DNA Profiling A.K.A. DNA Fingerprinting Guided Notes What Is DNA Profiling?

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DNA Profiling

a.k.a. DNA Fingerprinting

Guided Notes

What is DNA Profiling?

A ___________________________ used by scientists to distinguish between individuals
of the same species using only samples of their _______________.

This is _________________ __________________ who invented this

technique in the year ____________.

Stages of DNA Profiling

 Stage 1:
_______________ are broken down
to release ________________

If only a small amount of DNA is available it can be amplified using the

_________________ ___________________ _________________________ or PCR.

 Step 2:
The DNA is cut into fragments using __________________ ____________________.

Each restriction enzyme cuts ______________ at a specific ____________


The sections of DNA that are cut out are

called _______________ ____________________.

This yields thousands of restriction fragments of all different __________ because the
base sequences being cut may be ___________ ___________ (long fragment) or
_____________ _______________ (short fragment).
Stage 3:
 Fragments are separated on the basis of _________ using a process called
__________ ______ ___________________.
 DNA fragments are injected into _______________ and an __________________
current is applied along the gel.

DNA is _______________ charged so it is attracted to the _________________

end of the gel.
The ______________ DNA fragments move ______________ than the longer fragments.
DNA is separated on basis of ___________.

 A _____________________ material is added which combines with the DNA

fragments to produce a ____________________ image.
 A photographic ______________ of the DNA bands is obtained.

Stage 4:
 The pattern of fragment distribution is then analyzed.

 The chances of two people having exactly the same
DNA profile is 30,000 million to 1 (except for
identical twins).
Biological materials used for DNA profiling
 Blood
 Hair
 Saliva
 Semen
 Body tissue cells
 DNA samples have been obtained from vaginal cells
transferred to the outside of a condom during sexual

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