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Rio Jundiaí
O rio que temos
O nome “Rio Jundiaí” vem do tupi Jundiá, que eram os principais peixes encontrados
nesse rio, Jundiá vem do nome peixe e “i” vem de rio.
A nascente do Rio Jundiaí se localiza na Serra da Pedra Vermelha, enquanto
sua foz fica no Rio Tietê, tendo uma extensão de 123 km².
Principais rios da bacia
Os principais rios da bacia são: Atibaia, Atibainha, Cachoeira, Camanducaia, Capivari, Corumbataí, Jaguari, Jundiaí e
Piracicaba. Ao todo a sua bacia possui uma área de 1.114 km²
Importância de suas
O Rio Jundiaí é responsável pelo
abastecimento de toda cidade e por
isso tem grande importância. Com isso,
consequentemente é utilizado em
fazeres domésticos, indústrias,
comércio, lazer e redes públicas.
Qualidade de suas
Atualmente após passar por um longo período de
despoluição o rio Jundiaí é considerado de classe 3, que é
a segunda pior classe, tendo uma baixa qualidade, mas
ainda assim, sendo boa para o abastecimento da cidade.
O rio que queremos
About the Product
Mercury is the closest planet to
the Sun and the smallest one in
the Solar System—it’s only a bit
larger than the Moon
01About Us
You can enter a subtitle here if you
need it
Our evolution
Must Do Frequency
Angelina Doe Despite being red, Earth is the third
Mars is a cold place planet from the Sun
Age: 35
Occupation: IT Must Never Relationship
Education: University Saturn is a gas giant Mercury is the
Personality: Extrovert and has rings smallest planet
Buyer Journey
01 02 03
01 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun
02 It’s a gas giant and has several rings
03 It’s the closest planet to the Sun
04 Despite being red, Mars is a cold place
Competitor Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
Saturn is the sixth planet from Jupiter is the fifth planet from
the Sun and the second-largest the Sun and the largest in the
in the Solar System Solar System
Our SWOT Analysis
Weaknesses Opportunities
Goal 1 Goal 3
Goal 2 Goal 4
Mercury is the
smallest planet
Key Action 2 Saturn
Earth is where we It’s a gas giant and
all live on has several rings
Key Action Items
Here you can describe Here you can describe Here you can describe
Key Action 1 your items for the your items for the your items for the
quarter quarter quarter
Here you can describe Here you can describe Here you can describe
Key Action 2 your items for the your items for the your items for the
quarter quarter quarter
Here you can describe Here you can describe Here you can describe
Key Action 3 your items for the your items for the your items for the
quarter quarter quarter
Mercury Neptune
It’s the closest planet It’s the farthest
to the Sun planet from the Sun
Jupiter Neptune
Jupiter is a gas giant 40% Neptune is the fourth-
and the biggest planet largest planet in the
in the Solar System 60% Solar System
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KPI Overview
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Our Team
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Project Vision Deliver Value
Effective Efficiency Teamwork
● Accessory Buyers: Venus has a beautiful name, but also high temperatures
● Bloggers: Mercury is the smallest and innermost planet in the Solar System
● Computer Buyers: Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest
● Current Customers: Jupiter is the biggest planet in the entire Solar System
● Home Appliance Buyers: Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun
● Online Reviewers: Earth is the third planet from the Sun and where we all live on
Planet Venus has a
beautiful name
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place
Market Share
Planet Venus has a
beautiful name
To modify this graph, 859 1000 Despite being red,
click on it, follow the Mars is a cold place
link, change the data
and paste the new
graph here
It’s a gas giant and
the biggest planet
Sneak Peek
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the screens with your own
work. Just delete these ones,
add yours and center them
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[email protected]
+91 620 421 838
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