Chapter One An Overview of The Financial System
Chapter One An Overview of The Financial System
Chapter One An Overview of The Financial System
1. Savings-investment relationship
• To attain economic development, a country needs more
investment and production. This can happen only when
there is a facility for savings. As, such savings are
channelized to productive resources in the form of
investment. Here, the role of financial institutions is
important, since they induce the public to save by
offering attractive interest rates. These savings are
channelized by lending to various business concerns
which are involved in production and distribution.
2. Financial systems help in growth of capital
• Any business requires two types of capital
namely, fixed capital and working capital. Fixed
capital is used for investment in fixed assets,
like plant and machinery. While working capital
is used for the day-to-day running of business.
It is also used for purchase of raw materials
and converting them into finished products.
• Fixed capital is raised through capital market by
the issue of debentures and shares. Public and
other financial institutions invest in them in
order to get a good return with minimized risks.
• For working capital, we have money market,
where short-term loans could be raised by the
businessmen through the issue of various credit
instruments such as bills, promissory notes, etc.
3. Financial system helps in Infrastructure and
• Economic development of any country depends
on the infrastructure facility available in the
country. In the absence of key industries like coal,
power and oil, development of other industries
will be hampered. It is here that the
financial services play a crucial role by providing
funds for the growth of infrastructure industries.
4. Financial system helps in development of Trade
• The financial system helps in the promotion of both
domestic and foreign trade.
• The financial institutions finance traders and the
financial market helps in discounting financial
instruments such as bills.
• Foreign trade is promoted due to per-shipment and
post-shipment finance by commercial banks. They
also issue Letter of Credit in favor of the importer.
5. Employment Growth is boosted by financial system
• The presence of financial system will generate more
employment opportunities in the country.
• The money market which is a part of financial system
provides working capital to the businessmen and
manufacturers due to which production increases,
resulting in generating more employment opportunities.
• With competition picking up in various sectors, the
service sector such as sales, marketing, advertisement,
etc., also pick up, leading to more employment
6. Financial system ensures balanced growth
• Economic development requires a balanced growth
which means growth in all the sectors simultaneously.
• Primary sector, secondary sector and tertiary sector
require adequate funds for their growth.
• The financial system in the country will be geared up
by the authorities in such a way that the available
funds will be distributed to all the sectors in such a
manner, that there will be a balanced growth in
industries, agriculture and service sectors.
Financial instruments
• There is a great variety of financial instrument
in the financial marketplace.
• The use of these instruments by major market
participants depends upon their offered risk
and return characteristics, as well as
availability in retail or wholesale markets.
Table 1. Financial instrument categories
Non tradable and non- In wholesale money In wholesale money markets: In wholesale money
transferable markets: transaction low markets: banks
In retail markets: low In credit markets: low In retail markets: banks and
transparency, lack of non-bank firms and
standardization, low households
In foreign exchange In foreign In foreign exchange
markets: high volatility, exchange markets: high markets: financial institutions,
change of currency companies
Securities Market volatility, Comparably high Banks and non-bank firms,
individual risks and individuals
Derivatives Market volatility, leverage Very high Banks and non-bank firms,
o Primary markets
o Secondary markets
Types of secondary markets
organized stock exchanges
over-the- counter (OTC) markets.
• Stock exchanges are central trading locations
where financial instruments are traded. In
contrast, an OTC market is generally where
unlisted financial instruments are traded.
Function of Financial Markets
1. Channels funds from person or business without
investment opportunities (i.e., “Lender-Savers”) to
one who has them (i.e., “Borrower-Spenders”)
2. Improves economic efficiency
3. Critical for producing an efficient allocation of
capital, which contributes to higher production and
efficiency of overall economy
Function of Financial Markets
4. Well-functioning markets improve the well being of
consumers by allowing them to time their purchases
Financial Markets Funds Transferees
Lender-Savers Borrower-Spenders
1. Households 5. Business firms
2. Business firms 6. Government
3. Government 7. Households
4. Foreigners 8. Foreigners
Methods of funds transfer
• 1. Direct financing
• 2. Indirect financing
Direct financing
• Borrowers borrow directly from lenders in financial
markets by selling financial instruments which are
claims on the borrower’s future income or assets
• Securities are assets for the person who buys them
• They are liabilities for the individual or firm that
issues them
Indirect finance
• Borrowers borrow indirectly from lenders via
financial intermediaries (established to source
both loanable funds and loan opportunities) by
issuing financial instruments which are claims on
the borrower’s future income or assets
Exhibit 1.1 Transfer of Funds From Surplus
to Deficit Units