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Präsentation Deutsch
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Jugend in
Präsentation von Stefani,
Darina, Gergana und
Teenager behavior infographics
Ordinary adolescent signs
Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only
Lack of frustration tolerance one that harbors life in the Solar System
55 44
Moodiness and irritability
% %
37 65
Defiance or rebellion
% %
39 80
Alcohol consumption
% %
61 64
Information withholding
% %
50 72
Ups and downs at school
% %
Teenager behavior infographics
How typical is this behavior in teens?
Increased arguments
58 Earth is the third planet from the
% Sun and the only one that harbors
● persönliche ● Anforderungen
Entwicklung ● Fächer
● Zukun
● Freizeitgestaltung
Familie Kommunikation
Freizeitaktivitäten Schule
● entschiedende Rolle
● Beziehungen ● Druck and
● Gespräche Erwartungen
● soziale Medien
Teenager behavior infographics
Parents: how can you help your teen during this transition?
Give them
Actively listen Stay connected
Jupiter is the biggest Neptune is the
Saturn is a gas giant
planet in the Solar fourth-largest planet
and has several rings
System by diameter
Technologie Ausbildung
• Verschiedene akademische
• Unterschiede im Laufe
und berufliche
der Zeit. Möglichkeiten
Loss of control
Abnormal behavior Mercury is the closest planet to the
Sun and the smallest one in the
Neptune is the fourth-
Solar System
largest planet by
Venus is terribly hot, even hotter
than Mercury, and its atmosphere is
Teenager behavior infographics
Concerning teen behavior
Being physically abusive Earth is the third planet from the Sun
Staying out all night Neptune is very far away from Earth
Increased arguments
Sadness Depression
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet
the smallest one in the System in the Solar System
1 2 3 4 5
Ignore mild Try to
Understand the Be a role model Set clear
forms of understand their
teenage brain to your teen boundaries
disrespect new needs
The Sun is the star at Mercury is the Jupiter is the biggest
Venus is the second Saturn is a gas giant
the center of the smallest planet of planet in the Solar
planet from the Sun and has several rings
Solar System them all System
Teenager behavior infographics
How to handle disrespectful behavior
Avoid unnecessary
3 arguments
Jupiter is a gas giant and the
biggest planet of them all
Teenager behavior infographics
Sample behavior chart
Venus has a beautiful name and Jupiter is the fourth-brightest Saturn is composed of hydrogen
is the second planet from the planet and it was named after a and helium. It was named after
Sun Roman god a Roman god
Earth is the third planet from Venus is terribly hot, even Neptune is the fourth-largest
the Sun and the only one that hotter than Mercury, and its planet by diameter in the Solar
harbors life atmosphere is poisonous System
Mars is full of iron oxide dust, The Moon is Earth’s only Uranus is the seventh planet
which gives the planet its natural satellite, and it always from the Sun and has the third-
reddish cast faces our planet largest diameter
Teenager behavior infographics
Teenagers and drugs: stats
Stress Trust
The Sun is the star at
Saturn is a gas giant
the center of the
and has several rings
Solar System
Earth is the third planet Neptune is the fourth- Mercury is the closest Jupiter is a gas giant
Venus has a beautiful
from the Sun and the largest planet by planet to the Sun and and the biggest planet
name and is the second
only one that harbors diameter in the Solar the smallest in the in the entire Solar
planet from the Sun
life System Solar System System
Email address
The Sun is the star at the center
of the Solar System
Phone number
Jupiter is a gas giant and the
biggest planet of them all
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Teenager behavior infographics
Schule Technologie
Set clear rules Choose your battles Take your teen seriously
The Sun is the star at the center of Venus is the second planet from Despite being red, Mars is
the Solar System the Sun actually a very cold place
Share your feelings Learn to live with mistakes Respect their privacy
Ceres is located in the main Jupiter is a gas giant and the Neptune is the farthest planet
asteroid belt biggest planet of them all from the Sun
Teenager behavior infographics
Reinforce good behavior with this teen-approved rewards