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Bacia hidrográfica do

Rio Jundiaí
O rio que temos
O nome “Rio Jundiaí” vem do tupi Jundiá, que eram os principais peixes encontrados
nesse rio, Jundiá vem do nome peixe e “i” vem de rio.
A nascente do Rio Jundiaí se localiza na Serra da Pedra Vermelha, enquanto
sua foz fica no Rio Tietê, tendo uma extensão de 123 km².
Principais rios da bacia
Os principais rios da bacia são: Atibaia, Atibainha, Cachoeira, Camanducaia, Capivari, Corumbataí, Jaguari, Jundiaí e
Piracicaba. Ao todo a sua bacia possui uma área de 1.114 km²
Importância de suas
O Rio Jundiaí é responsável pelo
abastecimento de toda cidade e por
isso tem grande importância. Com isso,
consequentemente é utilizado em
fazeres domésticos, indústrias,
comércio, lazer e redes públicas.
Qualidade de suas
Atualmente após passar por um longo período de
despoluição o rio Jundiaí é considerado de classe 3, que é
a segunda pior classe, tendo uma baixa qualidade, mas
ainda assim, sendo boa para o abastecimento da cidade.
O rio que queremos

• Queremos um rio com uma qualidade mais elevada, um rio na classe 1.

• Queremos um rio em que possa ser feito atividades de lazer a sua volta ou
dentro do próprio.
About the Product
Mercury is the closest planet to
the Sun and the smallest one in
the Solar System—it’s only a bit
larger than the Moon
01About Us
You can enter a subtitle here if you
need it
Our evolution

2017 2018 2019 2020

Mercury Venus Jupiter Saturn

It’s the smallest and It has a beautiful It’s the fifth planet It’s the sixth planet
innermost planet in name, but also very from the Sun and from the Sun and
the Solar System high temperatures the largest the second-largest
What Sets Us Apart?

100% A critical Trusted

organic mission partnership
Venus has a beautiful It’s the smallest and It’s the sixth planet from
name, but also a innermost planet in the the Sun and the second-
poisonous atmosphere Solar System largest
“This is a quote, words full of wisdom
that someone important said and can
make the reader get inspired.”
Buyer Persona
Internet Influences
Software Venus has a
Social beautiful name

Must Do Frequency
Angelina Doe Despite being red, Earth is the third
Mars is a cold place planet from the Sun
Age: 35
Occupation: IT Must Never Relationship
Education: University Saturn is a gas giant Mercury is the
Personality: Extrovert and has rings smallest planet
Buyer Journey

01 02 03

Awareness Consideration Decision

Mercury is the closest Despite being red, Mars Jupiter is a gas giant and
planet to the Sun is a cold place the biggest planet
Sales Funnel

01 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun

02 It’s a gas giant and has several rings

03 It’s the closest planet to the Sun

04 Despite being red, Mars is a cold place
Competitor Analysis

20% 10% 50% 25%

Mercury Mars Venus Jupiter

It’s the closest planet Despite being red, Venus has a A gas giant and the
to the Sun Mars is a cold place beautiful name biggest planet
SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

Venus is the second planet from Mercury is the smallest and

the Sun. It is named after a innermost planet in the entire
Roman goddess Solar System

Opportunities Threats

Saturn is the sixth planet from Jupiter is the fifth planet from
the Sun and the second-largest the Sun and the largest in the
in the Solar System Solar System
Our SWOT Analysis

Weaknesses Opportunities

Strengths Jupiter is the biggest Neptune is the Threats

planet in the entire farthest planet from
Despite being red, Solar System the Sun Saturn is composed
Mars is actually a mostly of hydrogen
very cold place and helium

Goal 1 Goal 3

Venus has a beautiful Jupiter is a gas giant

name, but also very and the largest planet
high temperatures in the Solar System

Goal 2 Goal 4

Saturn is composed Mercury is the smallest

mostly of hydrogen and innermost planet
and helium in the Solar System
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

Key Action 1 Mars

Neptune is far Despite being red,
away from Earth Mars is cold

Mercury is the
smallest planet
Key Action 2 Saturn
Earth is where we It’s a gas giant and
all live on has several rings
Key Action Items

First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter

Here you can describe Here you can describe Here you can describe
Key Action 1 your items for the your items for the your items for the
quarter quarter quarter

Here you can describe Here you can describe Here you can describe
Key Action 2 your items for the your items for the your items for the
quarter quarter quarter

Here you can describe Here you can describe Here you can describe
Key Action 3 your items for the your items for the your items for the
quarter quarter quarter

Mars Jupiter Saturn

Despite being red, It’s the biggest Saturn is the sixth
Mars is cold planet of them all planet from the Sun

Mercury Neptune
It’s the closest planet It’s the farthest
to the Sun planet from the Sun

Jupiter Neptune
Jupiter is a gas giant 40% Neptune is the fourth-
and the biggest planet largest planet in the
in the Solar System 60% Solar System

To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link, change the data and paste the new graph here
KPI Overview

Paid Search €1.5

25% 50%

Organic Search €2.7

Jupiter Venus
A gas giant and the Planet Venus has a Referral €3.2
biggest planet beautiful name

Productivity CPC by traffic

To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link, change the data and paste the new graph here
Our Team

David James Keanu Doe

You can replace the image on You can replace the image on
the screen with your own the screen with your own
Project Vision Deliver Value

Venus has a beautiful The second planet from

name, but also a the Sun. It is named after
poisonous atmosphere a Roman goddess

Effective Efficiency Teamwork

The fifth planet from the Saturn is the sixth planet

Sun and the largest in the from the Sun and the
Solar System second-largest
Awesome Words
Maybe You Need More Columns

Venus Mercury Saturn

Planet Venus has a It’s the closest planet to It’s composed of
beautiful name the Sun hydrogen and helium

Jupiter Mars Earth

It’s the biggest planet in Despite being red, Mars It’s the third planet from
the Solar System is a cold place the Sun
Big numbers catch your audience's attention
Active Marketing List

● Accessory Buyers: Venus has a beautiful name, but also high temperatures
● Bloggers: Mercury is the smallest and innermost planet in the Solar System
● Computer Buyers: Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest
● Current Customers: Jupiter is the biggest planet in the entire Solar System
● Home Appliance Buyers: Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun
● Online Reviewers: Earth is the third planet from the Sun and where we all live on

Planet Venus has a
beautiful name

Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place
Market Share
Planet Venus has a
beautiful name
To modify this graph, 859 1000 Despite being red,
click on it, follow the Mars is a cold place
link, change the data
and paste the new
graph here
It’s a gas giant and
the biggest planet
Sneak Peek
You can replace the images on
the screens with your own
work. Just delete these ones,
add yours and center them
Do you have any questions?
[email protected]
+91 620 421 838

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infographics & images by Freepik
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Marketing Icon Pack
Alternative Resources
Alternative Resources


● Side view pregnant woman drinking water

● Smiley woman working out on the beach

● Older man staying hydrated while traveling outdoors

● Older man outdoors enjoying the beach


Photos Vectors

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ch ● Mix of brown, green, aquamarine, red an
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● Sitting ethnic teenager in checkered shirt ● Abstract watercolor shapes covers collect
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● Glass and jug with refreshing water
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orking out on the beach Icons
● Smiley woman working out on the beach
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Task 1

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Task 2
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