Crash Alert
Crash Alert
Crash Alert
An Accident Prevention and Detection System
2 Problem statement 4
3 Objectives 6
4 Literature Survey 9
5 Methodology 10
6 Workflow Overview 11
7 Project Timeline 12
8 System Architecture 13
9 components used 14
Problem Statement
Causes of Accidents:
Literature survey:
No Title/ Author Author name Key Points
1. Design of accident detection and Dr. Fahim Bin Basheer, • The study addresses the underexplored area of
alert system for motor cycles et al.2013 motorcycle accident detection by utilizing three
. parameters: acceleration/deceleration, vehicle tilt, and
body pressure changes.
• With precise data and an effective algorithm, accidents
can be detected with reasonable success. GPS technology
is employed to transmit vehicle coordinates to emergency
services, enhancing response and safety.
2. Arduino based Accident Prevention Dr. P. Upender et al.2014 • The paper presents a vehicle safety framework with
System with Eye Twitch and alcohol and eye-blink sensors to detect driver
Alcohol sensor impairment.
• When these sensors detect alcohol or drowsiness, the
system triggers alarms, such as LED lights and a buzzer,
and can automatically slow down the vehicle, aiming to
prevent accidents caused by driver impairment.
No Title/ Author Author Name Key Points
3. Drunk and Drive Controller for Dr. P.Manikandan, et al.2021 • The project focuses on reducing accidents caused by
Vehicles alcohol consumption while driving. It employs sensors to
detect alcohol levels in a driver's breath, and an Arduino-
based controller installed on the vehicle's steering.
• If alcohol levels exceed a certain threshold, the system
commands the engine to stop, effectively preventing
potential accidents
4. Accident Detection and Reporting Md. Syedul Amin, Jubayer • This paper proposes utilizing GPS receivers in vehicles
System using GPS, GPRS and GSM Jalil,2012 to monitor speed and detect accidents. When the speed
Technology drops below a specified threshold, it assumes an accident
and sends the location, time, and speed via a GSM
network to an Alert Service Center, aiding in timely
rescue efforts
No Title Author Name Key Points
5. Arduino Based Accident Prevention Dr. `A. Ambikapathy, et • The study focuses on enhancing road safety by integrating
Technique Using Eye Blink Sensor al.2021 an Eye Blink Sensing system (EBS) and a heart rate sensor
to alert drivers during drowsiness.
• An IR sensor constantly tracks the driver's eye, and
abnormal blinking rates trigger a buzzer alert. This model
aims to prevent accidents caused by driver inattentiveness.
6. Vehicle Accident Avoidance And Nachiket Wani, et al.2015 • This paper addresses the issue of delayed help in road
Detection System Using Gps, Gsm accidents. It proposes a system that not only detects
And Android Application accidents but also displays the accident location in text
form, along with nearby hospitals.
• The Location to Address Translation Sub-System converts
coordinates to textual addresses, improving the speed of
emergency response through Android Application.
Workflow Overview
Sensor Integration
Data Preprocessing
Real-Time Analysis
Alert Mechanism
Project Timeline
August sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
Project selection
Literature survey
Research and Requirement analysis
Prerequisite Course learning
Data collection and equipment
System Design and Architecture
Coding Implementation
Data analysis and code refinement
Hypothesis testing
System Architecture :
Components Used:
Accelerometer sensor: Accelerometer sensors can play a crucial role in an accident detector
project by providing essential data for detecting sudden changes in acceleration, deceleration, and
Eye blink sensor: This sensor module consists of the eye blink sensor frame, the IR sensor and
a relay. The vibrator device is connected to the eye blink sensor frame which is to be worn by the
driver. This vibrator vibrates whenever an accident occurs or the driver falls asleep.
Gyroscope sensor
Vibration Sensor: The purpose of this sensor is to sense any jerk given to the vehicle which is
the emulation of the accident occurrence in real time.
GPS sensor: GPS (Global Positioning System) sensors play a crucial role in an accident detector
system by providing accurate location information. When an accident is detected using other sensors
(accelerometers, gyroscopes, etc.), GPS data is immediately paired with this event to identify the
accident's location. Eye blink sensor
Components Used:
Microcontroller: The collected sensor data is sent to the microcontroller (Arduino) for
processing and analysis. The microcontroller is connected to a wireless communication module, such
as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or GSM/GPRS.This module allows the microcontroller to transmit data and alerts
to external devices or services.
Alcohol Ethanol gas sensor: Alcohol and ethanol gas sensors monitor the driver's breath for Arduino
alcohol content, providing real-time data to the system. If the alcohol level exceeds safe limits, the
system can trigger preventive measures to reduce the risk of alcohol-related accidents, enhancing road
In our project, we have successfully gathered crucial information related to accident prevention and
detection. By monitoring and analyzing accelerometer sensor values, we've made significant
progress in understanding the dynamics of vehicle movements and acceleration. Besides the
accelerometer sensors, we are also working with other sensors. These extra sensors will help make
our accident prevention and detection system even better.
• Basheer, Fahim Bin, et al. "Design of accident detection and alert system for motor cycles." 2013 IEEE
global humanitarian technology conference: South Asia satellite (GHTC-SAS). IEEE, 2013.
• Manikandan, P., et al. "Drunk and Drive Controller for Vehicles." 2021 International Conference on
Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE). IEEE, 2021.
• Amin, Md Syedul, Jubayer Jalil, and Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz. "Accident detection and reporting system
using GPS, GPRS and GSM technology." 2012 International Conference on Informatics, Electronics &
Vision (ICIEV). IEEE, 2012.
• Upender, P., G. Nikhil Reddy, and G. Santoshini. "Arduino based Accident Prevention System with Eye
Twitch and Alcohol sensor." 2020 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and
Communication Networks (CICN). IEEE, 2020.
• Ambikapathy, A., et al. "Arduino Based Accident Prevention Technique Using Eye Blink Sensor."
Advances in Power Systems and Energy Management: Select Proceedings of ETAEERE 2020.
Springer Singapore, 2021.
• Wani, Nachiket, Piyush Pangarkar, and Tarun Kewaliya. "VEHICLE ACCIDENT AVOIDANCE AND
Research Science and Management 2.12 (2015): 34-44.
Thank you…