Lecture 6

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Chapter 6

Converter Circuits
Chapter 6: Converter Circuits

6.1. Circuit manipulations • Where do the boost, buck-

boost, and other converters
6.2. A short list of converters
• How can we obtain a converter
having given desired properties?
6.3. Transformer isolation
• What converters are possible?

6.4. Converter evaluation • How can we obtain transformer

and design isolation in a converter?

• For a given application ,which

6.5. Summary of key points converter is best?
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Circuit Manipulations .6.1

Begin with buck converter: derived in Chapter 1 from first

• Switch changes dc component, low-pass filter removes
switching harmonics
• Conversion ratio is M = D
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Inversion of source and load .6.1.1

Interchange power input and output ports of a

converter V = DV 2 1

Buck converter example

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Inversion of source and load

:Interchange power source and load

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Realization of switches
as in Chapter 4

Reversal of power flow

requires new realization of

Transistor conducts when •

switch is in position 2

’Interchange of D and D •

Inversion of buck converter yields boost

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Cascade connection of .6.1.2

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Example: buck cascaded by boost

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Buck cascaded by boost:
simplification of internal filter
Remove capacitor C1

Combine inductors L1 and L2

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No inverting buck-boost converter

subinterval 1 subinterval 2

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Reversal of output voltage polarity
subinterval 1 subinterval 2

Non inverting


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Reduction of number of switches:
inverting buck-boost

One side of inductor always connected to ground

— hence, only one SPDT switch needed:

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Discussion: cascade connections
 Properties of buck-boost converter follow from
its derivation as buck cascaded by boost
 Equivalent circuit model:
buck 1:D transformer cascaded by boost D`:1
Pulsating input current of buck converter
Pulsating output current of boost converter
 Other cascade connections are possible Cuk
converter: boost cascaded by buck

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Rotation of three-terminal cell .6.1.3
:Treat inductor and SPDT switch as three terminal cell

Three-terminal cell can be connected between source and

:load in three nontrivial distinct ways
a-A b-B c-C buck converter with L-C input filter
a-C b-A c-B boost converter with L-C output filter
a-A b-C c-B Cuk converter
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Rotation of a dual three-terminal network
:A capacitor and SPDT switch as a three terminal cell

Three-terminal cell can be connected between source and

:load in three nontrivial distinct ways
a-A b-B c-C buck converter with L-C input filter
a-C b-A c-B boost converter with L-C output filter
a-A b-C c-B Cuk converter
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Differential connection of load to .6.1.4
obtain bipolar output voltage

Differential load
voltage is:
V = V1 – V2

The outputs V1 and V2

may both be positive,
but the differential
output voltage V can be
positive or negative.

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Differential connection using two buck
Converter #1
transistor driven with
duty cycle D
Converter #2
transistor driven with
duty cycle
complement D’
Differential load
voltage is


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Conversion ratio M(D), differentially-
connected buck converters

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Simplification of filter circuit,
differentially-connected buck

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Simplification of filter circuit,
differentially-connected buck converters

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Differential connection to obtain 3ø
With balanced 3ø load,
neutral voltage is

Phase voltages are

Control converters such that their output

voltages contain the same dc biases. This dc
bias will appear at the neutral point Vn. It then
cancels out, so phase voltages contain no dc
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3ø differential connection of three buck

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3ø differential connection of three buck
:Re-draw for clarity

Voltage-source inverter” or buck-derived“

three-phase inverter
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The 3ø current-source inverter

Exhibits a boost-type conversion characteristic •

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A short list of converters .6.2
 An infinite number of converters are possible, which
contain switches embedded in a network of inductors
and capacitors
 Two simple classes of converters are listed here:
• Single-input single-output converters containing a single
inductor. The switching period is divided into two
subintervals. This class contains eight converters.

• Single-input single-output converters containing two

inductors. The switching period is divided into two
subintervals. Several of the more interesting members of
this class are listed.

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Single-input single-output converters
containing one inductor
• Use switches to connect inductor between source and
load, in one manner during first subinterval and in
another during second subinterval
• There are a limited number of ways to do this, so all
possible combinations can be found
• After elimination of degenerate and redundant cases,
eight converters are found:
dc-dc converters
buck boost buck-boost noninverting buck-boost
dc-ac converters
bridge Watkins-Johnson
ac-dc converters
current-fed bridge inverse of Watkins-Johnson
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Converters producing a unipolar output

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Converters producing a unipolar output

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Converters producing a bipolar output
voltage suitable as dc-ac inverters

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Converters producing a bipolar output
voltage suitable as ac-dc rectifiers

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Several members of the class of two-
inductor converters

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Several members of the class of two-
inductor converters

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