Justice As A Virtue in Leadership: Presented by

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Presented by:
FLORENDO, Allison Joy
FONTANOS, Crystal May
GONNAD, Eugene Dave
What is Justice?
-Justice is the use of power as appointed by law, honor or
standards to support fair treatment and due reward.

-Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics,

rationality, law, natural law, religion, or equity. It is also the
act of being just and/or fair.

- It is the principle or ideal of just dealing on right actions.

Justice as a Virtue
A) What is it?
1. The moral and cardinal virtues by which we give God
and our neighbor what is their due.
2. 4 Types:
B) Commutative Justice
1. fairness in agreements and exchanges between
individual or groups
2. you get what you pay
3. respect the dignity of others and fulfill our obligations
C) Distributive Justice
1. gurantees the common welfare
2. distribution of God’s creation
3. each person has a right to have goods truly human life
4. we pass on gov’t responsibilities that basic needs are met
a) police and fire protection
b) access to health care
c) disability comprehension
5. Pay attention to the weakest and poorest to make sure
they are taken good care of
D) Legal Justice
1. citizen’s obligation to toward society and gov’t
2. obey the laws of society
3. serve the gov’t

E) Social Justice
1. society gurantees the rights of individuals
2. everyone has a right to be heard
3. tyrannical gov’ts are unjust
What is Justice based Leadership?

-A philosophy that aligns individual and group values,

missions,actions,structures and systems around a shared
understanding and adherence to, clearly defined the
principles of social and economic justice.
Justice-Based Leadership
• Justice-based leaders seek to promote a culture that
develops, enriches and empowers each member of the
group and thereby strengthens the whole.

• Justice-based leadership drives a dynamic process that

seeks constantly to create structures, systems and
institutions that decentralize power, and that teach to
empower and inspire every person to become a justice-
based leader.
Three aspects of servant-leadership:
-Trust -Appreciation -Empowerment of
The four components of transformational leadership
embodied in JBL are:
-charisma or idealized influence
-inspirational motivation
-intellectual stimulation
-consideration of the individual.
-JBL encompasses concepts of “servant leadership”,
“transformational leadership”, and “principle-centered
leadership,” all of which recognize the impact of personal and
organizational values on the behavior, performance and
development of the leader, other members, and the organization as
a whole.

-The challenge to justice-based leaders is to promote a culture that

develops, enriches and empowers each member of the group and
thereby strengthens the whole. Justice-based leadership drives a
dynamic process that seeks constantly to create structures, systems
and institutions that decentralize power, and that teach, empower
and inspire every person to become a justice-based leader.
Justice is a central part of ethics and should be given due
consideration in our moral lives. In evaluating any moral
decision, we must ask whether our actions treat all persons
equally. If not, we must determine whether the difference in
treatment is justified. But justice is not the only principle to
consider in making ethical decisions. Sometimes principles of
justice may need to be overridden in favor of other kinds of
moral claims such as rights or society's welfare. Nevertheless,
justice is an expression of our mutual recognition of each
other's basic dignity, and an acknowledgement that if we are to
live together in an interdependent community we must treat
each other as equals.

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