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"It is a kitschy, fun read (never thought this was possible for something as dry as changing vent settings) -
would be a great start for an intern, probably more that you would need to know. Reviews setting changes in
a fun, memorable way."
"This is one of the best books I have ever read on ventilators. It's like a running commentary. It's concise,
clear and full of realistic examples introduced at the right time (just before the concepts make you to start
scratching your head). Of course as Dr. Owens admits, there are many more detailed books on mechanical
ventilation which you can read for more knowledge. This book is so "down to earth" that any beginner can
make sense out of it and any expert would agree with what I just wrote above."
"Every resident should make their lives easier and get a copy of this book.
I'm an RT and this makes perfect sense. It's simple if you actually know what you're doing...which this book
explains how to do perfectly."
—Sara Elane
"Excellent review of the fundamentals. Great for ICU fellows up at night. An excellent review also for older
attendings 25 years out from their fellowship (yours truly). Good illustrations of ventilator mode variables
and excellent text giving sound reasoning for making choices and adjustments in common disease states."
"As a surgical resident working in the ICU, this book was an excellent introduction into ventilator
management. Its main strength is in the way it is written. It does not read like a typical textbook but in more
of a personal tone. I've recommended it to all of my junior residents and I would recommend it to anyone
who is looking to improve their understanding of ventilator management."
— SPM88
"Vents finally make sense! Recommend to all medical professionals with any confusion about vents, settings,
The Advanced
Ventilator Book
William Owens, MD
ISBN 978-0-9852965-2-0
This book is dedicated to the fellows, residents, medical students, nurses, and
respiratory therapists whom I have had the privilege to teach over the years.
Medicine is neither art nor science, but rather a craft. It requires a commitment
to excellence from a craftsman. Paying it forward is part of the deal. This work
is my attempt to share what I've learned about critical care medicine with the
next generation.
Writing a book is not an easy task, and neither is being a physician. I could not
do it without the love and support of Lorien, my wife and fellow adventurer.
Table of Contents
1. Oxygen Delivery and Consumption
2. Permissive Hypercapnia
3. Seven Rules For Respiratory Failure
4. PEEP, More PEEP, and Optimal PEEP
5. Severe Bronchospasm
6. Prone Positioning and Neuromuscular Blockade
7. Inhaled Pulmonary Vasodilators
8. Veno-Venous ECMO
9. 2 A.M.
About the Author
The Advanced Ventilator Book aims to take the reader to the next
level, while preserving the same format and structure that makes The Ventilator
Book a useful reference. This is a book designed for clinicians with some
experience in caring for critically ill patients who would like some guidance on
how to manage cases of severe respiratory failure. I have written it with the
assumption that the reader understands the basics of mechanical ventilation and
the pathophysiology of critical illness or injury. The first two chapters get back
to the basics, with an overview of oxygen delivery and the concept of permissive
hypercapnia. Following this are chapters covering the titration of positive end-
expiratory pressure; the management of the patient with severe bronchospasm;
the use of prone positioning and therapeutic neuromuscular blockade; inhaled
nitric oxide and prostacyclin; veno-venous extracorporeal life support; and a
chapter on incorporating all of this into a treatment strategy .
One feature of The Ventilator Book was the emphasis on practical use.
Many textbooks and articles describe the rationale for a particular mode of
ventilation or therapy, but relatively few actually tell the reader how to do it. The
Advanced Ventilator Book provides the same step-by-step guidance to help
clinicians put these principles into practice.
Oxygen Content
Each gram of hemoglobin can bind 1.34 mL of oxygen when fully
saturated. A small amount of oxygen is also carried in the plasma in its dissolved
form. This is represented by the PaO 2 . The solubility coefficient for oxygen in
plasma is 0.003. Putting all of this together yields the oxygen content equation:
Oxygen Delivery
Once the arterial blood is loaded with oxygen, it is delivered to the
tissues to be used for metabolism. The amount of blood circulated per minute is
the cardiac output, which is expressed in liters blood per minute. Since the CaO 2
is measured in deciliters, the units are converted by multiplying by 10. This
yields the oxygen delivery equation:
DO 2 = CO x CaO 2 x 10
CO Hgb SaO 2 DO 2
Oxygen Consumption
During periods of rest, the body's consumption of oxygen (VO 2 ) is
approximately 200-250 mL O 2 /minute. Indexed for body surface area, the
resting VO 2 I is 120-150 mL O 2 /min/m 2 . Normal subjects can increase their
VO 2 during peak exercise by a factor of 10, and elite athletes can reach a
maximum VO 2 of 20-25 times their resting consumption. During critical
illnesses like septic shock, multisystem trauma, or burn injury, VO 2 increases
over baseline by approximately 30-50%.
VO 2 = CO x [CaO 2 - CvO 2 ] x 10
In this case, with a cardiac output of 5 L/min, the DO2 is 250 mL O2 /minute.
Indexed for a typical body surface area of 1.7 m2 , the DO2 I is 147 mL O2
/min/m2 .
