rizal’s cabin mate was a British
Protestant missionary who called Rizal “a
good man”

From Hongkong, Rizal reached

Yokohama, Japan on 28th of
February and proceeded to Tokyo He lived in a Spanish legation in Tokyo
the following day upon the invitation of its secretary
Juan Perez Caballero.
(legation= a diplomatic representative office of
lower rank than an embassy)
From Hongkong to Japan
p an
March 1888:

Rizal heard a Tokyo Band nicely

playing a European music.

He found out that some of its

members are Filipinos

What amused most Rizal was the

Japanese girl who passed by the legation

She was the 23-year-old Seiko Usui

whom he fondly called ‘O-Sei-San’
p an
Here is the story of Jose Rizal and Seiko Ja
JOSE RIZAL – Here is the month-long love
story of our national hero Jose Rizal with
the Japanese and a Samurai’s daughter
Seiko Usui.
In his list of the woman who captured our
hero Jose Rizal, among them is the
Japanese and the Samurai’s daughter O
Sei San or Seiko Usui whom he fondly
called before as Seiko. He met her during
one of her afternoon walks and
immediately asked a Japanese gardener
who she is as he got charmed right away
by her. She can talk both in English and
French, hence, the start of them
conversing and bonding.
O-Sei-San became Rizal’s generous tour
guide as she took him to Japan’s shrines,
parks, universities, and other interesting
places like the Imperial Art Gallery,
Imperial Library, and the Shokubutsu-en
(Botanical Garden). Along with it, she also
taught him to speak their language. Thus,
he fell in love with her which is not quite
surprising already, right?
However, after a month, on April 13, 1888,
he left with the fact of not seeing her ever
again. In 1987, she married Alfred
Charlton, British chemistry teacher of the
Peer’s School in Tokyo. They got a child
and she died on May 1, 1947, at the age of
80 placed beside her husband’s tomb at
Zoshigawa Cemetery.
As Rizal had written:

“Japan has enchanted me. The beautiful

scenery, the flowers, the trees,
and the inhabitants – so peaceful,
so courteous, and so pleasant.
O-Sei-San, Sayonara, Sayonara!
I have spent a happy golden month;
I do not know if I can have another
one like that in all my life.
Love, money, friendship, appreciation,
honors –these have not been wanting.
To think that I am leaving this life for the
uncertain, the unknown.
There I was offered an easy way to live,
beloved and esteemed…”
Rizal in Japan
28 February 1888
After days of travel, he arrived at Yokohama, registered at the Grand Hotel;
He was offered the Spanish Legation for his home;
While in Japan, Rizal studied the habits and customs of the Japanese people, their language,
theaters and commerce;
1 March 1888
He checked out of the Grand Hotel and entrained for Tokyo and lodged at the Tokyo Hotel.
4 March 1888
He wrote Blumentritt about the honesty, courtesy, cleanliness and industry of the Japanese.
However, He also expressed his disgust on the use of the mandrawn “jinrikisha” (a small two-wheeled
cart for one passenger, pulled by one person)
7 March 1888
Rizal checked out of Tokyo Hotel and moved to the Spanish legation where he was offered free
board and lodging.
15 March 1888
Rizal first saw O-Sei-San walking past the gate of the Spanish Legation.
7 April 1888
Rizal wrote his family and envisioned that in the future the Philippines would have more contact
and relation with Japan.
13 April 1888
Rizal left Yokohama for San Francisco on board the Belgic
Rizal Sailed to West SS B

April 13, 1888

Rizal boarded the “SS Belgic”
In the vessel, he befriended Tetcho
Suehiro, a Japanese novelist and
human rights fighter.
Suehiro was also forced by their April 28
government to leave his country. The ship arrived in San Francisco.
For a week, the passengers were
quarantined because of the cholera
May 6, 1888 outbreak in the Far East.
Rizal went to Oakland on board a train. But in reality, some politicians were
Took his evening meal in Sacramento just questioning the arrival of the
and woke up in Reno, Nevada. Chinese in the ship who would
He visited the states of Utah, displace white laborers in railroad-
Colorado, Nebraska, Illinois. construction projects.
He reached New York on May
13, 1888
On Bedloe Island, he had seen
the Statue of Liberty
symbolizing freedom and
e of L iberty
Statu Island
B e d lo e
Rizal also observed that there
was racial inequality in the land.

He then concluded that the real

freedom is only for the whites 19th Century Train in New York
May 16, 1888:
Rizal sailed for Liverpool and arrived there
on May 24.

He reached London a day after and stayed

briefly at Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor’s house.

Later, he boarded at the Beckett

He was lovingly served by Gertrude, his
Gertrude Beckett landlord’s daughter.

