BC - ToPIC 6.3 - Part 2 (Braun, Ch25)

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3 (Part
Creating Persuasive Application and Cover Letters
• Why must I learn to write a persuasive application letter?
• What’s the Point of the Application/Cover Letter?
• What Kind of Letter Do I Write?
• How Are the Two Letters Different?
• How Long Should My Letter Be?
• How Do I Create the Right Tone?
A well-written application letter captures a
Why must I recruiter’s interest and motivates him or her to
read your résumé.
learn to
write a It also provides an important first impression of
you and your written communication skills.
application Its content must be well-organized, targeted,
and polished.
If your letter passes that first reading, your
résumé may be skimmed and moved to the
“keep” pile for further review.
What’s the Point of Use the application/cover letter to
the provide a brief preview of your resumé,
Application/Cover capturing the recruiter’s interest.
Letter? Customize it for your audience.

Focus on:
• key job requirements using the
posting’s language
• skills and knowledge
• language and information that
demonstrate your knowledge
• transferable and marketable skills
What Kind of Letter Do I Write?

• You found a job posting.

• A friend has advised you to
Solicited apply.
• You’ve read they are hiring.

• The company is not hiring

and no job ad exists.
Unsolicited • No requests have been
solicited, but you take the
initiative to write.
How Are the Two Letters Different?

Solicited Unsolicited
Beginning • States what you’re applying for • Catches the reader’s attention
and where you saw the posting • Bridges the attention getter to
• Provides a summary sentence your qualifications
serving as an outline
Middle • Develops your major • Develops your major
qualifications, tying them to the qualifications, identifying the
job requirements niche you wish to fill
• Provides evidence to support • Provides evidence to support
your claims your claims
• Shows your knowledge of the • Shows your knowledge of the
company company
End • Asks for an interview, noting • Asks for an interview, noting
your availability your availability
How Long Should My
Letter Be?

• Try to keep it to one page, hard copy, or the

equivalent length if email.
• Be sure your letter content is concise and clear.
• If your hard copy letter is still slightly over a page,
use smaller margins, or a type size that’s one
point smaller.
• If a second page is necessary, be sure the
content is essential.
How Do I Create the Right Tone?
Use you-attitude and positive emphasis.

• Create you-attitude by describing what you have done and showing

how that relates to what you can do for the prospective employer.
• Limit the use of I. Instead, use me or my.
• Avoid starting every paragraph with “I” by using adverbs,
prepositional phrases, or introductory clauses.
• Be positive. Avoid words with negative connotations.

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