If the SaO 2 is assumed to be 100%, then the SvO 2 correlates with the
DO 2 :VO 2 ratio:
DO2 :VO2 SvO2
5:1 80%
4:1 75%
3:1 67%
2:1 50%
For a normal SaO 2 of 100% and SvO 2 of 75%, the O 2 ER is: (1.0–
0.75)/1.0 = 0.25/1.0 = 0.25, or 25%. This means that of the delivered oxygen,
25% was extracted and consumed by the tissues. A normal O 2 ER is 20-25%.
While this is a bit higher than the normal range of 20-25%, it isn't that much. Put
another way, this indexing of the oxygen extraction would correlate with an
SvO2 of 71.4% (if the SaO2 were 100%).
The fourth rule of oxygen: The DO 2 :VO 2 ratio, SvO 2 , and O 2 ER reflect the
balance between delivery and consumption. They don't represent a specific
target for intervention .
This concept leads to the fifth rule of oxygen: SaO 2 , SvO 2 , O 2 ER,
and lactate are all pieces of information and not goals in themselves . They must
be taken into account along with urine output, peripheral perfusion, mentation,
and other clinical information before any treatment decisions can be made.
Oxygen Toxicity
The idea that supplemental oxygen can be toxic, especially in high
doses, is not new. In neonates, high FiO 2 has been associated with retinopathy
and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. In adults, there is evidence of worse outcomes
with hyperoxia in the setting of acute myocardial infarction and following
cardiac arrest. High FiO 2 in adults can cause irritation of the tracheobronchial
tree and absorption atelectasis (due to the oxygen being absorbed without the
stabilizing effect of nitrogen gas, leading to alveolar collapse).
The elimination of the excess CO2 produced by this reaction is not normally an
issue—one or two breaths are sufficient to clear it. In the setting of severe
respiratory failure, however, elimination of the CO2 may not be possible and the
pH may in fact fall with the administration of sodium bicarbonate. In addition,
CO2 diffuses freely over cell membranes (including in the CSF), but HCO3 -
does not. This has the effect of worsening intracellular acidosis, even if the
systemic pH rises. A transient hemodynamic improvement is often seen when a
bolus of sodium bicarbonate (e.g., an "amp") is given, but this is more likely due
to the loading of sodium than the change in pH—similar effects are seen with
bolus dosing of hypertonic saline. Keep in mind that the NaHCO3 given in a 50
mL ampule is 8.4%, which is a very hypertonic sodium solution.
As an aside, this can be the most difficult part of taking care of critically ill
patients. We have all been taught what's "normal," and we all face the temptation
to do things in order to bring things [lab values, physiologic measurements, vital
signs] back into these ranges.
Tracheotomize early .
Patients with severe respiratory failure are in it for the long haul. This means that
the chances of improvement in a few days are low and that the need for at least
some mechanical ventilator support for several weeks or months is quite high.
Couple this with the sedation requirements and relative immobility that
accompanies endotracheal intubation, and it's obvious that the sooner the patient
has a tracheostomy, the sooner he can begin some degree of mobilization and
rehabilitation. A tracheostomy is associated with less sedation, more patient
comfort, better mobilization, and fewer days on the ventilator when compared
with the endotracheal tube. Do it as soon as it's safe.
"You were sick, but now you're well again, and there's work to do."
—Kurt Vonnegut
Remain positive .
Most patients with respiratory failure, even severe ARDS, will eventually
recover. Those who survive ARDS will have near-normal lung function after six
to twelve months. Even people with cardiopulmonary or neurologic disease who
ultimately require a long-term tracheostomy can have an acceptable quality of
life. Declaring a patient "ventilator-dependent" or saying that he has "no chance
of recovery" after one or two weeks in the ICU may be premature or even
wrong. Unbridled optimism isn't appropriate, but neither is pessimistic nihilism.
Some conditions are not survivable. Some conditions are survivable, and even
have the potential for some recovery, but will leave the patient with significant
disability and the need for partial or full ventilatory support. Lastly, some
conditions are survivable and will require a prolonged period of critical care and
ventilatory support, but with a chance at a full recovery to independence.
Obviously, nothing is guaranteed, but clinicians caring for patients with
respiratory failure should be able to discern which scenario is most likely and
present this to the patient and his family.
ARDSNet Tables
The tables used in the ARDSNet studies have the advantage of
simplicity and titratability to oxygenation, which can be measured easily with an
arterial blood gas or a pulse oximeter. Two tables have been published—one that
uses a high-PEEP approach, and one using lower levels of PEEP. The two
methods were compared head-to-head in the ALVEOLI study, 12 which did not
demonstrate improved outcomes from either approach as long as a lung-
protective tidal volume of 4-6 mL/kg PBW was used. This is actually
advantageous to the physician—it suggests that either table can be used,
depending on the patient's condition. A patient who is morbidly obese, or who
has abdominal compartment syndrome, has reduced chest wall compliance and
might benefit from a higher-PEEP strategy. The extrinsic compression of the
lungs, combined with the poor lung compliance due to ARDS, means that a
higher expiratory pressure should be used to prevent alveolar collapse and
On the other hand, using a lower level of PEEP might be indicated in
some cases. A patient with a bronchopleural fistula, or one with tenuous
hemodynamics, or someone with one lung significantly more injured than the
other, may get worse with a high-PEEP strategy. Since one table doesn't have
any proven advantage over the other, the physician can pick whichever one
seems to fit the patient better.
