Surah Al-Hashr Presentation Bscs 1st Semester
Surah Al-Hashr Presentation Bscs 1st Semester
Surah Al-Hashr Presentation Bscs 1st Semester
Madhni surah
• Al-Hashr (Arabic: الحشر, "The Exile") is the 59th chapter (surah)
of the Qur'an and has 24 verses.
• The chapter is named al-hashr because the word hashr, meaning
'exile' or 'banishment', appears in verse 2, describing the expulsion
of Jewish Banu Nadir tribe from their settlements
• Other meanings of hashr is gathering (gathering for migration)
Ayah: It has 24 ayah.
Chapter: It is the 59th chapter of Quran.
Ruku: It has 3 ruku.
Words: It has 445 words.
Letters: It has 1913 letters.
ئ غ ن اسی کل ب ن
ےل کے ے کر ور ر ا ک
ی ی پ ا د ا
َو اَّت َهَّللا
Have Taqwa of Allah), again ordering Taqwa,
خ ن
ے دا کو ب ھال ان لوگوں کی طرح ہ ہ و لوگوں ن ،اور ج
نف ت خ ن ن خ
و دا ے ا کو ود ب ھال دی ا .لوگ ا رمان ہ ی ں
َهَّللا وا ُسَن َن ي ِذَّل ا َك واُنو ُكَو اَل َت
Do not be like those who forgot God
ن خ
ود کو ب ھول ا ان کی وج ہ
ُق ْل َٰل
أو ِئَك ُهُم ا َفاِس وَن
Those are the transgressors
لوگ ا رمان ہ ی ں
اَل َيْس َتِو ي َأْص َح اُب الَّناِر َو َأْص َح اُب
و ُز اَف ْلا
َج ِة ُم ِئ َن ُه َّن ْلا ُبا َح ْصَأ ۚ َّن ْل
ا َج ِة
The inhabitants of the Fire and the inhabitants of
the Paradise are not equal. The inhabitants of the
Paradisethey attained to their goal.
ن ق ش ن ب ش
ے صد می ںم ب
ا ل ہ ت وہ ا.اہ ل دوزخ اور اہ ل ہ ت برابر ہی ں ہ ی ں
ش پ
ِر اَّنل ا ُبا َح ْصَأ ي ِوَت ْسَي اَل
Not equal owners of the Fire
گآ کے برابر ہی ں مالکان
َج ِة ْلا ُبا ْصَأ
َو َح
And the owners of Paradise
پ ھر ی ہ ت کے مالکان
َأْص َح اُب اْلَج َّنِة ُهُم اْلَفاِئُز وَن
ف ت
ج ت کے مالکان ا ح ہ ی ں
َيا َأُّيَها اَّلِذ يَن آَم ُنوا اَّتُقوا َهَّللا َو ْلَتنُظْر َنْفٌس َّم ا َقَّد َم ْت ِلَغ ٍد ۖ َو اَّتُقوا َهَّللاۚ ِإَّن َهَّللا َخ ِبيٌر
ِبَم ا َتْع َم ُلوَن.
O you who believe! Fear Allah and refrain from
disobedience to Him. And let every person look
to what he has sent forth for the morrow, and
fear Allah since He is All-Aware of what you do.
Addressed to the believers, the blessed Verse draws
a conclusion of the dire and excruciating fate of
Banu Nadhir, hypocrites, and Satan saying:
"O you who believe! Fear Allah and refrain from
disobedience to Him. And let every person look
to what he has sent forth for the morrow."
"Fear Allah since He is All-Aware of what you do."
Fear of Allah leads man to reflect upon his fate on the Day of
Resurrection and purify his deeds. As mentioned above,
reiteration of fear of Allah lays further emphasis, since the
springhead of all righteous deeds is fear of Allah.
The Arabic word ghad originally denotes "tomorrow" but it ad
hoc connotes the Day of Resurrection, since taking into
account the life of the world, we notice that the Day of
Resurrection will arrive soon.
