Rizal-Report 091150
Rizal-Report 091150
Rizal-Report 091150
On March 7, Rizal checked out of Tokyo Hotel and April 13, 1888 – Rizal and Tetcho met on board the
lived at the Spanish Legation. He and Perez Caballero Belgic
became good friends. Rizal befriended Tetcho Suehiro, a Japanese journalist,
Rizal was embarrassed because he couldn’t speak novelist, and human rights champion, on board the
Japanese. He looked like Japanese, but could not talk Belgic. Tetcho was forced to leave Japan due to his
Japanese. He had a hard time shopping, for he could not activism, similar to Rizal’s situation. Rizal acted as
be understood and the Japanese children laughed at him. Tetcho’s interpreter during their eight-month journey
from Yokohama to London.
Rizal decided to study the Japanese language, to avoid
further embarrassment He also studied the Japanese December 1, 1888, Rizal and Tetcho parted ways. Rizal
drama (kabuki), arts, music, and judo (Japanese art of stayed in London to conduct researches on Mora at the
self-defense). British Museum, while Tetcho returned to Japan.
March, 1888 – when Rizal was walking in street of Tetcho resigned as the editor of Tokyo newspaper Choya
Tokyo near a park. He heard a Tokyo and entered politics. He was elected to the Japanese
Band playing a classical work by Strauss and parliament in 1890 and continued fighting for human
he was surprised when he found out that the rights. He published a political novel titled “Nankai-no-
band members were actually Filipinos. Daiharan” (Storm over the Sputh Sea) on 1891 which
resembles Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere and “O-unabara”
Rizal was favorably impressed by Japan. (The Big Ocean) on 1894 resembled to El
The things which favorably impressed Rizal in Japan Filibusterismo. Feb, 1896 (10 months before Rizal’s
were the natural beauty, cleanliness and politeness of the execution) Tetcho died because of heart attack in Tokyo.
people, picturesque dress and charm of Japanese, low
crime rate, rarely seen beggars. The only thing he
Chapter 13 – Rizal’s Visit to the United State (1888) Rizal reached New York on May 13, Sunday morning.
He stayed three days in this city, which he called “the
Big Town” He visited the scenic and historic places. He
Rizal saw America on April 18, 1888. His impression was awed and inspired by the memorial to George
There first was not good because of racial Washington. Of this American, he wrote to Ponce: “He
discrimination. He saw how the white Americans is a great man who, I think, has no equal in this country”
discriminate Chinese and the Negros. He kept notes of
He left foe England on May 16, aboard the City of Rome
what he observed during his trip to San Francisco to
and saw the Statue of Liberty.
New York, where he took a ship for England.
Rizal had good and bad impression of the United States.
His arrival in San Francisco, on the streamer Belgic, but
was quarantined due to alleged cholera epidemic. All Positive observations were:
passengers were not allowed to land. He discovered that
Economic progress (cities, industries,
the quarantine was motivated by politics, targeting
Chinese coolies.
Drive and work ethics of America.
After a week of quarantine, all first-class passengers, Beautiful landscapes.
including Rizal, were permitted to land. But the Chinese High living standard.
and Japanese passengers of the second and third-class Opportunities for immigants
accommodations were forced to remain on board for a
Negative observations were:
longer quarantine period.
Lack of racial equality. Rizal saw that racial
On Friday afternoon, May 4, 1888, the day he was
discrimination existed, contradicting America’s
permitted to go ashore, Rizal registered at the Palace
ideals of freedom and democracy.
Hotel for $4 a day, including amenities. Rizal noticed
His comment to Ponce: “They do not have true
that Market Street was the best street and mentioned
civil liberty”
influential people like Senator Leland Stanford - who
was a millionaire senator representing California in the
U.S. Senate at that time.