Using the ARDSNet PEEP Tables
• PEEP is measured in cm H 2 O
• Go up and down the table as needed to keep the PaO 2 55-80 mm
Hg, or the SpO 2 88-94%
30% 5
40% 5
40% 8
50% 8
50% 10
60% 10
70% 10
70% 12
70% 14
80% 14
90% 14
90% 16
90% 18
100% 18
100% 20
100% 22
100% 24
30% 5
30% 8
30% 10
30% 12
30% 14
40% 14
40% 16
50% 16
50% 18
50% 20
60% 20
70% 20
80% 20
80% 22
90% 22
100% 22
100% 2 4
A decremental PEEP trial is performed as follows. Remember that you are going
to Recruit, Reduce , and Recruit .
• Reduce the FiO 2 by 10-20% at a time every 5-10 minutes until the
SpO 2 levels off at 88-94%.
• Once the FiO 2 has been reduced, begin dropping the PEEP in 2 cm
increments every 5-10 minutes until the SpO 2 falls below 88%, or
until there's a notable drop in compliance. Either of these would
indicate alveolar derecruitment.
• Repeat the recruitment maneuver (40 for 40), and set the PEEP at 2
cm higher than the level where derecruitment occurred.
Pressure-Volume Curves
Using a dynamic pressure-volume loop to determine the optimal
level of PEEP is appealing. Many ventilators can produce the P-V loop for
review, and it seems intuitive that setting the PEEP at or above the point where
pulmonary compliance falls would be useful.
As the lungs continue to fill with gas, they reach a point where
further application of pressure doesn't expand the lungs much at all—this occurs
at the upper inflection point (UIP), and inspiratory pressures beyond this point
are thought to contribute to alveolar overdistension and potential barotrauma.
Clinical data in humans has shown that while there is some rationale
for the lower inflection point, alveolar recruitment tends to continue during the
entire inspiratory cycle. Additionally, the upper inflection point may represent
the end of the recruitment process but not necessarily alveolar overdistension.
During expiration, which is largely passive, an expiratory inflection point occurs
at a pressure much higher than the inspiratory lower inflection point. This would
suggest that alveolar derecruitment begins at a much higher pressure than the
LIP, and that in ARDS this may be as high as 20-22 cm H 2 O. 13 Additionally,
derecruitment is affected by gravity and the position of the patient. The
heterogeneous nature of both ARDS and alveolar recruitment/derecruitment
makes the use of a single pressure-volume relationship difficult when it comes to
setting the PEEP .
In the case of the second patient, assume that his condition is worse
and that his respiratory compliance is 20 mL/cm H 2 O. This requires a driving
pressure of 20 cm to get the tidal volume, and by following this protocol, he
would only get 8-10 cm PEEP to bring the P PLAT up to 28-30 .
Transpulmonary Pressure
The transmural, or transpulmonary, pressure in the lung is defined as
the difference between the pressure inside the alveoli and the pleural pressure. In
other words, Pressure (in) – Pressure (out). Under normal conditions, this value
is quite small—the alveolar pressure is atmospheric, or zero, while breathing
through an open glottis, and the pleural pressure ranges from around - 3 cm H 2 O
at end-expiration to -8 cm at end-inspiration. Since the transpulmonary pressure
is the difference between the two, it ranges from 3 (o - - 3) to 8 (o - - 8) cm H 2 O.
This is what keeps the lungs open and acts as a counterbalance to the elastic
recoil of the lung.
Take two patients with ARDS who have a PEEP set at 15 cm. The
first patient has no extrinsic chest wall restriction and a pleural pressure of -5
cm. His transpulmonary pressure at end-expiration is 20 (15 - - 5), which serves
to maintain alveolar recruitment in the setting of lung inflammation and edema.
The second patient, in addition to having ARDS, also has reduced chest wall
compliance due to morbid obesity (BMI 52). His pleural pressure is +18 cm,
which means that his transpulmonary pressure at end-expiration is -3 (15 - +18 ).
The net effect is alveolar collapse at the end of each respiratory cycle.
Trans pulmonary Pressure = PEEP – Pleural Pressure
Trans pulmonary Pressure = 15 – 18 = -3
Net Pressure Effect Leads To Alveolar Collapse
Dynamic compliance on the ventilator = Tidal Volume / [Peak Inspiratory Pressure – PEEP]
* It is important to keep in mind that no one has established a truly "safe" level of plateau pressure, above
which lung injury is present and below which no injury occurs. Most experts, however, advise keeping the
plateau pressure at or below this range.
* 5 cm is subtracted from the Peso to account for mediastinal weight. This is a crude estimation, not an
exact measurement.
* Perioperative hemodynamic optimization using the pulmonary artery catheter; ScvO2 monitoring in septic
shock; aggressive transfusion strategies in penetrating trauma, GI hemorrhage, and critical illness;
decompressive craniectomy to treat intracranial hypertension; intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation for
cardiogenic shock; high-frequency oscillatory ventilation for ARDS. The beat goes on....
