11 GANs

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Computer Vision
Generative Adversarial Networks
Steve Elston

Copyright 2022, 2023, Stephen F Elston. All rights reserved.

Generative Adversarial Networks
GANs are a rapidly advancing class of generative models
• GAN algorithm proposed by Goodfellow, et.al. 2014
• GANs algorithms are used in some applications as algorithms have
advanced including:
• Create ‘skins’ for skeletons of design tools
• Text to image generation
• Super resolution
• Data augmentation
• Scene in-painting
Generative Adversarial Networks
GANs are a rapidly advancing class of generative models
• GAN algorithms are advancing rapidly and a focus of intense research
• This lesson is a point in time overview of GAN theory and algorithms
• Focus on core principles rather than the zoo of many specialized
• Another thread of generative CV model research is diffusion models
• We will not discuss these models
Introduction to GANs
Images generated by state-of-the-art SN-GAN model, Miyato, et. al., 2018

128x128 color images

Generative Models and GANs
Generative Models
A generative model creates new data instances
• In contrast, a discriminative model discriminates between input data
• A discriminative model finds the joint distribution, , of a target
variable Y, given an observation x
• In statistical terms, we say a generative model outputs the joint
distribution , given an observable input variable, X, and target variable
Generative Models
A generative model creates new data instances
• In statistical terms, we say a generative model outputs the joint
distribution , given an observable input variable, X, and target variable
• The generative model learns an embedding space for generating new
data instances
• The embedded space is latent
• Latent variables cannot be directly observed
• Latent variables often impossible to directly interpret
Generative Models

Generative Models output new data Training

cases Data
• A generator learns an embedding
space from data input
• Generator produces output data from Embedding
Z Space Critic
embedding space from random seed,
z Generator
• A critic or discriminative model
evaluates the quality of the output Output
with feedback used to improve
learning of embedding space
Introduction to GANs
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) comprise two models which
work in opposition to each other
• A generator creates new data instances starting from random noise
• A discriminator attempts to differentiate between actual data
instances and generated data
• The generator and discriminator engage in a two player non-
cooperative zero sum game
• The generator attempts to fool the discriminator and the
discriminator attempts to identify the output of the generator
Blog post with practical advice on training GANs
Basic GAN architecture


Discriminator Loss

Real Images


Generated Images
Introduction to Game Theory for GAN
A bit of game theory
The generator and discriminator engage in a two player non-
cooperative zero sum game
• In a zero sum game the cost to one player has the same magnitude
but opposite sign of the other player
• If the cost the the discriminator is and the cost to the generator is ,
A bit of game theory
The generator and discriminator engage in a two player non-
cooperative zero sum game
• If the cost the the discriminator is and the cost to the generator is ,

• Both players employ strategies to reduce their cost, but each move
causes the other player to make a counter move
• If the players continue to employ optimal strategies, the game
eventually reaches a Nash equilibrium
A bit of game theory
The generator and discriminator engage in a two player non-
cooperative zero sum game
• If the players continue to employ optimal strategies, the game
eventually reaches a Nash equilibrium
• At Nash equilibrium, the players are deadlocked
• A first player makes an optimal move to reduce costs
• The other player to make an optimal counter move to reduce cost
• Counter move increases cost of the first player
• A subsequent optimal counter-counter move of first player increases cost of
the second player
• etc…
A bit of game theory
Nash equilibrium does not imply stability!
• Consider a game where a first player can change a value, x, and the
second player can change a value, y, with cost functions for each

• This is a zero sum game:

• The partial derivatives tell us the change in cost for moves by each
A bit of game theory
Nash equilibrium does not imply stability!
• Consider a game with cost functions for each player:

• At Nash equilibrium the costs to the players are not stable with time:

• Cost for each player grows without bounds!

Training a Model using Game Theory
Game theory and GAN training
The generator and discriminator engage in a two player non-
cooperative zero sum game
• If the cost the the discriminator is and the cost to the generator is ,

• Define a value function with parameter vectors for the

discriminator, , and generator, :

• At equilibrium, the solution minimizes with respect to , and

maximizes with respect to :
Game theory and GAN training
The generator and discriminator engage in a two player non-cooperative
zero sum game
• Define the value function given parameter vectors for the discriminator, ,
and generator, :

• At equilibrium, the solution minimizes with respect to , and maximizes

with respect to
• Minimizing means the generator is optimally creating fake images that fool the
• Maximizing means the discriminator is optimally capable of detecting fake
• At equilibrium the game between the generator and discriminator is deadlocked
Game theory and GAN training
The generator and discriminator engage in a two player non-cooperative
zero sum game
• Define the value function given parameter vectors for the discriminator, ,
and generator, :

• Write this relationships using expectations with respect to the probability

distributions of the real data, , and the generated data, , where z is a
random noise variable:
Game theory and GAN training
The generator and discriminator engage in a two player non-
cooperative zero sum game
• How can we understand this intimidating equation?