To reflect its significance, the Arabic word ghad is used in
the indefinite form. The Arabic word nafs may connote
everyone, namely each and every person is supposed to
reflect upon his morrow without expecting others to do
anything for him, since so long as he is in this world, he may
send forth whatever he may.
َو اَل َت ُك وُنوا َك اَّلِذ يَن َن ُسوا َهَّللا َف َأنَس اُه ْم َأنُفَس ُهْم ۚ ُأوَٰل ِئَك ُه ُم اْلَف اِس ُقوَن
And be not like those who forgot Allah and He caused
them to forget their own selves. Those are the
Resuming the discussion on fearing Allah and attending to
one's fate on the Day of Resurrection, the blessed Verse
emphasizes fear of God Almighty saying:
"Be not like those who forgot Allah and He caused them to
forget themselves.”
Fear of God Almighty basically rests on two things:
remembrance of God Almighty, namely permanently
attending toward God Almighty and being aware of His
Presence at all times and in all places; attending to Divine
Justice and the Record of deeds in which each and every
act, small and significant, is recorded.
It is in this vein that the Prophets and the friends of Allah
fore and foremost attended to the two principles of Origin
and Resurrection and their significance in purifying the
individual and the society.
It is worthy of note that the Holy Qur’an is explicitly saying
that forgetting God Almighty leads to forgetting one's own
self. The reason lying behind such oblivion is that forgetting
God Almighty leads man to drown in concupiscent desires
and pleasures of the flesh and forget the goal of his creation
and thereby neglect to make the required saving for the Day
of Resurrection.
"They [such forgetful people] are the disobedient."
It is also worthy of note that the blessed Verse is
encouraging people not to be like those who forgot God
Almighty and He made them entangled with oblivion rather
than asking people not to forget Him.
اَل َي ْس َت ِو ي َأْص َح اُب الَّن اِر َو َأْص َح اُب اْلَج َّن ِة ۚ َأْص َح اُب اْلَج َّن ِة ُه ُم اْلَف اِئُز وَن
Not equal are the dwellers of the Fire and the dwellers of
the Paradise. It is the dwellers of Paradise that will be
the saved and the victorious.
The blessed Verse makes a comparison between the two
groups, namely that of God fearing believers attending to the
Origin and the Day of Resurrection and that of the forgetful
oblivious of God Almighty and their own selves, saying:
"Not equal are the dwellers of the Fire and the dwellers of
the Paradise,"
Neither in this world, nor in their beliefs, manner of
thought, individual and collective manner of life, and their
goals, nor in terms of the Hereafter, the Day of
Resurrection, revival of sublime human values, and
amassing savings for the everlasting life. The latter group
is drowned in the pleasures of the flesh, worldly
possessions, and oblivion. Thus, man is in a dilemma,
namely he must either join the former or the latter, since
there is no other path to tread.
The blessed Verse closes with a decisive conclusion
saying that the dwellers are Paradise are solely the saved
and the victorious not only in this world, but in the
Hereafter, when serenity and deliverance will fall into their
So with this being mentioned everyone should try to incorporate
Quran in their lives and learn from it. Just try it at least once and
slowly build upon it. The religion of Islam is powerful so don’t overdo
it and burn yourself out, rather take a gradual process to do this.
The Arabic word
hashr ("gathering")
is mentioned in the second Verse, hence the designation of the
Chapter. The word does not denote gathering on the Day of
Resurrection, but it connotes people's gathering for migration.
The blessed Chapter opens and closes with the glorification of God
Almighty by all the world of existence. The blessed Chapter mainly
treats of hypocrites' collaboration with Madinah Jews against the
Muslims, though the Holy Qur’an says that their stratagems lead to
nothing but their humiliation and defeat.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
One who recites the last three verses of Sureh Hashr Allah
appoints seventy-thousand angels who say Salat upon him until
the evening. If he dies on that day, he dies a martyr, and
whoever reaches the evening, he holds the same status.”