Readings in Philippine History Introduction
Readings in Philippine History Introduction
Readings in Philippine History Introduction
General Learning Objectives
• To understand the meaning of history as an academic
discipline and to be familiar with the underlying
philosophy and methodology of the discipline.
Literary or Cultural
Sources Information about people
• Novels, plays, •
poems census records
• Television shoes, • obituaries
movies, videos • newspapers articles
• Paintings and • Bio and
photographs autobiographies
Accounts that describe events, Finding info about a place
people or ideas • maps and atlases
Newspapers • census info
Chronicles or historical accounts
essays and speeches • statistics
journals and letters
Philosophical treatises or manifestors • photographs
• city directories
• local libraries or
historical societies
• archives
3 types of written sources
• Narrative or Literary
2. Diplomatic sources
3. Social Documents
Secondary Sources
Generally describe, discuss, interpret, comment
upon, analyze, evaluate, summarize, process
primary sources. These can be articles in
newspapers or popular magazines., book, movie
reviews, or articles found in scholarly journals
that discuss or evaluate someones else original
History if lifeless to those remain
ignorant of it. Hence, history helps us
to foretell, appreciate, and enlighten is
to the present.