The Present Fishing Techniques

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The Present Fishing Techniques

1. Traditional fishing techniques

2. Modern fishing techniques
Traditional finishing is usually defined as fishing that relies
on local knowledge, experience, and skills to catch fish. It
usually uses simple, inexpensive equipment and does not require
a license. Traditional fishing is often done for subsistence
purposes, but it can also be done for commercial or recreational
In many parts of the world, traditional fishing is a way of life
passed down from generation to generation. It is often an important part
of a community's cultural and social fabric.
According to research, traditional fishing contributes significantly to the economy,
with an estimated USD 36 billion globally. Traditional fishing also provides
employment for millions of people around the world.
In addition, traditional fishing provides many other benefits to local communities,
including food security, income generation, and cultural identity.
You might have visited a small finishing village at least once in your lifetime!
Imagine yourself in such a place, surrounded by the tranquility of nature. The
village is home to several families who have been fishing for generations. The men
go out to sea in their small boats while the women and children stay on shore and
prepare the catch for sale.
The benefits of fishing using traditional methods has positive
effects on the environment. It is usually done with small-scale
equipment with little environmental impact. Traditional fishing
also often uses alternative energy sources, such as wind and solar

In addition, traditional fishing communities often have a strong

knowledge of their local ecosystems. The knowledge is passed
from generation to generation and connects people in the
community. They are more likely to practice sustainable fishing
Traditional fishing techniques vary depending on the region of
the world. Some traditional methods are still in use today, while
more modern methods have replaced others.

Traditional fishing methods are still used in many places, even

when modern technology and equipment are available. This is
often because traditional methods are more effective or part of
the region's cultural heritage.
Traditional fishing techniques often require a great deal of skill
and experience to succeed. Here are the key features of traditional
fishing techniques:

1. Traditional fishing is usually done using small boats or canoes.

2. Traditional fishing is done in many parts of the world with a
net. Fishing nets can be either hand-held or cast from the shore.
They are usually sturdy materials such as cotton, linen, or nylon.
3. Traditional fishing is done in other parts of the world with a
line and hook. This method can be used from the shore or a boat.
The line is usually made of strong materials such as nylon or
Kevlar. The hook can be either baited or unbaited.
4. Other common traditional fishing techniques include
hand-lining, spearfishing, gleaning, harpoons and
spears, barriers, and trap fishing. Hand lining involves
using a line with a baited hook that is hand-held.
Spearfishing users a spear or harpoon to catch fish.
5. Some traditional fishing techniques are centuries
old, while others are relatively new.
Traditional Fishing in Japan
Japan is a country with a long history of traditional fishing. The
first record of traditional fishing in Japan dates back to the Jomon
period (14,000-300 BCE). During this time, people used various
methods to catch fish, including hand-lining, netting, and trapping.
Japanese fishermen use a method called "tenkara," which involves
using a long pole for fishing in mountain streams. The fisherman
holds the pole in one hand and uses the other hand to hold a line
that is attached to the tip of the pole.
The most strange thing about traditional Japanese fishing is the
use of cormorants. Cormorants are water birds that have long
necks and webbed feet. Japanese fishermen capture these birds
and tie a string around their necks. The string is long enough to
allow the bird to swallow a fish but not long enough to allow the
bird to swallow the fisherman's bait.
Traditional Fishing in Scotland
In Scotland, traditional fishermen use a technique called "loch
fishing." This involves using a boat for fishing in a loch (a
Scottish word for lake). The fisherman stands in the boat and uses
a rod and line to fish. The bait is usually placed under a float.

Drinking and fishing often go hand-in-hand in Scotland. In fact, it

is not uncommon for fishermen to take a break from fishing to
have a drink or two. This tradition is called "tippling."
Traditional Fishing in Hawaii
Hawaii has a long history of traditional fishing. The first
inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands were the Polynesians. They
arrived on the islands around 1200 CE. The Polynesians were expert
fishermen and used various traditional methods to catch fish.
One of the most popular traditional Hawaiian fishing
techniques is called "pole-and-line" fishing. This involves using a
bamboo pole to fish, fish hiding in shallow water and coral reefs. The
pole has a line with a baited hook at the end. When a fish bites the
bait, the fisherman pulls the fish out of the water.
Deep-sea fishing in Hawaii is also a popular traditional fishing
method. This involves using a canoe to fish in deep water. Ancient
Hawaiian fishermen were known for their super-human navigation
abilities. They used the stars, waves, and other natural cues to
navigate the vast Pacific Ocean.
Traditional Fishing in Australia and
New Zealand
Traditional Aboriginal Australians have been fishing for over
40,000 years. They use various traditional methods to catch fish,
including hand-lining, netting, and spearing.
Aboriginal Australians use a variety of traditional methods to
catch fish, including hand-lining, netting, and spearing. Australia's
most common traditional fishing method is "gill netting."
Traditional Maori fishing is still practiced in many parts of New
Zealand. The most popular traditional Maori fishing method is
"hīkoi." This involves using a line and hook to fish in rivers and lakes.
Traditional Fishing in Africa
The most common type of traditional fishing in Africa is
"subsistence fishing." In many parts of Africa, traditional
fishing is the only source of protein. This is especially true in
rural areas where people cannot afford to buy meat.
In Ghana, for example, fishermen use a "digging-out"
technique to catch catfish. This involves digging a hole in the
riverbank. When the tide goes out, the catfish are stranded in
the hole. The fisherman then simply scoops them out with his
Traditional Fishing in Alaska and North America
Indigenous communities have been fishing in Alaska for thousands
of years. Traditional fishing is still practiced in many parts of Alaska. The
most popular traditional fishing methods are "set-netting" and
"spearfishing." Set netting involves setting a net in the water and waiting
for fish to swim into it.
The crazy thing about traditional spearfishing in Alaska is that it is
often done from a kayak!
In other parts of North America, traditional fishing methods include
setting gill nets, using traps and weirs, spearing fish, and bows and arrows.
Gill nets are set in the water to entangle fish by their gills as they swim
through. Traps and weirs channel fish into small areas where they can be
caught more easily.
Traditional Fishing in the Philippines
Traditional fishing is popularly practised in the Philippines even
up to this day. This type of fishing used devices such as spear
guns, sling spear, or pole gear. This refers to spearfishing and is
commonly used by indigenous group Badjao (also known as Sea
Gypsies and Sama people) in Mindanao. Another device used for
traditional fishing is payaos, a fish aggregating device to attract
pelagic fishes like tuna into handlines or fishing nets. Traditional
payaos used to be a bamboo raft but it has been adapted into
modern payaos which is made of steel and has fish lights and fish
location sonar.

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