Chapter Five
Severe Bronchospasm
If the PIP and P PLAT are both elevated, especially if the P PLAT is over
30 cm H 2 O, then it indicates increased alveolar pressure. Common situations
that increase the alveolar pressure include mainstem intubation (all the volume
for two lungs is going into one); pneumothorax; pulmonary edema; mucus
plugging leading to atelectasis; dynamic hyperinflation; and increased abdominal
pressure. While all of these can occur in any patient requiring mechanical
ventilation, asthmatics are especially prone to mucus plugging, dynamic
hyperinflation, and pneumothorax. These should definitely be considered in any
ventilated asthmatic who suddenly gets worse .
Low tidal volumes can also work against the patient with severe
bronchospasm, especially if he isn't heavily sedated. Air hunger is a common
symptom of an exacerbation of asthma or COPD, and low tidal volumes can
make the patient very tachypneic. A tidal volume of 6 mL/kg predicted body
weight (PBW) is great for ARDS, but with asthma and COPD, a higher tidal
volume is often needed. 8 mL/kg PBW usually works without causing
overdistension, and it mitigates the tachypnea and air hunger. Higher tidal
volumes, especially > 10 mL/kg PBW, do increase the risk of barotrauma .
Most of the time, the measures described above are sufficient to treat
the patient with severe bronchospasm. Keep the vent rate low; administer
albuterol, ipratropium, and prednisone; don't stress about the PaCO 2 ; and let the
patient get better. This usually works, until it doesn't. When the patient is still
deteriorating, the clinician should consider one or more rescue therapies. These
include Heliox, ketamine infusion, and therapeutic bronchoscopy. Inhalational
anesthetics have been described in the literature, but the cumbersome nature of
anesthesia machines and the potential toxicity of leaking anesthetic gases to
hospital staff make this a less desirable option.
Heliox refers to a blend of helium and oxygen, usually in a 70:30
ratio. A gas blender can be used to change this ratio to 60:40. When the fraction
of oxygen exceeds 40%, the potential benefit of Heliox is lost. Therefore, Heliox
should only be used when the patient can be adequately oxygenated with an FiO
2 of 40% or less.
The benefit of Heliox is with the helium having a much lower density
than nitrogen gas. This translates into Heliox improving the tendency of inspired
gas toward laminar flow, which improves gas flow through narrowed proximal
and larger airways. More laminar and less turbulent gas flow in the conducting
airways leads to better gas exchange and aerosol delivery of medications like
albuterol to the respiratory and terminal bronchioles. This can also help reduce
the work of breathing. Heliox can be delivered by facemask, through
noninvasive positive pressure breathing, or via the mechanical ventilator.
The second issue is the FiO 2 . Most ventilators have two gas inlets—
one for 100% oxygen, and one for air (21% oxygen). The gas blender will mix
the two to attain the FiO 2 selected on the ventilator. Administration of helium
through the air inlet can result in a different FiO 2 actually delivered to the
patient. In the case of pure helium going through the air inlet, the delivered FiO 2
may be less than what's selected (normally the air inlet has 21% oxygen, and
with pure helium there's 0% oxygen). More commonly, a premixed Heliox tank
is connected to the air inlet. If the Heliox is, say, 70% helium and 30% oxygen,
and the FiO 2 on the vent is set at 30% oxygen, then the patient will end up
receiving a higher FiO 2 than the selected 30% (due to mixture of the gases). This
may reduce the efficacy of the Heliox, especially if the true FiO 2 exceeds 40%. It
can also increase the volume of gas delivered to the patient and increase the
airway pressures. To make this even more complicated, different ventilators use
different mixing valves and blenders. It's important to know how the particular
ventilators you're using work with Heliox.
There are two ways around the issue of the FiO 2 . The first is to
directly sample the inspired gas with a density-independent measuring device,
which is cumbersome. The second is to connect a premixed tank of Heliox to the
air inlet of the ventilator, and set the FiO 2 on the vent to 21%. This means that no
supplemental oxygen is added to the Heliox mixture and that only the Heliox is
delivered to the patient. The gas blender on the tank, or the mixture of the gas in
the tank itself, can be used to control the "true" FiO 2 —the vent may say the
FiO 2 is 21%, but if the tank is full of 70:30 Heliox, then the patient is actually
getting 30% oxygen. This is the easiest method, but it requires informing the
nursing and respiratory staff that the FiO 2 is not actually 21% (despite what it
says on the ventilator).
Ketamine is a dissociative agent that has marked sedative and
analgesic properties, and it's most commonly used for procedural sedation.
Unlike benzodiazepines, which act on inhibitory GABA receptors, ketamine
blocks excitatory NMDA receptors in the central nervous system. NMDA
receptors are also present in the lungs and appear to play a role in
bronchoconstriction. Ketamine's anti-NMDA effect would therefore make it an
attractive agent to use in conditions of severe bronchospasm like status
asthmaticus. Experimental models have also suggested that ketamine has a
salutary effect on bronchospasm through effects on norepinephrine reuptake and
vagal inhibition. 23
The typical dosing for ketamine in status asthmaticus has not been
clearly defined. Clinical trials have used an initial bolus anywhere from 0.1
mg/kg to 2.0 mg/kg, followed by infusions ranging from 0.15 mg/kg/hr to 2.5
mg/kg/hr for up to five days. 23 Because of the lack of clear evidence-based
recommendations, it seems prudent to start with a lower bolus dose like 0.1 to
0.5 mg/kg, followed by an infusion starting at 0.15 to 0.25 mg/kg/hr. The
infusion can be titrated upward until the desired clinical response of adequate
sedation, improvement in gas exchange, and improvement in bronchospasm (as
determined by chest auscultation and lower airway pressures) is attained.
