Communication On Social Media

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in social media
Group 1
Communication in
social media
There are various modes through which we
communicate with each other. In the past, these
modes took the form of handwritten messages,
typewritten messages, short telegrams, computer-
encoded texts, as well as landline telephone
conversations, and audio/vide recorded messages.
Because each mode of communication is distinct
from the other, the ways in which we craft our
messages differ. For example, there is a greater
tendency for us to write a longer more visually
detailed message if we encode it using a computer. If
we handwrite the same message, or deliver it through
an audio recording, the message will not be the same.
Today, with the rapid rise and
spread of Internet connectivity ,the
old forms of communication have
given way to new forms that make
communication easier and faster.
Read the following new report
about the use of social media in the
By Miguel R. Camus (2017)

#1 #2
Filipinos spend more time Filipinos spend most of their
on social media sites than online time on sites such as
anyone else in the world, Facebook, Snapchat and
going online roughly four Twitter, said the report, called
hours and 17 minutes a day, Digital in 2007, and prepared
according to a report by social media platform
released on Tuesday. Hootsuite and United
Kingdom-based consultancy
We Are Social Ltd.

#3 #4 #5 #6
Brazilians and Argentinians The United States, where "It's probably due to the "Filipinos like to keep in
followed closely behind, many of these social media same cultural dynamics touch," Isberto said.
spending three hours and players were founded, is that made us the text
43 minutes and three hours among the bottom half, messaging capital of the
and 32 minutes on social with Americans spending world," said Ramon
media, respectively, the an average of just two Isberto, spokesperson for
report said. hours and six seconds per telecoms giant PLDT and
day. The least active were Smart, referring to mobile
the Japanese, who log on phone text messaging in
an average of just 40 the past decade that is now
minutes daily. giving way to internet-
based applications.
#7 #8
The Philippines' social media usage was in There appeared to be a relationship between
stark contrast to its internet speed. Fixed- poor fixed- broadband speed and time spent
broadband speed here is among the slowest in on social media.
Asia-Pacific, while mobile connections are
among the fastest, according to the most
recent Akamai report.

#9 #10
The Philippines, Brazil and Argentina have an The fastest was South Korea, with 26.3 mbps,
average fixed-line broadband speed of 4.2 and its citizens just spend about 1 hour and 11
megabits per second (mbps), 5.5 mbps and 5 minutes a day on social media.
mbps, respectively.
#11 #12 #13
According to the report, the Mobile was also a fast-growing The Philippines, so far, had a social
Philippines' internet and social platform, accounting for 38 percent media penetration rate of 58
media users grew by over 25 of all Web traffic in the country, up percent, higher than the average of
percent, up 13 million and 12 almost a third over 2016. 47 percent in Southeast Asia.
million over last year, respectively.

#14 #15
Around the world, internet users Global active netizens using mobile
grew 10 percent, or an additional phones and other devices surged 30
354 million people, while active percent, or another 581 million
social media users jumped 21 people.
percent, or an additional 482

#16 #17

The total internet "Half of the world's

penetration rate stood at 50 population is now online,
percent, or 3.77 billion which is a testament to the
people, the report showed. speed with which digital
connectivity is helping to
improve people's lives,"
said Simon Kemp, a
consultant at We Are
#18 #19 #20
"The increase in The report compiles The 2016 report has
internet users in data from the been downloaded
developing world's largest 70,000 times and
economies is studies of online read 2.5 million
particularly behavior, conducted times on SlideShare
encouraging," Kemp by organizations so far.
added. including Global
WebIndex, GSMA
Statista, and Akamai
in "a comprehensive
state" of social
media reference.

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