Drift Diffusion Model

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Drift Diff usion Model (DDM )

Modelling simple two-choice decisions

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C o g n i ti v e m o d e l l i n g : Drift D i ff u s i o n Model

• Cognitive model of simple two-choice decisions

• Fast binary perceptual decisions around 0.5s - 1.5s
• Separation:
• Quality of the evidence that goes into the decision.
• non-decision-relevant processes (stimulus encoding and response execution)

3. April 2023 SEITE 2

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W h a t is Drift Diff usion Model?

• Mathematical model for the decision process

between two alternatives including the reaction
time distributions of error and hit rates
• Noisy process that accumulates evidence over
time from a starting point z until one of the two
decision boundaries (a, 0) is reached.

(Ratcliff, 1978; Ratcliff & McKoon, 2008)

3. April 2023 SEITE 3

| Funktion, Fachbereich, Struktureinheit oder Name

D D M - Pa ra m e t e r

• Nondecision Time (Encoding and

motor reaction time)
• Driftrate v
• border distance a
• Start point z

3. April 2023 SEITE 4

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S a m p l e Paper

• The Effects of Aging on Reaction Time in a Signal Detection Task

• Ratcliff, Thapar & McKoon (2001)
• Modeling one-choice and two-choice driving task
• Ratcliff (2015)
• Personal preferences
• Krajbich & Rangel (2011)
• Food preferences for self vs other person
• Harris et al (2018)

3. April 2023 SEITE 5

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T h e Diff usion D e c i s i o n Model: T he o r y a n d D a t a for Two - C h o i c e D e c i s i o n Ta s k s

Ratcliff & M c K o o n (2008)

• -> Reference paper for thesis

• Study to assess the dependence of the reaction time
drift rate on the quality of evidence
• Goal: Proof of model fit
• Means: Experiments must be transferred to VR/AR

3. April 2023 SEITE 6

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Everything on desktop

Everything virtual

+Python Analysis

3. April 2023 SEITE 7

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V R - Vers ion

3. April 2023 SEITE 8

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3. April 2023 SEITE 9

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