• is the expected value of the discriminator over the distribution of the real
• Maximizing means discriminator optimally recognizes real data

• is one minus the expected value of the discriminator over the distribution
of the generated data,
• Minimizing means generator optimally fools discriminator
Game theory and GAN training
The generator and discriminator engage in a two player non-cooperative
zero sum game
• How can we understand this intimidating equation?

• At equilibrium the discriminator cannot tell the difference between real

and generated data so:
Game theory and GAN training
How do we train a discriminator and generator?
• Need to train both models together
• Discriminator is a regression model
• Large value for fake image
• 0 for real image
• Generator uses discriminator to compute loss function
• Complete algorithm alternates between training discriminator and
Basic GAN architecture
Alternately train generator and discriminator

𝑉 ( 𝜃 𝐷 , 𝜃𝐺 )

𝑥𝑅 Loss

Real Images
Noise, z


Generated Images
Training a Discriminator and Generator
Basic GAN architecture
Alternately train generator and discriminator



Real Images


Generated Images
Alternate Training Discriminator and Generator
Train generator in opposition to discriminator
Train discriminator as per any regressor
Input noise, z
Input real and fake
data, x
function G(z)
function D(x)
xG sampled from G(z)
D(x) tries to be large
for fake data D(xG) = D(G(z))

D learns to get
D(G(z)) close to 0
G tries to make
D(G(z)) close to 1
Gradients of the value function
To converge to a solution for the equilibrium problem, we need to find
• The gradient with respect to for m samples:

• The gradient with respect to for m samples:

• These gradients are asymmetric
Gradients of the value function
To converge to a solution for the equilibrium problem, we need to find
• Gradients have asymmetric behavior
• Large region of near 0 gradient – this is a problem for learning!

Increasing J(G)

Ez[Log(1 – D(G(z)))]

0 Increasing D(G(z))
Mode collapse and training failure
Mode collapse is a common problem that prevents GANs from learning
• Mode collapse is a dead lock in the two-player game
• Example: discriminator becomes too good at recognizing fake image and
stops generator from learning
• Example: discriminator and generator alternate between modes of the
loss function
• Example: gradient of loss function becomes nearly zero – typically for
Mode collapse and training failure
Discriminator learns one
learns p = .5 mode is true
true data data
one mode
other mode
learns p = .5
learns one
true data
mode is true

0 1 2 3 4
Actual Train generator Train discriminator Train generator Train discriminator
Loss Functions for GANs
Loss Functions for Training Neural Networks
Need the distribution of the generated data be the same the real data
• The Kullback-Leibler divergence between two the distributions and is such
a measure:

• When ,
• But KL divergence is not symmetric,
• Perhaps we can train the generator by minimizing KL divergence?
Loss Functions for Training Neural Networks
The KL divergence is asymmetric
• For two distributions the KL divergence depend on the order or arguments
• Notice that the gradient becomes near zero on one side of the KL function
The Wasserstein distance metric
The Wasserstein distance metric is symmetric and intuitive
• The Wasserstein distance metric symmetric with bounded gradients
• Wasserstein GAN, or W-GAN (Arjovsky, et. al. 2017) uses the Wasserstein
distance as a loss function
• Using the Wasserstein loss helps W-GANs avoid mode collapse
The Wasserstein distance metric
The Wasserstein distance metric is symmetric and intuitive
• The definition of the Wasserstein distance is a bit intimidating:

least upper bound
set of joint distributions, , with marginal distributions and
The Wasserstein distance metric
The Wasserstein distance metric is symmetric and intuitive
• The definition of the Wasserstein distance is a bit intimidating:

• But, the Wasserstein metric has a simple intuitive explanation

• Wasserstein metric it the minimum number of ‘loads’ of probability mass
that must be moved to make two distributions equal
• The Wasserstein metric is known as the earthmover metric
The Wasserstein distance metric
How many earthmover loads are required to equalize the distributions?