June 1888:
Rizal made friends with Dr. Reinhold Rost and his family.
Dr. Rost had a good Filipiniana library in house, being an expert in
Malayan language.
He decribed Rizal as “A PEARL OF A MAN”. ome
ity of R
While still in London, Rizal manually
copied and annotated Morga’s
Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas.
This is a rare book available in the
British Museum.

He also became the honorary

president of the patriotic society
Asociacion La Solidaridad.
He had written articles for the La

He also visited Paris, Madrid and Barcelona

in his 10-month stay in London.
While in Spain, Jose Rizal met Marcelo H. del Pilar for the
first time.

Del Pilar was one of the renowed members of the

Propaganda Movement along with Graciano Lopez Jaena
PROPAGANDA was a patriotic socio-political organization
founded in 1872 by the Filipinos who settled in Europe.

Its members were Filipino liberals who were exiled in 1872

and the Filipino students studying in Europe during that
Advocacy of the Propagandists:
a. The recognition of the Philippines as a
province of Spain and its (Philippines)
The Propaganda primarily aimed to representation in the Spanish Parliament;
bring to Spain’s attention the real b. The secularization of the Philippine parishes
needs of the colony, the Philippines. and clergy;
c. The equality between the Spanish and the
Filipino, especially in entering government
The Propaganda Movement is branded service;
as Assimilationist d. The establishment of government-funded
schools run by the friars;
The assimilationist stand in Rizal’s e. The abolition of the “polo” (forced labor) and
time refers mainly to the advocacy to Forced sale of local products (vandala) to the
have the Philippines be treated as one government; and
of Spain’s provinces. f. The recognition of human rights and
freedom, especially the freedoms of speech
Rizal and Del Pilar are said to have and association
later abandoned the “assimilationist”
In France
On March 1889, Rizal went to Paris.
He lived shortly in the house of his friend,
Valentin Ventura.

He later transferred to a little room where

he had room mates.

Two (2) of his room mates were Filipinos –

one was Jose Albert.
ue Natio
While in Paris, Rizal frequently visited nale
the Bibliotique Nationale, working on
his Sucesos.
Rizal witnessed the universal
He spent his spare hours in the houses exposition of Paris, having as
of friends like Juan Luna and his wife its greatest attraction the
Paz Pardo de Tavera. Eiffel Tower.
Eiffel To
In France

Still in France, Rizal formed the KIDLAT CLUB

In France

Rizal also organized the Indios Bravos

In Belgium After celebrating Yuletide Season in Paris in
1889, Rizal visited London for the last time.

He then left Paris for Brussels with Jose Albert

on January 20, 1890. They stayed in a
boarding house admistered by the Jacobe
sisters (Suzanne and Marie).

He met and had a transitory affair with

Suzzane (another Suzanne) who was the niece
of his landladies.
In Belgium
• Rizal busied himself in writing the El Filibusterismo and
contributing to the La Solidaridad.
• He used the pen names Dimas Alang and Laong Laan.
• When he heard the news that Calamba agrarian was getting
worse, he decided to go home.
• However, Paciano informed him that they lost the case in
court against the Dominicans and decided to bring the case
to Madrid.
• This made Rizal decide to go to Madrid instead of going
back to the Philippines.
• He intended to look for a lawyer and sought the help of
influential people who would defend the Calamba tenants.
While in Madrid, he met the Filipino student,

He counseled Evangelista to take Engineering

in Belgium – University of Ghent (one of the
world’s leading engineering schools during
August 1890 that time.

Evangelista later finished engineering and

Rizal travelled to Madrid
architecture with highest honors.
along with his lawyer,
Marcelo H. de Pilar. Some European companies offered rewarding
positions to Evangelista but he turned them
down, because he wanted to serve his country,
He could not find any
the Philippines.
influential Spaniard who
could help them. Edilberto Evangelista
In Madrid
Luna became Rizal’s good friend, while
Retana became Rizal’s first non-Filipino
Challenges that Rizal biographer.
experienced while ha was
in Madrid
Rizal also heard the news of Leonor
Rivera’s marriage to an Englishman
Henry Kipping, who was the choice of
Rizal challenged his friend Antonio Leonor’s mother.
Luna to a duel when he (Luna), having
failed in seeking the love of Nellie
Boustead, gave negative comments of
b o rted There also emerged the Del Pilar-Rizal rivalry for
the lady. were a
h d u el s leadership in the “Asociacion Hispano Filipino”.
Bot The election for a leader resulted to an unpleasant
Rizal also dared Wenceslao Retana to split among the Filipinos in Madrid. (Rizalistas vs
a duel when because Retana wrote in
Because of this, Rizal decided to leave Madrid, to
the Anti-Filipino newspaper La Epoca, avoid serious factions among Filipinos in Madrid.
that Rizal’s family was not paying its
land rent.
In Biarritz, Paris and Brussels

Rizal proceeded to take a more-than-

a-month vacation in Biarritz.
Biarrits is a tourist town in
Southwestern France, noted for its Biarritz, France
mild climate and sand beaches.

