13 - Hukum Ke 3 Termodinamika - Masykuri

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Physical Chemistry 1

Hukum ke-3
Dr. Mohammad Masykuri, M.Si.
Chemistry Education Study Program
Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Sebelas Maret University (UNS)
Website: http://masykuri.staff.fkip.uns.ac.id,
Teacher Training and Education Faculty
11/29/2023 email: [email protected] M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry
1 1
Sebelas Maret University Solo, Peb 2020
Feb 2020
Entropi dan Hukum Ketiga

Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1

Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
Entropi dan Hukum Ketiga

Pada volume

tekanan konstan

Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1

Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
Pernyataan Hukum Ketiga

The Third Law of Thermodynamics defines zero entropy:

The entropy of a perfect crystal is zero when the

temperature of the crystal is equal to absolute
zero (0 K)

As the crystal warms to temperatures above 0 K, the

particles in the crystal start to move. The entropy of
the crystal gradually increases with temperature as
the average kinetic energy of the particles increases.

Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1

Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
Aplikasi Hukum Ketiga

The difference between the entropy of a substance in

the solid, liquid, and gaseous phases.
The Entropy of Solid, Liquid, and Gaseous Forms of
Sulfur Trioxide:

Compound So (J/mol-K)
SO3(s) 70.7
SO3(l) 113.8
SO3(g) 256.76

Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1

Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
Aplikasi Hukum Ketiga

Nilai entropi molar standar

beberapa zat pada 298K

Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1

Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
Interpretasi Molecular dari Entropi
Absolute entropies have been measured for many substances.
Arrange the following in order of increasing entropy (S)

c l ic k h e r e

C (graphite) C (diamond) C (g)

S 0  molJK 

CH3CH2CH3(g) CH4(g) CH3CH2OH(l)

S 0  molJK 

Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1

Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
Aplikasi Hukum Ketiga

Pada pemanasan, terjadi pertambahan entropi sistem

dan pada pendinginan, terjadi penurunan entropi.
Perubahan entropinya bisa dihitung dari:
T2 0
T Proses
S  dT
tekanan konstan

Karena Cp selalu positif, maka setiap kenaikan suhu

selalu terjadi pertambahan entropi

Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1

Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
Penentuan Entropi pada Berbagai Suhu

1 Andaikan suatu zat padat mengalami perubahan

temperatur dari 0K sampai suatu temperatur di
bawah titik leburnya pada tekanan konstan, maka
perubahan entropinya dapat dihitung sebagai berikut:
Padat (0 K, P)  Padat (T, P)
C p0
S  ST0  S 00   dT
C 0 Dengan :
ST0  S 00  
dT S 00  0 JK 1mol 1
T dibawah titik lebur
Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1
Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
• Jawab: T
C p0
S  ST0  S 00   dT
T 0
S S 
0 0 p
T 0 dT

• Untuk air: ST = 0 + Cp ln (T2/T1)

• Untuk Fe: ST = 0 + integral ((a + bT2)/T) dT
ST = 0 + a ln (T2/T1) +b/2 (T22 – T21)
Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1
Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
Penentuan Entropi pada Berbagai Suhu

Entropi dari suatu zat pada setiap suhu yang dinyatakan

relatif terhadap entropinya pada nol mutlak dapat
diperoleh dengan mengintegrasi dq(rev)/T dari nol
absolut hingga suhu yang diinginkan.

2 Entropi standard untuk zat cair di atas titik leburnya:

Tleb u r
C p0 ( s )H lebur
C p0 (l )
S   dT   
T dT
T Tlebur Tleb u r

Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1

Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
Penentuan Entropi pada Berbagai Suhu

3 Entropi standard untuk suatu gas di atas titik didihnya:

Tleb u r 0 T 0
C ( s) H lebur C (l )
  
p p
S 0
T dT  dT
T Tlebur Tleb u r
H uap T 0
C (g)

  dT
Tdidih Td id ih

Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1

Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
Penentuan Entropi pada Suatu Reaksi

Berdasarkan hukum ketiga dapat ditentukan entropi

absolut suatu zat pada berbagai suhu.
Selanjutnya harga entropi absolut ini dapat digunakan
untuk menghitung perubahan entropi suatu reaksi.

Pada reaksi:
aA + bB  cC + dD

S   S
0 0
produk S 0

S 0  (cS C0  dS D0 )  (aS A0  bS B0 )

Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1

Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
Penentuan Entropi pada Suatu Reaksi

1 Tentukan So pada reaksi-reaksi berikut pada 25oC:
a. H2(g) + ½O2(g)  H2O(l)
b. CH4(g) + ½O2(g)  CH3OH(l)
Jawab :
1 0
a S 0
298 S 0
H2O  (S 0
H2  S O2 )
= 69,92 – (130,57+ (1/2 x 205,3)
= -163,16 JK-1

Nilai S0 diperoleh dari data – data tabel.

b Kerjakan sendiri..
Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1
Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
Penentuan Entropi pada Suatu Reaksi

2 Calculate the entropy change (DS) the reaction of gaseous

hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) with hydrogen to form liquid water.

Appendix C: Therm odynam ic Q uantities

for Selected Com pounds at 298K
Com pound S (J/m ol-K)
H 2 O (l) 69.93
H 2 O 2 (g) 232.9
H 2 (g) 130.6

Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1

Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
Kemanfaatan Hukum Ketiga

Dari harga S0 dapat ditentukan S0T untuk suatu

reaksi pada suatu suhu tertentu.
Selanjutnya dari S0T dan H0T dapat ditentukan
G0T dari persamaan:

G0T = H0T – T S0T

Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1

Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
Kemanfaatan Hukum Ketiga

Problem set:
1. Calculate the standard free energy change (DG0)
associated with boiling water at 25oC and 1 atm
o o
Com pound H (kJ/m ol)
f S (J/m ol-K)
H 2 O (l) -285.8 69.93
H 2 O (g) -241.8 188.8

Estimate the temperature at which liquid water is in

equilibrium with its vapor at 1 atm. pressure.

H2O(l) H2O(g) H 0  44kJ

S 0  119 KJ
Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1
Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
Kemanfaatan Hukum Ketiga

Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1

Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1
Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020
Tanggal Penting


• Sifat ujian: opened books, closed laptop
• Entropi
• Energi bebas
• Kespontanan dan kesetimbangan
• Hukum ketiga

Teacher Training and Education Faculty M. Masykuri_Physical Chemistry 1

Sebelas Maret University Feb 2020

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