4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3
Q(x) 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3

P(x) 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

0 loads 1 load 2 loads 3 loads

The Wasserstein distance metric
The loss of the Wasserstein GAN is
linear and symmetric
• The KL divergence of the real
and generated data can be
discontinuous and have 0
• The Wasserstein loss has linear
The Wasserstein distance metric
The loss of the Wasserstein GAN is
linear and symmetric
• Image generation starts with
random noise
• As generator loss is reduced, the
images create improve
• Notice that learning continues
as loss function continues to
Evaluation of GAN Models
Evaluation of GANs
Need an objective metric for evaluation of GAN models
• Early GAN research inhibited by use of only subjective human judgement
• Need an objective evaluation metric that agrees with human judgement of
generated image quality
• Inception score was proposed by Salimans, et. al., 2016
• Fréchet Inception distance proposed by Heusel, et. al., 2017 is an
improvement on inception score
Evaluation of GANs
Inception score attempts to balance accuracy at creating real objects and
diversity of objects created
• Inception score is based on classifications by the
pre-trained Inception Network
• GANs should produce object images that closely resemble real-world
– Inception should clearly recognize objects
– Classification probabilities should have only one high value
– Poorly recognized objects have indeterminant probabilities

• GANs should produce a diversity of objects – not the same few many times
– Should be a nearly uniform distribution of probability of occurrence of each
recognized object class
Evaluation of GANs
Inception score attempts to balance accuracy at creating real objects and
diversity of objects created
• Recall the relationships of entropy for probability distributions
• For a classifier with feature vector, x, and prediction, y, we what the
output, , to have low entropy
• For diversity of objects from a generator, , given random noise input, z,
recognized we want the marginal distribution, , to have high entropy
• Combining these measures we can write the inception score in terms of
expected Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence:
Evaluation of GANs
Inception score attempts to balance accuracy at creating real objects and
diversity of objects created
• How can we interpret the inception score?

• Want with low entropy and with high entropy

• High KL divergence indicates high difference in entropy between and
• Inception score in range
• KL divergence of 0 means and are the same
• Higher inception score is better
Evaluation of GANs
Inception score has significant limitations
• Only object classes used to train the Inception Network will be well
– Must be in training dataset, typically ILSCRC 2014
– Additionally, labels used to train GAN must agree with Inception training data labels
– If either condition is violated, will have high entropy and inception score will be low

• Conversely, objects that make no sense, like an animal with two heads, can
have high inception scores
• As a result of the above problems human evaluators my not agree with the
quality based on inception score
Evaluation of GANs
The Fréchet Inception distance (FID) was proposed to overcome the
limitations of inception score
• Rather than use the output of the Inception network, the FID compares
distributions of activations in a hidden layer, typically Inception V4
• Model the distribution of activations as multivariate Normal distributions
– is the distribution of activations from the generated images
– is the distribution of activations from the real-world, denoted by w

• The FID is the square of the Wasserstein distance between these

Evaluation of GANs
How can we interpret the Fréchet Inception distance?
• The FID is the square of the Wasserstein distance between activations from
generated and real-world distributions

• Notice that to compute FID we only need the means and covariances of the
distributions – easy to estimate
• To understand FID, consider the behavior of the two terms
– The first term is the Euclidean difference between the mean vectors
– The second term is the difference in standard deviations between the two
Evaluation of GANs
How can we interpret the Fréchet Inception distance?
• The FID is the square of the Wasserstein distance between activations from
generated and real-world distributions

• If generated images have activation distributions similar to real-world

images, the difference in mean vectors and standard deviation vectors is
• Perfect match in distributions gives
• Smaller FID better
Evaluation of GANs
Example of Fréchet Inception distance – agrees with human perception
Advances in GAN Models
Approaches to improved GAN training
A great deal of research has focused on improving the convergence and
preventing mode collapse
• An very incomplete list of key advances:
Method Approach Year
Deep Convolutional GANs - DC-GANs Use fully convolutional representation 2014
Conditional GAN Use conditional distribution to generate specific images 2014
Multiple ad-hoc methods, Salimans Minibatch mixing, virtual batch normalization, and feature 2016
, et. al., 2016 matching – Rarely used now days, beyond inception score
Wasserstein GAN Use Wasserstein loss for training 2017
Two-time scale updates Use different time scales for generator and discriminator 2018
Spectral Normalization – SN-GANs Scale weights so largest eigenvalue to 1.0 2018
Self Attention GAN - SAGAN Use an self attention mechanism to train latent space 2019
Style-based GAN Generator uses attention on specific parts of the latent space 2018
to create desired style, see Karras, et.al., 2018 for details
The Conditional GAN
For conditional GAN image generated is conditional on an exogenous variable
• Conditional GAN introduced by Mirza and Osindero, 2014
• Image generation in unconditional GANs is constrained
– Unconstrained GAN produces inconsistent results

• An early advance in making GANs practical

– Using conditioning variable constrains generation of images

• Idea used in many modern architectures

The Conditional GAN
For conditional GAN image generated is conditional on an exogenous
• Formulate conditional loss function

• and are now conditional on exogenous vector y

• What are y values?
– Labels of image to be generated
– Example, an image caption
The Conditional GAN
For conditional GAN image generated is conditional on an exogenous variable
Concatenated discriminator
real and fake function
data vectors, x

