20 - Dec - 2023 - Kontraktur Digiti III Manus Dextra

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General Surgery Division

Departement of Surgery
University of Halu Oleo

Contracture Digiti III Manus Dextra

Presentation by: General Surgery Division

Guided by: “dr. Tri Tuti Hendrawati, M. Kes, Sp. OT”
Emergency Case Report
December 2023
Patient’s Identity
Name : Nn. D.A
Age : 23 y.o
Sex : Female
Addres : Kendari
Religion : Moeslim
RM Number : 62 xx xx
Hospital date : 20 December 2023
Patient’s History
Main Complaint:
The middle finger Pain

A referral patient from the clinic came with complaints of pain and difficult to move in the
middle finger of the right hand which had been felt since 1 month ago. The patient has a
history of falling from the bathroom 1 month ago with the fall resting on the right side of the
body. Other complaints such as headaches(+), nausea (-), vomiting(-). Urination and
defecation are normal. The patient is currently taking the drugs methylprednisolone,
ethericoxib, eperisone. History of other diseases: HT (-), DM (-).
Physical Examination
General appearance : Mild ill
Consciousness : Compos Mentis (GCS 15,
Vital sign :
•Blood pressure : 111/79 mmHg
•Heart rate : 89 x/minutes
•Respiratory rate : 20 x/minutes
•Temperature : 36.1 C
•Oxygen saturation : 99%
BB : 36,5 Kg
TB : 152 cm

Generalization Status
Head: Normochepal
Eyes : Anemic (-), icteric (-), sunset phenomenon (-) pupil isocortical
Nose : Rinorrhea (-), epitaxis (-)
Mouth: stomatitis (-), cyanosis (-),
Neck: KGB enlargement (-),
Thorax: Symmetrical left and right, vesicular breath sounds, wh (-), rh
Abdomen: flat, follow the breath, normal peristalsis impression,
tympanic (+).
Upper extremities: acral warm, CRT < 2 seconds
Lower extremities: acral warm, CRT < 2 seconds
Physical Examination
Localist Status
Manus Dextra :
Inspection : Digini III deformity ((+) PIP Joint Flexion), hematoma (-),
erythema (-), edema (+)
Palpation : pain (+)
Sensitibilty (+)
Digiti III Manus (D) : There is resistance when straightening
Laboratory test
Routine Blood Test:
Item Result Units Reference range
WBC 3. 97 10^3/µL 4.0-10.0
RBC 4.03 10^6/µL 4,00-6,00
PLT 263 10^3/µL 150 – 400
HB 11.9 g/dl 12.0-16.0
HCT 34.0 % 37,0-48,0
MCV 86.8 fL 80.0-97.0
MCH 29.5 pg 26.5-33.5
MCHC 34.0 g/dl 31.5-35.0
Laboratorium test
Count Type
Item Result Units Reference range
Neutrophils 52.0 % 52.0-75.0
Lymphocytes 37.8 % 20-40
Monocytes 8.1 % 2.0-8.0
Eosinophils 0.8 % 1.0-3.0
Basophils 1.3 % 0.-0.10
Laboratorium test
Hemostasis & Coagulation
Items Result Units Reference Range

CT 6’35” Menit 1-9

BT 3’00” Menit 1-3

Examination result :
PA/Oblique Manus (D) photo
- Good alignment, normal
- There were no visible signs of fracture,
destruction or dislocation
- Bone mineralization is good
- The joint space is not narrowed
- Soft tissue around it is good
Manus photograph no shows abnormalities.
Working Diagnosis:
Contracture Digiti III Manus Dextra
- IVFD RL 20 drops per minute
- Dexametahsone 5 mg/8 jam/IV
Thank You
For Your Attention

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