DNA Profiling A.K.A. DNA Fingerprinting Guided Notes What Is DNA Profiling?
DNA Profiling A.K.A. DNA Fingerprinting Guided Notes What Is DNA Profiling?
DNA Profiling A.K.A. DNA Fingerprinting Guided Notes What Is DNA Profiling?
Step 2:
The DNA is cut into fragments using __________________ ____________________.
This yields thousands of restriction fragments of all different __________ because the
base sequences being cut may be ___________ ___________ (long fragment) or
_____________ _______________ (short fragment).
Stage 3:
Fragments are separated on the basis of _________ using a process called
__________ ______ ___________________.
DNA fragments are injected into _______________ and an __________________
current is applied along the gel.
Stage 4:
The pattern of fragment distribution is then analyzed.
The chances of two people having exactly the same
DNA profile is 30,000 million to 1 (except for
identical twins).
Biological materials used for DNA profiling
Body tissue cells
DNA samples have been obtained from vaginal cells
transferred to the outside of a condom during sexual