Conditional vector, y
The Conditional GAN
For conditional GAN image generated is conditional on an exogenous variable

Examples of tags and conditional image generation

Mirza and Osindero, 2014
The Convolutional GAN
The deep convolutional GAN is a fully convolutional
• The deep convolutional GAN or DCGAN (Radford, et. al. 2015) was a
significant breakthrough in creating GAN model with stable training behavior
• Fully convolutional architecture – no fully connected layers
The Convolutional GAN
Components of the DCGAN,

Convolutional Embedding Space

Increasing image resolution

Random Input
The Convolutional GAN
Can perform linear mathematical operations on convolutional embedding space
GANs trained with two time scales
Heusel, et. al, 2018, use two time scale update rule (TTUR) train the
discriminator and generator
• Observer that simple generator-discriminator training may only converge to
a local Nash equilibrium – no global convergence guarantee
• Discriminator learns too fast
– Discriminator learns to tell real from generated data
– Generator is prevented from further learning

• Solution, limit learning rates to guarantee convergence toward global Nash

Heusel, et. al, 2018 also introduced the Fréchet Inception distance
GANs trained with TTUR
TTUR uses different stochastic learning rates to train the discriminator and
• Details are quite technical
• Solution, limit learning rates to guarantee convergence toward global Nash
equilibrium for discriminator, D(.; w), and generator, G(.; θ)
• TTUR uses learning rates b(n) and a(n), gradients and, and random variables
and, for the discriminator and the generator update:
GANs trained with TTUR
TTUR uses different stochastic learning rates to train the discriminator and
Spectral normalization of weights
Many types of regularization have been tried for GANs
• Weight clipping, L1 regularization, L2 regularization, batch/weight
normalization, dropout regularization
• Regularization often inhibits learning by discriminator
• Miyato, et. al., 2018, applied spectral normalization to create the SN-GAN
algorithm - a quite technical, but interesting, paper
• SN-GAN algorithm employs TTUR rule along with spectral normalization for
training discriminator and generator
Spectral normalization of weights
Spectral normalization attempts to create smooth or bounded gradient
• A function, f(x), is said to have K-Lipschitz continuity for any x and x’, given
the Euclidian or L2 norm:

• A function with a discontinuous derivative cannot have K-Lipschitz

• Requiring a function to have K-Lipschitz continuity is a form of regularization
Spectral normalization of weights
Spectral normalization attempts to create smooth or bounded gradient
• A function, f(x), is said to have K-Lipschitz continuity for any x and x’, given
the Euclidian or L2 norm:

• We can express the 1-Lipschitz continuity for a NN weight matrix, W, in

terms of its spectral norm, :
Spectral normalization of weights
Spectral normalization attempts to create smooth or bounded gradient
• The spectral norm of a weight matrix W, , is the magnitude of its largest
singular value, for the singular value decomposition (SVD):
• Using the first left and right singular vectors, and , we can compute the
largest singular value of W, and hence spectral (matrix) norm

• We can efficiently compute the first singular values by the power iteration
– For details see, for example, Section 11.1 of Mining Massive Datasets, Leskovec
, et.al., 2020
Spectral normalization of weights
The stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm for SN-GAN is straight
Spectral normalization of weights
Comparing inception scores of GAN models for different ADAM optimizer
Spectral normalization of weights
Comparison of squared largest singular values for several regularization
Self-attention GAN
Images of real-world scenes have a significant spatial extent
• Convolutional operators used to create an embedding (latent) space have a
small spatial extent – receptive field
• As a result of only local sensitivity, convolutional GANs are poor at creating
many types of scenes
• Wang, et. al., 2017, develop a non-local neural network algorithm using a
self-attention mechanism which gives superior performance for several
• Zhang, et. al., 2019, applied non-local self-attention to training GANs
Self-attention GAN
Images of real-world scenes have a significant spatial extent
• Non-local self-attention adds non-local behavior to GAN training
• Non-local self-attention applied to both discriminator and generator
• Start with two latent feature spaces, and g for hidden layer activation x
• and and learnable weight tensors
• Interaction between the latent spaces computed as the inner product
Self-attention GAN
Images of real-world scenes have a significant spatial extent
• Interaction between the latent spaces computed as the inner product

• The extent the model attends to location i when synthesizing location j is


• Attention probability is determined by the softmax activation

Self-attention GAN
Images of real-world scenes have a significant spatial extent
• The extent the model attends to location i when synthesizing location j,
• Output of attention layers is , with learnable weight tensors, and :

• And the output of the GAN, , given learnable parameter, , is:

Self-attention GAN
Architecture of SA-GAN
Self-attention GAN
Convergence properties of SA-GANs
Self-attention GAN
128x128 images generated by SA-GAN – FID of SA-GAN and SN-GAN shown

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