1 Patterns of Development

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• Learning • Topic
• Patterns of Development
Competency • narration

• Distinguishes between • description

• definition
and among patterns of
• exemplification /classification
development in • comparison and contrast
writing across • cause and effect
disciplines • problem –solution

Quar 1 Lesso1
• persuasion
Maricar R. Terrado
Dr. Maricar R. Terrado
Oceans and lakes have much in common, but they
are also quite different. Both are bodies of water, but
oceans are very large bodies of salt water, while lakes
are much smaller bodies of fresh water. Lakes are
usually surrounded by land, while oceans are what
surround continents. Both have plants and animals
living in them. The ocean is home to the largest
animals on the planet, whereas lakes support much
smaller forms of life. When it is time for a vacation,
both will make a great place to visit and enjoy.
Source: https://patternbasedwriting.com/elementary_writing_success/paragraph-examples/

• Source: https://patternbasedwriting.com/elementary_writing_success/paragraph-examples/
1. What is the paragraph all
2. How are ideas being
3. What is the purpose of the
author in writing the text?
• helps you follow ideas easily and understand a text
• Having the ability to recognize it will help you
distinguish major details from minor ones and
predict ideas.
• signal words may help you identify the pattern of
development, but it is more important that you
understand the meaning of the text.
• tells a story. It relates an incident or a series of
events that leads to a conclusion or ending. It tells
the readers when, where, and what happened.
• not necessarily arranged in chronological order,
told by a narrator, happening in a particular place
at a particular time.
• creating world based on the writer’s imagination.
Elements of Narrative
1. Setting: the time and location in
which a story takes place
2. Characters: significant part of the story
which features the characters – protagonist
& antagonist
3. Plot: logical series of events
Five (5) Essential Parts of the
• Exposition: part where the characters and setting are
• Rising Action: where the events become complicated and the
conflict of the story is exposed
• Climax: the highest point of interest and the turning point of the story
• Falling Action: the events and complications begin to resolve
• Denouement: the final resolution of the plot in the story
Elements of Narrative
4. Point of View: the perspective of the writer in
narrating the story
• First person POV: the story is told by the protagonist or one of
the characters using pronouns I, me, we
• Second person POV: the author tells the story using pronouns
you, yours, and your
• Third person POV: the narrator is not part of the story but
describes the events that happen. The writer uses the pronouns he,
she, him and her
Signal Words
• about, after, afterwards, as soon as
• at this/that point, tomorrow
• until, before, during, eventually, finally, first
• immediately, when, in the meantime, later
• meanwhile, next week, next presently
• yesterday, prior to, second, soon, then, till,
• Ondoy began to develop from an active low
pressure area to a tropical cyclone on September
24, 2009. The following day, PAGASA raised storm
signals all over the Philippine archipelago. At that
point, signal no. 2 was raised in Catanduanes and
other parts of Luzon. By Saturday morning, reports
of flooding started to pour in. Meanwhile,
President Arroyo declared a state of calamity in
Metro Manila. Immediately after President
Arroyo’s declaration, various government agencies
began the rescue and relief operations. As soon as
Typhoon Ondoy exited the Philippines, more and
more relief and rescue operations were conducted.
• Explains what a term means.
• This pattern explains the information through the
use of illustrations, examples, and descriptions.
• Elements:
• term to be defined
• the detailed explanation of the term
Types of Definition
1. Formal Definition- provided in dictionaries
2. Informal Definitions
a. Operational Definition- gives the meaning of an abstract
word for one particular time and place
b. Synonyms- words that mean the same as another word
c. Denotation- the exact meaning of the word
d. Connotation- an idea or meaning suggested by or
associated with a word or things
Three Ways of Defining a Term

I. One-sentence logical definition

Three Elements:
a. The term- the word r phrase to be defined
b. Genus or Class- where the term belongs
c. Differentia or characteristics- that makes the term
different from the other members of the class
Three Ways of Defining a Term

II. Dictionary Definition- meaning to a word

given by a dictionary
III. Extended Definition- explains something
with the use of several related sentences
Signal Words
• is defined
• as defined
• means
• refers to
• to define
• to illustrate
Social engineering is defined as
any method which tricks people to
share personal information through the
use of technology. The ‘social’
component in this scheme means that
there is reliance on various
psychological tricks and on the
gullibility of users rather than
technical hacking. Social engineering
also refers to various malicious acts
online such as phishing, spamming,