Furthermore, it makes sense to administer benzodiazepines when the ketamine is
being weaned off to prevent emergence reactions.
Therapeutic Bronchoscopy
Therapeutic bronchoscopy is occasionally necessary to clear the
airways of thick mucus plugs and bronchial casts. Occlusion of large conducting
airways can definitely affect lung mechanics and gas exchange, and seems to
limit the delivery of inhaled bronchodilators to smaller airways. One review of
93 cases of fatal asthma showed that airway obstruction by exudative secretions
was a significant cause of death. 25 Early evaluation of the tracheobronchial tree
with fiberoptic bronchoscopy should be considered in patients with severe
bronchospasm, and mucus plugs should be aggressively lavaged. Giving
mucolytics like N-acetylcysteine through the bronchoscope may be helpful, but
this can cause bronchospasm. Instrumentation of the airways themselves with
the bronchoscope can also cause immediate or delayed bronchospasm. For
"routine" cases of asthma, bronchoscopy is probably not warranted and may
cause complications. For severe cases, however, the likelihood of significant
mucus plugging or casting of the airways is higher and the benefits of
bronchoalveolar lavage may outweigh the risk.
Wait It Out
One of the major challenges in the critical care of patients with
severe bronchospasm is that they don't get better right away. It may take several
days or longer for the steroids and bronchodilators to take effect and for the
inflammation and bronchospasm to subside. In the meantime, it is important to
stay focused on the following goals:
* A drop in the systolic blood pressure by more than 10 mm Hg during inspiration. The "paradox" is that the
heart is still beating, but the radial pulse may be absent. Pulsus paradoxus can also be seen with cardiac
tamponade, constrictive pericarditis, anaphylaxis, pneumothorax, and other conditions.
* Alveolar flooding and collapse is usually not a problem with status asthmaticus or exacerbation of COPD.
Applying PEEP, especially with status asthmaticus, can worsen air trapping and hyperinflation. There is
occasionally a role for applied PEEP with dynamic airway collapse, like in a COPD exacerbation, but to
start with I recommend zero end-expiratory pressure (ZEEP). This is discussed further in The Ventilator
Book .
Chapter Six
Prone Positioning and
Neuromuscular Blockade
Two adjunctive strategies for treating severe ARDS that have been
used for years are prone positioning and therapeutic neuromuscular blockade.
These are often used in conjunction with each other, and the clinical rationale is
improved ventilator-perfusion matching and alveolar recruitment. Until recently,
neither treatment had shown an improvement in survival from severe respiratory
failure (although there was proof of improved oxygenation).
Despite the enthusiasm that has greeted these findings, it's important
to keep in mind that there are limitations with these and other studies, and that
their findings should not result in wholesale application of prone positioning and
neuromuscular blockade in every patient with ARDS. In this chapter, the pros
and cons of each treatment will be discussed. If this seems like hedging, well,
that's because it is. Both prone positioning and neuromuscular blockade have a
place in the treatment of ARDS, and both have significant risks. Neither is a
magic bullet, and neither is a substitute for lung-protective ventilation and good
supportive critical care. By the time you're reading this, there may be new
developments either supporting or refuting (or both!) these therapies. For now,
the focus should be on identifying the patients who may benefit while
minimizing the risks.
The PROSEVA trial did show a mortality benefit, but it's important to
note that it was the first trial of prone positioning in ARDS to do so after
numerous other clinical trials had failed. This may have been due to
improvement in the process and a refinement of the indications and duration of
treatment. It could also easily reflect the fact that clinical statistics are not exact
and that occasionally a trial can demonstrate a benefit when none actually exists.
The PROSEVA trial was very similar to another clinical study of prone
positioning published in 2009. 30 That study looked at a similar number of
patients (466, vs. 342 in PROSEVA) and included patients with a PaO 2 /FiO 2
ratio ≤ 200. It also used a similar duration of proning (20 hours at a time, vs. 16
hours in PROSEVA). There was the expected improvement in oxygenation, but
no statistically significant difference in mortality. The fact that two very similar
clinical trials reached very different conclusions suggests that a much larger
tiebreaker trial is needed.
The final issue that clinicians should consider with PROSEVA is the
overall reduction in mortality. There was a nearly 17% absolute risk reduction,
which is huge . No other treatment in critical care medicine has been able to
consistently reduce the risk of death that much. This may be a case of "if it looks
too good to be true, it probably is."
There are also concerns regarding the external validity of the study.
The rate of pneumothorax in the control group was nearly 12%, which seems
higher than what's seen in clinical practice. This leads to questions regarding the
ventilator strategy used, and it turns out that the prescribed tidal volume in this
trial was 6-8 mL/kg PBW. This is a higher tidal volume than what's
recommended for moderate-to-severe ARDS. Another trial using a lower tidal
volume strategy would seem to be needed .
