M Lecture 05 & 06 Special AGE & Application)
M Lecture 05 & 06 Special AGE & Application)
M Lecture 05 & 06 Special AGE & Application)
K. M. Mazharul Alam
MNS Department,
BRAC University
Size of DNA
◼ The gel sieves the DNA by the size of the DNA molecule whereby smaller
molecules travel faster.
Conformation of DNA
◼ Supercoiled DNA (such as plasmid) usually moves faster than relaxed DNA
because it is tightly coiled and hence more compact.
◼ In a normal plasmid DNA preparation, multiple forms of DNA may be present.
Therefore, running plasmid on gel will give multiple bands.
Factors Affecting Migration Of Nucleic Acids
The medium
◼ The inert medium can exert adsorption or molecular sieving effects on
the particle influencing its rate of migration.
◼ Adsorption: retention of the component on the surface of supporting
◼ Molecular sieving: media such as agar, polyacrylamide, sephadex have
cross linked structures giving rise to pores within the gel beads.
Factors Affecting Migration Of Nucleic Acids
Gel concentration
◼ The concentration of the gel determines the pore size of the gel which affect
the migration of DNA.
◼ The more the concentration of agarose, the finer/smaller will be the pores.
◼ For a standard agarose gel electrophoresis, a 0.7% gives good separation or
resolution of large 5–10kb DNA fragments, while 2% gel gives good resolution
for small 0.2–1kb fragments.
Factors Affecting Migration Of Nucleic Acids
◼ The angle
Separations of larger sizes of DNA, such as
chromosomal DNA, are greatly improved by the use of a
smaller included angle (106°). As the angle is decreased,
the resolution of the largest fragments generally
improves and the smaller fragments become crowded.
The Angle
Parameters: PFGE
◼ critical parameter in achieving the best pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)
◼ It is the length of time the electrical field is pulsed in a single direction. For example, a
60 sec switch time means that the electrical field will be pulsed in one direction for 60
◼ generally shorter for samples with small DNA fragments and longer for samples with
large DNA fragments.
The Switching Time
The ramp of the switch time can be linear, that is, increasing in exact
increments over the course of a run, or nonlinear, so that the user can
concentrate the switch times on the largest or smallest regions as
necessary to achieve better resolution. The nonlinear switch time
ramping expands the linear range of fragment separation to 50–700 kb,
yielding more precise fragment size measurements
Parameters: PFGE
◼ Temperature
Buffer recirculating during the electrophoresis run can be chilled to as low as 4°C or not
chilled at all. Buffer temperature will affect run time. The warmer the buffer
temperature, the faster the run. Resolution decreases as the temperature increases.
Orthogonal Field Alternation Gel Electrophoresis (OFAGE)
◼ is a special pulsed field gel electrophoresis technique that is based on the periodic
inversion of electric field in one dimension
◼ A net migration is achieved since the product of the duration and amplitude of the
“forward” pulse is larger than that of the pulse in the “backward” direction.
◼ Electrode polarity was reversed at intervals, with a longer forward than reverse pulse
time to generate a net forward sample migration. Net forward migration is achieved by
increasing the ratio of forward to reverse pulse times to 3:1.
◼ To improve the resolution of the bands by FIGE, the duration of pulse times is
increased progressively during a run. This is called “switch time ramping”. By changing
pulse durations continually during the course of an experiment, FIGE has the advantages
of straight lanes and simple equipment.
Field Inversion Gel Electrophoresis (FIGE)
Contour-clamped Homogeneous Electric Fields
◼ Individuality in humans and other species derives from their high degree of genetic
polymorphism. Homologous human chromosomes (e.g. the pairs of maternally and
paternally inherited chromosomes) differ in sequence, on average, every 200 to 500 bp.
These genetic differences create or eliminate restriction sites.
◼ RFLPs are particularly valuable for diagnosing inherited diseases for which the
molecular defect is unknown. If a particular RFLP is closely linked to a defective gene,
detecting that RFLP in an individual indicates that there is a high probability that the
individual has also inherited the defective gene. For example, the identification of an
RFLP that is closely linked to the defective Huntington’s gene has permitted the
children of Huntington’s disease victims to make informed decisions in ordering their
◼ It is used in paternity cases or criminal cases to determine the source of a DNA
SSLP: Simple Sequence Length Polymorphism
◼ The number of times that a sequence is repeated varies between different individuals
and between maternal and paternal loci of an individual.
◼ The likelihood of two individuals having the same band pattern is extremely improbable.
Therefore, VNTR analysis has become useful in genetics research, forensics, and DNA
◼ For example, an individual may inherit a certain number of repeats at one locus from
their mother, and a different number of repeats at the same locus, from their father.
Through PCR amplification of material between conserved sites on either side of the
VNTR locus, one can obtain a banding pattern of the products on a gel.
Banding Pattern Of VNTR
◼ In a very recent case, where Oishee Rahman was proven as guilty, as the
DNA of Mahfuzur and his wife matched the samples taken from Oishee’s
bloodstained clothes and ornaments.
◼ A case sited as the Bangladesh Jatiyo Mahila Ainjibi Samity v.
Bangladesh, Writ Petition No. 5359 of 2006: the Court found that, the
result of Sibling DNA Test shows that all the seven children are unlikely
to be related to each other whom were claimed as children of the Former
DIG of Bangladesh and his wife Mrs. Anwara Rahman. They actually
procured those children to traffic them out of country.
Thank You