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Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Options
What is ADHD?
• A neurodevelopmental disorder that is usually seen under
12 years of age but can also been seen later in adults.

• Involves persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity,

and impulsivity

• It is not necessary for all components to co-exist

• On an estimate, 10 million children in India are diagnosed

with ADHD annually (Src: India Today)
• Difficult to stay • Has trouble staying still • Frequently interrupts and
focused on activities • Talks excessively and intrudes on others
and tasks difficulty playing quietly • Blurts out answers without
• Makes careless • Increased psychomotor waiting
mistakes activity • Has difficulty waiting for
• Easily distracted and their turn in
often forgetful games/conversations
• Loses things • Gets angry often, throws
Possible Onset
• It can become apparent in early childhood (2 years of age) and continue into
• Causes of ADHD: Combination of genetic, environmental, and neurological factors.
For example, family history, prenatal exposures, or neurotransmitter imbalance.
• Early detection and intervention is important to avoid severe psychological and
linguistic delays. Parents should consult a psychiatrist and other recommended
behavioral therapists.
Possible Impairments
Treatments Options
• Behavioral Techniques

1. Behavior Tracking
2. Positive Reinforcements (promoting certain behavior, learning technique)

3. Social Skills training (behavior and speech therapy)

4. Establishing a routine

5. Repetition of instructions
At-Home Coping Strategies
Techniques to improve eye-hand coordination in kids with ADHD:
1.Connect the dots exercise (A for Apple, drawings, counts)
2.Catching ball (improving focus)
3.Memory board games, Carnival hoop game
4.Draw with paper tracing technique
5.Indoor scavenger hunt – e.g. where does mom keep all the toys?
6.Add a sport to channelize energy
* Create a reward system for each task completely successfully
Behaviors to Avoid as a Parent
1.Hitting the child to discipline them

2.Discourage them (no negative talks)

3.Calling names (duffer, stupid, loser, weird)

4.Compare them to other kids (remember, they are unique!)

Parenting Tips
1.Maintain your patience with the child

2.Make them understand what is correct and why, firmly & rationally

3.Spend more time to work with your child and use techniques

4.Reward to a limit, not excessively

5.Follow instructions yourself so that the child can model

6.Limit your screentime and get involved in physical activities with kids

7.Don’t socially isolate them

Time-Out Technique
1.Maintain your patience with the child

2.Make them understand what is correct and why, firmly & rationally

3.Spend more time to work with your child and use techniques

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