Putting It Together
The point of the preceding arguments was not to convince you that
all patients with ARDS should be proned and paralyzed, and it wasn't intended to
say that proning and neuromuscular blockade are worthless. The truth is that
both may have a role in moderate-to-severe ARDS (PaO 2 /FiO 2 ≤ 150), and they
should be considered on a case-by-case basis. The patients most likely to benefit
from prone positioning are those with significant dorsal consolidation as seen on
CT imaging. Patients with more diffuse infiltrates may not see as much of a
response to changes in respiratory mechanics and pulmonary blood flow.
Additionally, the nursing care of other issues (long bone fractures, recent chest
or abdominal surgery, brain injury, etc.) may be adversely affected with proning.
Proper training and drilling of ICU staff, along with the use of a proning
checklist, should minimize the risk of turning to both patients and caregivers.
Turning Process
• Apply lubricant to eyes and tape eyelids closed
• Remove any jewelry from the patient's head or neck
• Remove any bite blocks
• Bolus necessary analgesia/sedation/neuromuscular blocker
• Confirm SpO 2 and ETCO 2 monitors are in place and functional
• Two turners on either side of the patient (four total)
• Two respiratory therapists at the head of the patient
o One to manage the head, airway, and face pillow
o One to manage ventilator tubing and provide backup
• Supervisor at the foot of the be d
• Central lines (after necessary boluses)
• Arterial lines
• Hemodialysis lines
• Cardiac monitor leads
• The endotracheal tube from the ventilator
o Attach a self-inflating bag connected to oxygen
o Adjust the PEEP valve on the bag to the appropriate
level, based on the patient's oxygenation
o Put the ventilator on standby
Supervisor should read each step aloud, with verbal confirmation
by the team members
o On the supervisor's count, the team will turn the patient onto his
left/right (specify which) side, keeping the pillows tight against
the body using the sheet
o On the supervisor's count, the team will turn the patient to the
PRONE or SUPINE position, ensuring that the pillows and face
pad are kept in the proper position
There have not been many clinical trials of inhaled prostacyclin, and
the evidence base is limited. iNO has been studied much more extensively, and
so further discussion will center on the use of iNO. This does not mean that
inhaled prostacyclin is not effective, and it may work just as well as iNO in
similar clinical settings. It is important to note that neither iNO nor inhaled
prostacyclin are FDA-approved for use in adults with ARDS or right ventricular
failure, and any use is off-label.
Consider a patient who has severe systolic CHF. He has a mean PAP
of 40 mm Hg and a PAOP of 30 mm Hg. The PAOP (a.k.a. the wedge pressure)
represents left atrial pressure. Left atrial pressure equals left ventricular pressure
at the end of diastole, when blood stops flowing from the atrium to the ventricle.
The left ventricular end-diastolic pressure is elevated due to severe CHF. The
only way that blood can flow from the right ventricle through the pulmonary
vasculature and into the left ventricle is if the pulmonary artery pressure is
higher than the left ventricular pressure. Now, this patient is started on iNO. The
mean PAP falls, as predicted. iNO is a selective pulmonary vasodilator, which
means that it will not reduce the left ventricular afterload. The left atrial pressure
remains the same. If the mean PAP is now 28, and the left atrial pressure is 30,
you can see where this is going. Blood flow will reverse, leading to pulmonary
edema and hypotension.
When the patient is tolerating an iNO dose of 5 ppm, the drug can be
weaned off. The iNO dose should be lowered by 1 ppm every 30 minutes. If the
mean PAP increases by ≥ 5 mm Hg, or the SpO 2 falls by ≥ 5%, the iNO should
be returned to 5 ppm and further attempts at weaning should be postponed for at
least 12 hours. Once the iNO is at 2 ppm, a single dose of sildenafil 20 mg can
be given (if it's not already being administered). This may help prevent rebound
pulmonary hypertension as the drug is weaned off. After administration of the
sildenafil, continue to reduce the iNO by 1 ppm every 30 minutes until it's off.
* PVR is often expressed in dyne-sec-cm-5. This is obtained by multiplying the number of Wood units by
79.9. I'm not sure why this is. I find it easier to use Wood units.
Chapter Eight
Veno-Venous ECMO
VV vs. VA
Veno-venous ECMO is considerably different from veno-arterial
ECMO (VA ECMO). VA ECMO is similar to heart-lung bypass. Blood is
drained from the venous side using a cannula placed in the femoral vein. The
blood is pumped through an oxygenator, and the fully oxygenated blood is
returned to the patient via a cannula placed in the femoral or subclavian artery
(Figure 1). In neonates, the carotid artery is often used; in adults, however, the
carotid artery is avoided due to the risk of stroke. With VA ECMO, the
extracorporeal circuit can support both the pulmonary and the cardiac systems.
The flow through the pump can make up for even the most severe heart failure.
In fact, the primary indication for VA ECMO in adults is refractory cardiogenic
The VA ECMO circuit provides both respiratory and cardiac support by
pumping oxygenated blood directly into the aorta. The pump flow is
sufficient to replace the entire cardiac output, if necessary .
VV ECMO, on the other hand, provides no cardiac support. Blood is
drained from the inferior vena cava through a cannula placed in the femoral vein.
