Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Dr Shubham Upadhyay
PG Student
Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
• Maintenance of Body pH
• Collecting ABG Sample
• Normal Values
• Assessment of Oxygenation
• Types of Acid Base Disorders
1. Single Disorders
2. Mixed Disorders
• Step wise analysis of Acid Base Disorders
Maintenance of Body pH
Chemical Buffers
Act Immediately
• HCO3-/H2CO3 most imp.
• Proteins
• Hb
• PO43-/H3PO4
• SO42-/H2SO4
Maintenance of Body pH
Chemical Buffers
Act Immediately
• HCO3-/H2CO3 most imp.
• Proteins
• Hb
• PO43-/H3PO4
• SO42-/H2SO4
Maintenance of Body pH
Chemical Buffers Lungs
Act Immediately Acute- act within hours
• HCO3-/H2CO3 most imp. • pH decreases-->
• Proteins stimulation of resp.
• Hb centres-->
• PO43-/H3PO4 Hyperventilation-->CO2
• SO42-/H2SO4 washout-->PaCO2
Maintenance of Body pH
Chemical Buffers Lungs Kidneys
Act Immediately Acute- act within hours Slow -after 48 hrs
• HCO3-/H2CO3 most imp. • pH decreases--> • HCO3- reabsorption by
• Proteins stimulation of resp. proximal tubules
• Hb centres--> • H+ excretion by distal
• PO43-/H3PO4 Hyperventilation-->CO2 tubules
• SO42-/H2SO4 washout-->PaCO2 • NH3 synthesis &
decrease excretion by proximal
tubules-->binds with
diffusible H+ in lumen
and make it non-
Collecting ABG Sample
• Take an arterial sample at room air and start O2 supplementation
immediately if required.
• Preference--Radial>Brachial>Femoral
• 22 Gauge needle flushed with Heparin
• Cool the sample immediately
• Avoid air bubbles
• Venous sample- absence of flash of blood, pulsations & autofilling of
• Metabolism- blood cells consume O2, produce CO2 and decrease pH.
Normal Values
pH 7.35- 7.45
pCO2 (mm of Hg) 35-45
pO2 (mm of Hg) >80
HCO3 (mmol/l) 22-26
SaO2 100
Normal Values
pH 7.35- 7.45 7.31- 7.41
pCO2 (mm of Hg) 35-45 41-51
pO2 (mm of Hg) >80 30-40
HCO3 (mmol/l) 22-26 23-29
SaO2 100 75
Assesment of Oxygenation
• Look at PaO2 and SaO2
PaCO2 and HCO3 change in the same direction known as SAME DIRECTION RULE
Metabolic Acidosis
High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis
• Ketoacidosis
• Lactic Acidosis
• Salicylic Acid Overdose
• Methanol Poisoning
• Ethylene Glycol Poisoning
• Renal Failure (eGFR <20 ml/min)
normal AG= 12
+- 2 mmol/l
Metabolic Acidosis
High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis
• Ketoacidosis
• Lactic Acidosis
• Salicylic Acid Overdose
• Methanol Poisoning
• Ethylene Glycol Poisoning
• Renal Failure (eGFR <20 ml/min)
Metabolic Acidosis
High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis Non Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis aka
Hyper Chloridic Acidosis
• Ketoacidosis • Diarrhea
• Lactic Acidosis • Pancreatic Fistula
• Salicylic Acid Overdose • Antacids containing Mg, Al(eg Digene)
• Methanol Poisoning • Renal Tubular Acidosis
• Ethylene Glycol Poisoning • Renal Tubular dysfunction (eGFR 20-50
• Renal Failure (eGFR <20 ml/min) ml/min)
• Drugs causing ↑ s K+= ACE -, ARB, K
sparing diuretics, Pentamidine,
Metabolic Alkalosis
Chloride Responsive(gain Chloride Unresponsive(loss of H+ due to increase in
of HCO3-) Aldosterone Activity)
• Vomiting Primary increase in Raectionary increase in
• Cl- losing diarrheas Aldosterone Activity: Aldosterone Activity:
• Diuretics- Thiazides, High BP Normal or Low BP
Loop • Primary • Bartter’s Syndrome
• Sweat Loss- Cystic Hyperaldosteronism- • Gitelman’s Syndrome
Fibrosis Conn’s Syndrome,
Cushing’s Syndrome
• Renin secreting tumor
• Liddle’s Syndrome
Other Causes:
• Milk Alkali Syndrome
• Penicillin Overdose
Respiratory Acidosis
• aka Type 2 Respiratory Failure
• Mechanism-> Hypoventilation--> ↑ PaCO2
• Causes: Site Affected
Resp. Center Damage
• For eg
7.40= Either no disorder or mixed disorder
Step 3. Metabolic or Respiratory?
1. Compare pHand HCO3
- If going in same direction= Metabolic
- If going in opposite direction= Respiratory
eg pH 7.2 , HCO3 28
2. Compare pHand PaCO2
- If going in same direction= Metabolic
- If going in opposite direction= Respiratory
eg eg pH 7.5 , PaCO2 60
Step 4. Calculate Compensatory Response
• If from Step 3, primary disorder is Metabolic, calculate compensatory
Chronic For every 1↑ of PaCO2 from 40 HCO3- will ↑ by 0.4 from normal value of 24
Chronic For every 1↓ of PaCO2 from 40 HCO3- will ↓ by 0.4 from normal value of 24
• pH- 7.28
HCO3- 20
PaCO2- 15
• pH- 7.50
Hco3- 30
paCO2- 60
Step 6. Acute vs Chronic Disorder
• If pH is in extremes, it is likely a acute disorder (as kidneys work slowly
to compensate)
Change in pH > 0.2
• If pH is near normal, it is likely a chronic disorder (as kidneys have
Change in pH <0.1
Step 6. Acute vs Chronic Disorder
• If pH is in extremes, it is likely a acute disorder (as kidneys work slowly
to compensate)
Change in pH > 0.2
• If pH is near normal, it is likely a chronic disorder (as kidneys have
Change in pH <0.1
Resp. Disorder (Acidosis & Alkalosis) Expected pH
ACUTE For every 10 change of PaCO2 from 40 pH changes by 0.08 from 7.40
CHRONIC For every 10 change of PaCO2 from 40 pH changes by 0.03 from 7.40
Q.1. A 15 yr old boy is brought from examination hall in
apprehensive state with tightness of chest
ABG= pH 7.55, Hco3 20, PaCO2 = 21
1. Clinical Information?
2. pH
3. Metabolic or Respiratory?
4. Compensatory Response?
6. Acute or Chronic?
Q.2. A patient with severe diarrhea, complains difficulty in
pH 7.1, HCO3 14, PaCO2 44, s K+ 2.0
1. Clinical Information?
2. pH
3. Metabolic or Respiratory?
4. Compensatory Response?
6. Acute or Chronic?
Q.3. ABG of patient with CHF on Frusemide
is as follows: pH 7.48, HCO3- 34, PaCO2- 49
1. Clinical Information?
2. pH
3. Metabolic or Respiratory?
4. Compensatory Response?
6. Acute or Chronic?
Q.4. k/c/o COPD develops severe vomiting
pH- 7.4, HCO3- 36, PaCO2- 60
1. Clinical Information?
2. pH
3. Metabolic or Respiratory?
4. Compensatory Response?
6. Acute or Chronic?