• presents the general statement and then

provides specific and concrete examples to
expound on the main idea.
• this pattern is used to provide an example of
Signal Words
• after all • in other words in
• as an example consider particular in short

• the following for • to illustrate

example • specifically stated
• Namely differently that is

• for instance • to be specific

• to clarify
While the internet offers so many benefits to
man, it also has its downsides. One of these is
phishing, which refers to the act of obtaining
personal information, such as passwords and
credit card details, through online means. In
other words, phishing is a form of
cybercrime. As an example, let us consider
the case of Mr. X. he received an email
stating that his Gmail account has been
compromised and that he needed to click a
link to update personal information. If Mr. X
clicks on the link, his personal information
• A descriptive paragraph - provides details on the idea by
using either a sensory or spatial pattern.
• sensory pattern- ideas are arrange based on one or all of
the five senses
• spatial pattern- arranges ideas by location or physical
• Uses sensory details such as sights, smells, tastes, feeling
and textures to create vivid images in the reader’s mind.
Two Types

• Informative or Objective Description-

the focus is the object- its physical
properties and characteristics
• Evocative or Subjective Description-
emotions or moods of the reader
Signal Words
• above across • behind • in • onto
• adjacent to below • in front of • opposite to
• against • beneath • inside into • outside
along • beside • near • Over
• alongside • between • off • Throughout
• amidst • beyond by • on • to the right
• around away • down farther • on top of • under
• from back of• here
A laptop is one of the greatest inventions of the
modern era. It is a lightweight device that can save a vast
amount of information. The screen, touchpad, speakers,
keyboard, battery, and AC adapter are the basic parts of a
laptop. The most noticeable part of a laptop is its screen,
which is responsible for displaying information. Another
major component is the keyboard. On it are the keys needed
to enter data into the computer. Near the keyboard you will
find a smooth, rectangular surface which acts like a desktop
computer mouse – this is the touchpad. At the bottom part of
this rectangular surface, you will see buttons that operate
like a mouse button. Below the keyboard and touchpad, built
into the laptop itself are the speakers which allow you to
hear sounds and music. Found at the back of the keyboard is
the battery; it serves as the lifeline of the computer. Finally,
a laptop also comes with an AC adapter which charges the
• Comparison- tells how two things are similar
• Contrast- tells how they are different
• Comparison & contrast- can do either both
-organizes ideas based on how the events, places,
people, things, and concepts are similar to or different
from one another
- Try using a Venn diagram or a compare/contrast
matrix to better understand this pattern of development.
1. Separately- describing one item first
followed by the second item
2. Side- by-side- discussing both items
based on each point of comparison
Signal Words
For Comparing Things • to compare
For Contrasting Things
• also • although, and yet, as opposed
• as to, but, conversely, yet, still,
• both unlike
• equally • despite, even so, even
• in a similar fashion though, in contrast, in spite
• In comparison of, in the meantime
• in the same way • instead, however,
• like, nevertheless, nonetheless, on
• similarly the contrary, on the other
hand, whereas
While these state-of-the-art phones have
similarities in the form of sleek design, multi-touch
touch screen, and multimedia features, they have
their distinctive features as well. First, Galaxy S5
has a larger screen at 5.1 inches as compared to
iPhone 6’s 4.7 inches. As for the operating system,
iPhone 6 uses iOS(8x) while S5 uses Android (5.0,
2.4.2). In terms of the camera, S5 has a
2.1megapixel front-facing camera which is higher
than iPhone’s 1.2 megapixels. Unlike S5, iPhone’s
battery is not user -replaceable and has a shorter
talk time, but when it comes to built-in storage,
iPhone 6 outperforms S5. Now that you know the
basic differences of the two phones, you can decide!
• You tell the readers how a collection of items can be
sorted into categories. (people, things, idea)
• organizes ideas into categories or divisions based on
criteria and standards
1. Superordinate- name of the larger group/ideas
2. Subordinate- subcategories of a larger group/ideas
3. Relationship between them
Signal Words
• another, • group
• another kind • the next part
• classified as
• final type
• one kind
• the first category
• the last
Earthquakes can be classified into three
main types based on the plate movements. The
first type is known as a convergent boundary.
Also known as destructive plate boundary, this
type of earthquake happens when two tectonic
plates move toward one another and collide.
The second type of earthquake is called
