ESG-NGBRC Principles
ESG-NGBRC Principles
ESG-NGBRC Principles
This Principle recognizes that ethical behavior in all operations, functions and
processes, is the cornerstone of businesses guiding their governance of economic,
social and environmental responsibilities.
The Principle emphasizes that disclosures on business decisions and actions
should be accessible to all relevant stakeholders.
The Principle further emphasizes that the governance structure of the business
should ensure this, in line with SDG 16. (Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions)
Principle 1: CORE ELEMENTS
6. Business avoids complicity with the actions of any third party that violates any
of the Principles contained in these Guidelines.
7. Appropriate structures, policies and procedures to address conflicts of interest
involving its members, employees and business partners.
8. Appropriate structures, codes, policies, and procedures to ensure that the
business does not engage in illegal and abusive practices, bribery and
corruption, and ensure timely and fair action in case such transgressions are
9. Business contributes to public finances by timely and complete payment of all
applicable taxes in the letter and spirit of the laws and regulations governing
such payments.
Principle 2:
Businesses should
provide goods and
services in a manner that
is sustainable and safe.
This Principle recognizes the proposition of SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption
& Production), that sustainable production and consumption are interrelated,
contribute to enhancing the quality of life and towards protecting and preserving
earth’s natural resources.
Businesses should focus on safety and resource-efficiency in the design and
manufacture of their products, and use their products in a manner that creates value
while minimizing and mitigating its adverse impacts on the environment and society
through all stages of its life cycle, from design to final disposal.
It encourages businesses to understand all material sustainability issues across their
product life cycle and value chain.
Principle 2: CORE ELEMENTS
6. Ensure fair, timely and transparent payment of statutory wages of all its
employees, including contract and casual labour without discrimination.
7. Pay fair living wages to meet basic needs and economic security of all
employees, including casual and contract labour.
8. Provide a workplace “environment that is safe, hygienic, accessible to the”
- there is no space between the words differently abled and which upholds
the dignity of the employees. Businesses should engage and consult with
their employees on this provision.
Principle 3: CORE ELEMENTS
This Principle recognizes that human rights are rights inherent to all human
beings, and that everyone, individually or collectively, is entitled to these
rights, without discrimination.
It further recognizes that human rights are inherent, inalienable, interrelated,
interdependent and indivisible.
The Principle is inspired, informed and guided by the Constitution of India
and the International Bill of Rights and recognizes the primacy of the State’s
duty to protect and fulfil human rights.
The Principle is further informed and guided by the UN Guiding Principles
on Business and Human Rights in its articulation of the responsibility of
businesses to respect human rights.
1. Ensure that the business undertakes to make its employees aware of the
human rights content of the Constitution of India, relevant national laws and
policies, and the International Bill of Human Rights and their application to
businesses as outlined in the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business
and Human Rights. It should further ensure that the responsibility for
addressing such impacts is assigned to the appropriate level and function
within the business.
2. Ensure that the business has in place such policies, structures and
procedures that demonstrate respect for the human rights of all stakeholders
impacted by its business. This includes carrying out human rights due
diligence to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for how they address
adverse human rights impacts.
Principle 5: CORE ELEMENTS
The Principle emphasizes that public policy advocacy must expand public
Principle 7: CORE ELEMENTS
1. Ensure that its advocacy positions are consistent with the Principles
contained in these Guidelines and publicly disclosed.
3. Ensure that its policy advocacy positions promote fair competition and
respect for human rights.
Principle 8:
Businesses should promote
inclusive growth and equitable
1. Ensure that the business takes appropriate actions to minimize any adverse
impacts that it has on social, cultural and economic aspects of society
including arising from land acquisition and use, construction of facilities
and operations.
2. Assess, measure and understand their impact on social, and economic
development, and respond through appropriate action to minimize and
mitigate its negative impacts on society.
3. Should innovate and invest in products, technologies and processes tha
promote the well-being of all segments of society, including vulnerable and
marginalized groups.
Principle 8: CORE ELEMENTS
1. Ensure that the business minimizes and mitigates any adverse impact of its
goods and services on consumers, the natural environment and society at
2. Ensure that they do not restrict the freedom of choice and free competition
in any manner while designing, promoting and selling their products.
4. Manage consumer data in a way that does not infringe upon their right to
Principle 8: CORE ELEMENTS
5. Businesses should make consumers aware of, and provide information and
guidance to them on, safe and responsible usage and disposal of their
products (including reuse and recycling), and to eliminate over-
6. Promote and advertise their products in ways that do not mislead or confuse
the consumers or violate any of the Principles in these Guidelines.