After being pumped through an oxygenator, the blood is returned to the right
atrium through a cannula placed in the internal jugular vein.
Dual-lumen cannulas are also available, and function similarly to
dual-lumen hemodialysis catheters (albeit much larger, to accommodate a flow of
4-7 L/min). The dual-lumen cannula is placed via the right internal jugular vein.
It passes through the superior vena cava and into the inferior vena cava. The
siphon, or drainage, ports are at the tip of the cannula in the IVC. Using
transesophageal echocardiography, the cannula is manipulated so that the return
port is directed over the tricuspid valve. This helps reduce the risk of
When VV ECMO is initiated, some (but not all) of the venous blood
is siphoned into the circuit. A pump drives a blood flow of 4-7 L/min through a
membrane oxygenator. As the blood passes through the oxygenator, the
hemoglobin becomes fully saturated and the PaO 2 may rise as high as 400-500
mm Hg. When this blood, with an SaO 2 of 100%, is returned to the right atrium,
it mixes with the remaining venous blood and then proceeds through the
pulmonary circulation. If half of the venous blood has an SvO 2 of 60% and the
other half has an SvO 2 of 100% (thanks to the ECMO circuit), the total venous
return going through the pulmonary circulation has an SvO 2 of roughly 80%.
With higher pump flows, a greater percentage of the venous return is oxygenated
using the ECMO circuit, leading to a higher overall SvO 2 . In most patients, the
ECMO flow can be increased to the point where the total SvO 2 is 85-90% .
Here's where VV ECMO becomes really cool. It's also where you
have to remember the principles of oxygen delivery [see the earlier chapter in
this book]. With a high enough cardiac output and hemoglobin, oxygen delivery
to the tissues can be maintained even with mild-to-moderate hypoxemia. In other
words, an SaO 2 of 80-85% is perfectly fine so long as cardiac output is sufficient
and there is enough hemoglobin to carry the bound oxygen.
Weaning VV ECMO
As the patient begins to recover, the FiO 2 of the sweep gas can be
lowered. Circuit flow, once established, should not be lowered—lower blood
flow increases the risk of thrombosis in the circuit. Keep in mind that VV
ECMO is just like a really big right atrium. As the FiO 2 on the sweep gas is
reduced, the blood flowing through the oxygenator will pick up less oxygen.
That means that the proportion of gas exchange that has to occur through the
patient's lungs is increasing. Once the FiO 2 on the sweep gas is 0.21, the ECMO
circuit is contributing nothing at all to the patient's oxygenation—it's all being
done with low-level ventilator support. Blood is simply flowing through the big
right atrium but there's no assistance with oxygenation. If the patient's condition
is acceptable, it's time to come off ECMO.
Patient Selection
This is often the most difficult part of using VV ECMO for severe
acute respiratory failure. For many years, ECMO was used predominantly for
neonates with infant respiratory distress syndrome, meconium aspiration, and
congenital diaphragmatic hernia. In recent years, however, ECMO has become
more popular for older children and adults. The H1N1 influenza pandemic of
2009 accelerated the interest in ECMO, particularly VV ECMO, as a rescue
therapy. The CESAR trial, published in The Lancet in 2009, demonstrated a
survival benefit for patients with severe influenza-related ARDS transferred to
ECMO centers. 36 Only 75% of those randomized to the ECMO arm actually
received ECMO, which is an interesting finding. It may be that the true benefit
was treating patients in high-volume centers with the appropriate expertise and
ability to provide rescue therapies, including ECMO, rather than the provision of
ECMO itself .
Contraindications to VV-ECMO +
• Mechanical ventilation at high settings (e.g. FiO 2 ≥ 90%, P PLAT >
30, PEEP ≥ 15) for 7 days or longer
• Contraindication to anticoagulation
• Absolute neutrophil count < 500/mm3
• Major CNS damage or other nonreversible comorbidity
• Age > 65
• Progression of chronic respiratory disease to the point of
respiratory failur e
If the patient has not improved with the aforementioned therapy, VV ECMO
team should be considered. Additional rescue maneuvers that can be tried
6. Inhaled nitric oxide
7. High frequency oscillatory ventilation
The exact degree to which different areas of the body are perfused
depends on how strong the heart is. Consider a patient with zero native cardiac
function. All of his arterial flow, including the coronary ostia, depends on the
ECMO circuit flow. As he begins to recover cardiac function, the native heart
will begin pumping blood into the aortic arch. As the heart grows stronger, it will
perfuse more and more blood to the coronary arteries and the vessels coming off
the aortic arch. This can lead to a situation where the lower half of the body is
well-oxygenated by the ECMO circuit, while the upper body (including the
brain) is relatively hypoxic. The management of the "blue nose syndrome" is
beyond the scope of this chapter.
