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Solids: Conductors, Insulators and Semiconductors

Conductors: mostly metals Insulators: mostly nonmetal materials

well study allotropes of carbon and study their properties

Semiconductors: metalloids

Solids: Conductors, Insulators and Semiconductors

Conduction Band: white

No gap

Band gap

Valence Band in red

Conductor Insulator Semiconductor

Bonding in Metals
The electron-sea model is a simple depiction of a metal as an array of positive ions surrounded by delocalized valence electrons.

Metals are good conductors of electricity because of the mobility of these delocalized valence electrons. A metal also conducts heat well because the mobile electrons can carry additional kinetic energy.

Bonding in Metals

Bonding in Metals
Molecular orbital theory gives a more detailed picture of the bonding in metals.
Because the energy levels in a metal crowd together into bands, this picture of metal bonding is called band theory.

Bonding in Metals
Molecular orbital theory gives a more detailed picture of the bonding in metals.
In a metal, this requires little energy since the unoccupied orbitals lie just above the occupied orbitals of highest energy.

Bonding In Metals: Lithium according to Molecular Orbital Theory



3s bonding and antibonding should be full


Conduction band: empty

No gap: conductor Valence band: full


Solids: Conductors, Insulators and Semiconductors

Conduction Band: white

No gap

Band gap

Valence Band in red

Conductor Insulator Semiconductor

Allotropes of Carbon
Diamond: high thermal conductivity, extremely strong, insulator Graphite: high thermal conductivity, conductor
electrodes for electrolysis and batteries; essentially pencil lead

Fullerenes: discovered in 1986, amazing possibilities


Diamond has a three-dimensional network structure in which each carbon is singly-bonded to four others with sp3 hybridization. Diamond is a covalent network solid
each carbon covalently bonded to 4 others.

Diamonds are the hardest substance known.

must break carbon-carbon bonds

Diamonds have a melting point of 3550C.

must break carbon-carbon bonds

Structure of Diamond


Diamond has a three-dimensional network structure in which each carbon is singly-bonded to four others with sp3 hybridization. Why do diamonds conduct heat?
Metals conduct heat because the the mobile electrons can carry additional kinetic energy. Diamonds are insulators and have no mobile electrons. Diamonds conduct heat through high frequency (= high energy) vibrations that transmit over long distances

Diamonds conduct heat 4 times better than copper!


Graphite has a layered structure, in which the carbon atoms in each layer bond to three other carbons with sp2 orbitals. Graphites primary use is in the manufacture of electrodes for electrolysis and batteries.

Of the covalent network solids, only graphite conducts electricity. This is due to the delocalization of the resonant p electrons in graphites sp2 hybridization. 15

Structure of Graphite


The fullerenes are a family of molecules with a closed cage of carbon atoms arranged in pentagons and hexagons. Each carbon is sp2 hybridized.
The most symmetrical member is buckminsterfullerene, C60. Buckminsterfullerenes show potential for applications in superconductivity and catalytic activity.

Figure 13.25: A frame model of C60.
By permission of Dr. Richard Smalley, Rice University


Solids: Conductors, Insulators and Semiconductors

Graphite Diamond

No gap

Band gap = 5.5 eV 530 kJ/mol




Solids: Conductors, Insulators and Semiconductors

Band Gap for Semiconductors
Diamond Si Ge 5.5 eV 1.1 eV 0.67 eV Band gap



Metalloids: semiconducting elements
low electrical conductivity at room temperature Electrical conductivity increases with temp.

Gap between valence and conduction band is intermediate in size


Semiconducting elements form the basis of solid state electronic devices.
Metalloids (such as silicon or germanium) are semiconducting elements whose electrical conductivity increases as temperature increases. A striking property of these elements is that their conductivities increase markedly when they are doped with small quantities of other elements.


Semiconducting elements form the basis of solid state electronic devices.
When silicon is doped with phosphorus, it becomes an n-type semiconductor, in which electric current is carried by electrons.


Semiconducting elements form the basis of solid state electronic devices.
When silicon is doped with boron, it becomes a p-type semiconductor, in which an electrical current is carried by positively charged holes


Semiconducting elements form the basis of solid state electronic devices.
Joining a p-type semiconductor to an ntype semiconductor produces a p-n junction, which can function as a rectifier. A rectifier is a device that allows current to flow in one direction, but not the other.


Figure 13.29: Effect of doping silicon.


Figure 13.30: A p-n junction as a rectifier.


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