divergent boundary. During this type of
earthquake, two plates are forced to move
away from each other resulting in a rift zone.
The last type is called the conservative plate
boundary or transform fault. During this type
of earthquake, two tectonic plates slide past
• Cause- is what make a particular thing happen
• Effect – is what results from a particular
situation, activity, or behavior
• Cause-and-effect method is useful in explaining why
something happens
- details based on the cause, the reason, and result or
consequences of a certain phenomenon
Signal Words
For Cause • For Effect
• as • acccordingly
• because(of the fact) • as a consequence, as a
• being that • result (of this), because
• due to(the fact that) (of this), consequently,
• for for this reason, hence
• for the reason that
• in that • In consequence, so, so
• in view of(the fact) much (so) that, so that,
• in as much as therefore, thus
• seeing that
The advancement in technology and economy has
created major changes in modern society. One of these
changes is globalization. As we know, globalization has
affected the world in many ways. First, it served as a
catalyst to worldwide trading, thus allowing countries to
access foreign products. Although this had positive
effects, it also posed a real threat to the merchandise of
local traders. Second, globalization affected the
financial market. As a result, different countries had
more access to funds, and the exchange in national
currencies dramatically increased. Finally, globalization
also led the privatization of various facilities, such as
public health institutions. These institutions were being
privatized due to the idea that the private sector can
better manage and provide health services. In
• The problem section usually includes the what,
who, when, where, why, and how of the problem.
• presents the major effects of the problem and the
possible solutions to address it, as well as the
steps in implementing the solution
• Having a clear perspective of what needs to be
solved and how it should be solved
• Problem: unsatisfactory situation that causes
troubles or difficulties that need to be solved
• Solution: a way to deal with the situation so that
troubles or difficulties are removed
• Transitional Devices: Nowadays; For instance;
Such as/like; Namely; In conclusion; To conclude;
To sum up
Signal Words
• but • one way is
• first • the problem
• second • the solution
• Nonetheless
• one
• reason for the
• one solution is
• organizes ideas to show how a set of evidence
leads to a logical conclusion or argument
• tries to convince the reader that a particular point
of view is worthy of consideration.
• presents the issue
• position
• supporting evidence that supports the position
Today, most of the energy resources we have
generated from coal, oil, and natural gas. However, these
resources are limited. If continuously consumed at an
alarming rate, fossils necessary for generating power to
operate vehicles and factories will run out before long.
Nonetheless, this problem can be resolved through the use of
alternative sources of energy and conservation efforts. First,
using alternative sources of energy such as solar energy and
fusion energy would lessen pollution. These alternatives are
actually more accessible and cost-efficient. Although there
are some potential risks in using fusion energy, these risks
can be mitigated by implementing strict safety measures. The
second solution that governments can adopt is the
enhancement of conservation efforts. To do this, governments
need to make public more aware of the benefits of
conservation, as well as ways of conserving energy, such as
Signal Words
For Emphasizing a Point • to repeat
• again • truly
• for this reason • with
• in fact • this in mind
• in that case
• indeed
• to emphasize
Signal Words
For Concluding & • finally • on the whole
Summarizing • in any event • since
• accordingly, • in brief • in essence
• all in all • in conclusion • in a nutshell
• as a result • in short • therefore,
• as I have said • in summary • Thus
• consequently • inevitably • to sum up
• due to
Signal Words
For Conceding a • needless to • undoubtedly
Point • say • unquestionably
• admittedly • no doubt
• assuredly • obviously
• certainly • of course
• granted • to be sure
• it is true that • true
Euthanasia or mercy killing has been a widely
debated issue. It is an act to end a person’s life to
alleviate the suffering brought about by a terminal
or grave illness. While it may be supported by some,
mercy killing is not only an unethical medical
practice, it is also a crime. After all, on the most
basic level, euthanasia still takes a life. In fact,
majority of the countries in the world, including
those that have legalized it, consider it as homicide.
Aside from being a crime, euthanasia is unethical in
the medical context because it violates the principle
of “primum non nocore” which means “first, do no
harm.” In their code of ethics, doctors have
responsibility of saving lives, not destroying them,

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