FrmPatientViewAllReport - 2024-10-28T112559.713

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Date 28/10/2024 Patient Id37245008 Collection Date 28/10/2024 10:07:10

Name Mr. GHAN SHYAM Lab No. TM-1 Received Date 28/10/2024 10:07:11
Age 48 Yrs / Male Mob No. Report Date 28/10/2024 11:26:25
Ref Dr A.K. Bhatia Ref Lab
Sample Whole Blood EDTA
Test Name Value Unit Biological Ref. Range

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Haemoglobin 15.60 gm/dL 13.00 - 17.00
(Method : Photometrically CN-Free HB)
Red Blood Cells 5.24 mill/mm3 4.50 - 5.50
(Method: - Optical (2-Dimensional Technology)
Packed Cell Volume (PCV) 47.50 % 40.00 - 50.00
(Method : Calculated)
Mean Corpuscular Vol (MCV) 90.70 fL 83.00 - 101.00
Method: - Measured
Mean Corp. Hb (MCH) 29.80 pg 27.00 - 32.00
(Method: - Calculated)
Mean Corp. Hb Conc. (MCHC) 32.80 g/dL 31.50 - 34.50
(Method : Calculated)
Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) 14.10 % 11.50 - 15.00
(Method: - Measured)
Total Leucocytic Count (TLC) 8.33 thou/mm3 4.00 - 10.00
(Method: - Flowcytometry)
Differential Leukocyte Counts
Neutrophils 60 % 40 - 80
(Method: - Flowcytometry)
Lymphocytes 31 % 20 - 40
(Method: - Flowcytometry)
Eosinophils 02 % 01 - 06
(Method: - Flowcytometry)
Monocytes 07 % 02 - 10
(Method: - Flowcytometry)
Absolute Leukocyte Counts
Absolute Neutrophil count(ANC) 5.00 thou/mm3 2.00 - 7.50
(Method: - Flowcytometry)
Absolute Eosinophil count(AEC) 0.17 thou/mm3 0.04 - 0.50
(Method: - Flowcytometry)
Absolute Lymphocyte Count (ALC) 2.58 thou/mm3 1.00 - 3.00

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Date 28/10/2024 Patient Id37245008 Collection Date 28/10/2024 10:07:10
Name Mr. GHAN SHYAM Lab No. TM-1 Received Date 28/10/2024 10:07:11
Age 48 Yrs / Male Mob No. Report Date 28/10/2024 11:26:25
Ref Dr A.K. Bhatia Ref Lab
Sample Whole Blood EDTA
Test Name Value Unit Biological Ref. Range

(Method: - Flowcytometry)

Absolute Monocyte Count (AMC) 0.58 thou/mm3 0.20 - 1.00

(Method: - Flowcytometry)
Total Platelet Count 29.0 thou/cumm 150.0 - 410.0
(Method: Impedance, By Cell Counter)
Mean Platelets Volume (MPV) 10.20 fl 7.30 - 11.00
(Method: - Measured)
Peripheral Smear (PBF)
R.B.C Normocytic Normochromic RBC
(Method : Microscopic Observation)
W.B.C Adequate
(Method : Microscopic Observation)
Platelets Low 3 (+)
(Method : Microscopic Observation)
Malaria Parasite (M.P.) Negative
(Method : Microscopic Observation)
Abnormal Cells Negative
(Method : Microscopic Observation)
1. As per the recommendation of International Council for Standardization in Hematology, the differential leucocyte counts are
additionally being reported as absolute numbers in per unit volume of blood.
2. Mentzer index is calculated from the results of complete blood count (CBC). This index is the quotient of the mean corpuscular
volume (MCV, in fL) divided by the red blood cell count (RBC, in Millions per microLiter).
If Mentzer index is more than 13: Suggestive of iron deficiency anemia. Confirmation is done by serum iron studies.
If Mentzer index is less than 13: Suggestive of Beta Thalassemia. Confirmation is done by Hb Electrophoresis.
3. Megaloblastic anemia will be most likely when MCV & RDW are high, presence of hypersegmented neutrophils, leucopenia and
thrombocytopenia. Confirmation is done by serum Vitamin B12 and Folate levels.
4. EDTA induced pseudothrombocytopenia is a phenomenon seen in some patients where patient's blood has reaction with EDTA.
EDTA whole blood sample is commonly required for CBC. In such patients, platelets are present in clusters on peripheral blood
film. Sodium citrate/heparin samples should be taken to exclude the same.

***** End of Report *****

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