R S HR Planning Slides 18032023 012357pm
R S HR Planning Slides 18032023 012357pm
R S HR Planning Slides 18032023 012357pm
Assessing availability of HR
Determining HR needs
Demand Forecasting
Supply Forecasting
Action Plan
Step 1:
Assessing Current HR
Step 2:
Demand Forecasting
Financial resources
HR Forecasting Methods
Trend analysis
Ratio analysis
Ratio trend analysis
Managerial judgment
Important modifying factors
HR Forecasting Methods
Trend analysis
Ratio analysis
◦ A big role
Qualifications inventories
Manual or computerized records listing employees’
education, career and development interests,
languages, special skills etc to be used in selecting
inside candidates for promotion
Recruitment plan
Training and Development plan
Retention plan
Promotion plan
Redeployment plan
Redundancy plan
Transfer plan
Succession plan
In summary
HR planning is concerned with the demand
and supply of labor and problems arising
from the process of reconciling these
The need for HR planning lies with the
long-term and short-term operational and
growth needs of the organization but also
with needs and aspirations of individuals
within the organization.
Issues to be addressed in HR
How many employees does the organization currently
What is the age profile, by department, of employees?
Where in the organization are these employees to be
Which are the biggest departments in the
What skills do the employees possess?
How many employees, on average, leave the
organization every year?
In which areas of expertise do the organization tend to
loose more employees?
Recruitment- Review
1. What should we know about HR so that we can
make effective decision? “HRIS”
Employee leasing
Internal redeployment
Recruitment process
Internal method
Job posting
Employee referrals
HR Planning HR inventory
How many?
Job Analysis Where? External source
What? (outside the organization)
Legal consideration
External method
Advertisement (media)
Campus visits
Trade unions
Internal vs External Recruitment
Internal Recruitment
Advantages Disadvantages
• Better selection • Limited choice
(foreknowledge of candidates’ • Failed applicants become
strengths and weaknesses) discontented
• Increases employee morale • Time wasted interviewing
• Adaptability (less training & inside candidates who will not
orientation required) be considered
• Cost effective • In-breeding of status quo
• Favoritism/nepotism
External Recruitment
Advantages Disadvantages
• Greater choice for selection • High cost
• Balanced HR mix • Adaptability problems
• Fairness • Wrong selection
• Environmental adaptability
Ad Construction
The Media: selection of the best medium
depends on the positions for which the
firm is recruiting.
Accept Reject
Correct Reject
Successful Decision Error
Accept Correct
Error Decision
Importance of Selection
Why careful selection is important?
Evaluate, hire, and place job applicants in the
best interests of both organization & individual
High performance of employees from the
High costs for hiring (selection cost, induction
and training/development cost, labor turnover
Costly legal implications of incompetent hiring
(negligent hiring litigation)
How to avoid litigation
Carefully scrutinize
Save records
Reject applicants
Assessment centre
Choice of Selection Methods
In choosing the right selection methods,
several technical factors need to be
considered like predictors and criteria to
Usefulness of methods used depends on
their reliability and validity.
Test Validity