He arrived in February 1891 and was

welcomed as a family guest in the house of
the Bousteds, especially with Nellie.

Rizal had a serious, romantic relationship

with Nellie, but failed.
In Biarritz, Paris and Brussels

In Biarrits, Rizal continued to work on his

El Filibusterismo and completed its
manuscript on March 29, 1891.
He departed for Paris the following day.

The Jacobies, especially Suzanne Jacobe,

cordially welcomed his arrival in Brussels
in April 1891.

It was in Brussels that Rizal revised and

prepared for printing his second novel
“El Filibusterismo”.
June 1891:
Rizal was already looking for a printing
Valentin Ventura hosted his short stay in Paris. firm to print the EL FILIBUSTERISMO
In Ghent
Rizal learned that the printing cost in
Ghent was cheaper, so he went to the
place in July 1891.

He lived in a low-cost boarding where he

had a roommate, Jose Alejandro, who
was an engineering student in the
University of Ghent.

They rented a room exclusive of

breakfast to save the cost.

They bought a box of biscuit, counted the

contents and computed for their daily
ration, for a month. 19,450000

In just 15 days, Alejandro had eaten all

his ration while Rizal maintained his daily
In Hongkong and
October 1891:
Rizal left Europe for Hongkong
He was onboard the ship “Melbourne”.
He began writing his 3rd novel while
onboard, but it was not finished.

November 20 1891:
He arrived in Hongkong;
Resided at No. 5 D’ Aguilar Street, #2
Rednaxela Terrace.
In Hongkong, Jose Rizal opened a Medical Clinic.
A Portuguese friend, Dr. Loremzo P. Marquez, helped him to get
many patrons of various nationalities.

His successfufl operation of his mother’s left eye allowed her to

read again.
In Hongkong and
March 1892:
Rizal went to Sandakan (East Malaysia)
aboard the boat “Menon”.
He wanted to negotiate with British
authorities concerning the founding of a
Filipino colony in North Borneo (now
called Sabah)

March 21, 1892:

Rizal had written Governor-General Eulogio
Despujol asking him to allow the landless
Filipinos, especially the deported Calamba April 1892:
tenants, to establish themselves inNorth Rizal was backe in Hongkong.
Second Homecoming
June 21, 1892:
Rizal left Hongkong.
He wanted to confer with Gov.-Gen Despujol concerning his
North Borneo colonization project.
He traveled back to Manila along with his sister Lucia

Unknown to Rizal, the Spanish Consul in Hongkong sent a

cablegram to Despujol telling him figuratively that “The rat
is in the trap”.

A secret case against Rizal was thus filed in Manila for an

anti-religious and anti-patriotic public campaign.
Second Homecoming
Rizal and his sister Lucia arrived in
Manila at noon on June 26, 1892.
At 7:00PM he was able to meet
Despujol in Malacañan who agreed to
pardon his father and told him to return
on June 29.
He visited his sisters and friends in
Manila afterwards.

June 27, 1892:

Rizal took a train and visited his friends
in Central Luzon;
Made s stopover at Bautista Mansion in
Malolos, Bulacan;
Spent the night in the house of Evaristo
Puno in Tarlac, Tarlac (30 kilometers
away from the house of Leonor Rivera-
Kipping in Camiling)
Second Homecoming

July 3, 1892:
He went to San Fernando, Bacolor, Jose Rizal spearheaded a
Pampanga and returned to Manila on meeting in the house of
June 28, 1892 at 5:00PM Doroteo Ongjunco in Ylaya
Street, Tondo, Manila.
This was attended by at least
20 Filipinos, including Andres
June 29, 30 and July 3, 1892:
Rizal had another interviews with
Bonifacio and Apolinario
Despujol Mabini.
Rizal’s Colonization Project was rejected,
But his requestService 01 exile of his
to lift the
sisters was granted.
Rizal explained the aims of La
Liga Filipina
Officers were elected, having
Ambrosio Salvador as the
President of the league.

nde I
ly 3
, 18
3 days after (July 6) the meeting (La
Second Homecoming Liga), Rizal was arrested during his
interview with the governor-general.

Despujol showed him anti-friar

leaflets Pobres Frailes (Poor Friars)
allegedly discovered in his sister
Lucia’s pillow cases.

Rizal was imprisoned in Fort

Santiago for almost 10 days;

July 14, at 12:30 AM, he was

brought to the steamer “Cebu” to be
exiled in Dapitan, Zamboaga del
“A person who never made a mistake
n e v e r t r i e d a n y t h i n g n e w. ”

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