Therefore, simply putting a patient receiving VA ECMO on rest
settings like you would do with VV ECMO risks myocardial hypoxia. A higher
FiO 2 and PEEP may be necessary. Unlike with VV ECMO, ventilator settings
should be adjusted to attain adequate gas exchange. The most accurate site for
arterial blood gas monitoring depends on where the arterial ECMO cannula is
located. In most cases, the cannula is placed in a femoral artery and into the
descending aorta. After the coronary ostia, the next branch off the aortic arch is
the right brachio cephalic artery. A blood gas specimen from a right radial arterial
line will give the most accurate measure of the native heart's oxygen delivery. In
the cases of central subclavian artery cannulation, there is much less discrepancy
in regional oxygen delivery. The arterial line is generally placed in the radial
artery on the opposite side from the subclavian artery cannula.
* Always remember that the whole point of VV ECMO for respiratory failure is to let the lungs rest and
recover. If they look whited-out on the CXR and the tidal volume on these settings is < 100 mL, so be it!
Resist the temptation to use the vent for gas exchange. Let the ECMO circuit do the work.
* http://cesar.lshtm.ac.uk/murrayscorecalculator.htm
+ Contraindications are relative, not absolute; however, the presence of these conditions is associated with a
higher risk of treatment failure.
Chapter Nine
2 A.M .
First Things
Whenever a critically ill patient takes a turn for the worse, the initial
assessment should go back to the ABCs. This is drilled repeatedly in Advanced
Cardiac Life Support and Advanced Trauma Life Support courses, and for good
reason. For a mechanically ventilated patient, think Tube, Sounds , Sats . Make
sure the endotracheal tube is in place and is patent—capnography is very helpful
in this regard. Auscultate the chest to make sure there is bilateral air entry, and
listen for wheezing or rales that might point you toward the reason for the
patient's deterioration. Ensure that the patient is adequately oxygenated—
hypoxemia can be due to a mechanical problem, a pulmonary issue, a
cardiovascular issue, or a combination of any of these.
Another useful mnemonic for evaluating the crashing ventilated patient is
APRV works very well for diffuse, bilateral lung injury. It does not
work as well when one lung is considerably worse than the other, and it doesn't
work very well in patients with significant obstructive pulmonary disease due to
the air-trapping it creates. Patients with tenuous hemodynamics may also do
poorly with APRV if the distending airway pressure impacts venous return or
pulmonary blood flow. APRV does seem to be well-tolerated in most patients
with ARDS, however, and it has the added benefit of permitting spontaneous
ventilation and not requiring heavy sedation and neuromuscular blockade.
APRV Setup Flowchart
Prone and Paralyze
If a patient with severe ARDS has a contraindication to APRV, or
doesn't do well on APRV, I think there is sufficient evidence to recommend
prone positioning (usually in conjunction with neuromuscular blockade). The
success of prone positioning depends greatly on a well-trained staff and
meticulous avoidance of complications like pressure injuries and dislodgement
of life support devices. Therefore, using a checklist each time the patient is
turned is highly recommended. Regular training of the ICU staff is also
necessary. The ventilator should be kept on ARDSNet-style settings to help
protect the lungs from injury, and the same goals for gas exchange apply.
Concurrent Therapy
While much of the treatment for ARDS focuses on respiratory
support, it's important to recognize that volume overload, excessive pulmonary
secretions, and cardiac dysfunction can also contribute to severe respiratory
failure. In addition to providing optimal ventilator support, the following should
be considered:
Veno-Venous ECMO
VV ECMO is the ultimate rescue strategy for respiratory failure, and
it works by essentially taking the lungs out of the equation so they can rest and
recover. The indications for VV ECMO are outlined in the chapter in this book.
VV ECMO carries very real risks—the cannulas are very large, and the
anticoagulation necessary for the circuit often leads to significant bleeding and
the need for multiple transfusions. It is also quite resource-intensive and can
only be performed in ECMO centers. Nevertheless, VV ECMO is growing in
popularity as a method of support for adults with severe respiratory failure. If a
patient appears to be heading toward this and is not already at an ECMO center,
early transfer should be arranged if possible.
* There's a very good chapter on APRV in The Ventilator Book , if I do say so myself!
1 Hickling KG, Henderson SJ, Jackson R. Low mortality associated with low
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Available at Amazon.com .
William Owens, MD, is the Director of the Medical Intensive Care Unit at
Palmetto Health Richland, a tertiary referral center in Columbia, SC. He is also
the Division Chief for Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine in the
Palmetto Health-USC Medical Group and an Associate Professor of Clinical
Medicine with the University of South Carolina. He has also served on the
faculty at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
Dr. Owens is a graduate of The Citadel and the University of South Carolina
School of Medicine. He trained in Emergency Medicine at the Earl K. Long
Medical Center in Baton Rouge, LA. He did his fellowship training in Critical
Care Medicine at the University of South Florida in Tampa, FL. He is board-
certified in Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, and Neurocritical Care
Medicine. He has spoken at regional and national conferences and has published
articles in the peer-reviewed medical literature.
Throughout his career, Dr. Owens has been an active clinician and educator. He
enjoys training physicians, nurses, and respiratory therapists in the care of the
most seriously ill and injured patients and is a firm believer in a holistic
approach to critical care medicine. He believes in the rational application of
physiology and in always questioning our assumptions.
Dr. Owens lives in Columbia, SC, with his wife and three free-range children.
He also lives with two large St. Bernards and a beehive with about 60,000 bees.
He enjoys mountain biking, whitewater kayaking, playing lacrosse, and going on
family adventures .