Corp Review 1 RAP
Corp Review 1 RAP
Corp Review 1 RAP
• Strengthen strategic partnership for sustainable growth through : Synergy Honda value chain, Dealer Planning
Management (DPM) & Dealer program customization
RO Program RO RO
13.82% 32.20%
2 Pursue a well AR quality Improve acquisition process OD>60 Day OD>60 Day
portfolio 2.50% 1.43%
Improve collection process
3 Balancing profitability in Leverage NSA per LOB Unit Finance Unit Finance
each line of business 1. UMC Financing 265,325 unit 333,566 unit
2. Spektra Amount Finance Amount Finance
883.69 bio 966.247 bio
4 Development of new & Build network & relationship Unit Finance Unit Finance
used car in Non ACC & 5,175 unit 2,980 unit
Progress Of Company Strategy Ytd. April 2016
No. Strategy Priority Implementation Plans/Strategy Target Achievement
2 Leverage asset growth in other Leverage NSA per LOB Amount Finance Amount Finance
line of business 1. Spektra 883.69 bio 966.247 bio
4 Prudent acquisition & Improve acquisition process OD>60 Day OD>60 Day
strengthen integrated risk 2.50% 1.43%
& internal control supported by
technology based process
Improve collection process
Strategic Issues, Impact & Action 2016
Lower Down Payment (SE • Potential increase risk • Focusing area & dealer : Java vs Non Java,
OJK No. Big 5 MD, Big Group Dealer
Ini kan list issue tahun 2015, ganti dengan
19-20/SEOJK.05/2015) : • Risk base marketing program through price
Marketing : TAC
policy applied
• Risk of increasing bad
• Economy slowdown
: bisa
write off jadi
• Potential increase on
and repossess relevan yang
• Aggressive collection activities
• Develop
strategy for better acquisition
2015 ini
• Customer ability to pay • Recovery on bad accounts
tend to decrease,
particularly in commodity