This document discusses cardiac failure, including its causes, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, investigations, and treatment. The main points are:
Cardiac failure occurs when the heart cannot meet the body's metabolic needs due to inadequate cardiac output. It results from conditions that overload the heart. Clinically, it presents with symptoms like fatigue and signs like tachycardia, tachypnea, hepatomegaly, and edema. Investigations help confirm the diagnosis and severity, including chest X-ray, ECG, echocardiogram, and blood tests. Treatment aims to reduce the heart's workload, improve function, and address the underlying cause.
This document discusses cardiac failure, including its causes, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, investigations, and treatment. The main points are:
Cardiac failure occurs when the heart cannot meet the body's metabolic needs due to inadequate cardiac output. It results from conditions that overload the heart. Clinically, it presents with symptoms like fatigue and signs like tachycardia, tachypnea, hepatomegaly, and edema. Investigations help confirm the diagnosis and severity, including chest X-ray, ECG, echocardiogram, and blood tests. Treatment aims to reduce the heart's workload, improve function, and address the underlying cause.
This document discusses cardiac failure, including its causes, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, investigations, and treatment. The main points are:
Cardiac failure occurs when the heart cannot meet the body's metabolic needs due to inadequate cardiac output. It results from conditions that overload the heart. Clinically, it presents with symptoms like fatigue and signs like tachycardia, tachypnea, hepatomegaly, and edema. Investigations help confirm the diagnosis and severity, including chest X-ray, ECG, echocardiogram, and blood tests. Treatment aims to reduce the heart's workload, improve function, and address the underlying cause.
This document discusses cardiac failure, including its causes, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, investigations, and treatment. The main points are:
Cardiac failure occurs when the heart cannot meet the body's metabolic needs due to inadequate cardiac output. It results from conditions that overload the heart. Clinically, it presents with symptoms like fatigue and signs like tachycardia, tachypnea, hepatomegaly, and edema. Investigations help confirm the diagnosis and severity, including chest X-ray, ECG, echocardiogram, and blood tests. Treatment aims to reduce the heart's workload, improve function, and address the underlying cause.
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FWACP, FMCPaed INTRODUCTION Heart failure is a clinical state that occurs when the heart cannot deliver adequate cardiac output to meet the metabolic needs of the body despite adequate atrial filling.
There are various situations in health or disease that
may impose a volume or pressure overload thereby increasing the normal demands of the heart. INTRODUCTION In such circumstances the body is able to maintain or increase the cardiac output appropriately by putting into place a complex interplay of physiologic adaptive or compensatory mechanismns such as; Increase in heart rate Dilatation/hypertrophy of the heart and chambers Salt and water retention AETIOLOGY Causes of heart failure can be cardiac or non cardiac. Cardiac causes include; 1) Acyanotic congenital heart diseases such as ASD, ASD, PDA, AS, PS,MS, AI, MI etc 2) Cyanotic congenital heart diseases such as TGA, TAPVD, TA. 3) Acquired heart diseases such as cardiomyopathy, EMF, RHD, infective endocarditis etc. AETIOLOGY Non cardiac causes include; 1) Hematologic: Anaemia, Polycythemia 2) Respiratory disorders: Acute lower respiratory tract infection, Chronic lung dx. 3) Metabolic abnormalities: hypoxia, hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis 4) Renal disorders: AGN, Chronic renal failure AETIOLOGY 5) CNS disorders: Coma, Intracranial space occupying lession, cerebral malaria. 6) Miscellaneous: septicemia, over transfusion of blood or intravenous fluids. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY The heart can be viewed as a pump with an output proportional to its filling volume and inversely proportional to the resistance against which it pumps.
As ventricular end-diastolic volume increases, a
healthy heart increases cardiac output until a maximum is reached and cardiac output can no longer be augmented (the Frank-Starling principle). PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Frank Starling’s law states that the stroke volume of the left ventricle will increase as the left ventricular volume increases due to the myocyte stretch causing a more forceful systolic contraction if all other factors remain constant. Thus, the more the ventricular muscles are stretched, the more forcefully they contract. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY • Heart failure results from injury to the myocardium from a variety of causes as listed in the aetiology documented above that would affect the delivery of cardiact output. • Cardiac muscle with compromised intrinsic contractility requires a greater degree of dilatation to produce increased stroke volume and does not achieve the same maximal cardiac output as normal myocardium does. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY • Cardiac output can be calculated as the product of heart rate and stroke volume. • The primary determinants of stroke volume are the preload (volume work), afterload (pressure work) and contractility (intrinsic myocardial function). • Abnormalities in heart rate can also compromise cardiac output and produce both bradyarrhythmias and tachyarrhythmias; the latter shorten the diastolic time interval for ventricular filling. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY In some cases of heart failure, cardiac output is normal or increased, yet because of decreased systemic oxygen content (secondary to anemia) or increased oxygen demands (secondary to hyperventilation, hyperthyroidism, or hypermetabolism), an inadequate amount of oxygen is delivered to meet the body's needs. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY This condition, which is a high-output failure, results in the development of signs and symptoms of heart failure when there is no basic abnormality in myocardial function and cardiac output is greater than normal. It is also seen with large systemic arteriovenous fistulas. These conditions reduce peripheral vascular resistance and cardiac afterload and increase myocardial contractility. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY LEFT VENTRICULAR HEART FAILURE This is due to left ventricular dysfunction Cardiac output decreases and pulmonary venous pressure increases. When pulmonary capillary pressure exceeds the oncortic pressure of plasma proteins(about 24mmhg), fluid extravasates from the capillaries into the interstitial space and alveoli. This leads to a reduction in pulmonary compliance and increase in the work of breathing. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY -The lymphatic drainage increases but cannot compensate for the increase in pulmonary fluid. -Marked fluid accumulation in the alveoli causes pulmonary edema which significantly alters the ventilation-perfusion(V/Q). In severe cases, pleural effusion developes. -Therefore, deoxygenated pulmonary arterial blood passes through poorly ventilated alveoli, decreasing the systemic arterial oxygenation(Pao2) and causing dyspnea. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY RIGHT VENTRICULAR HEART FAILURE Involves right ventricular dysfunction. Systemic venous pressure increases, causing fluid extravasation and consequent edema. The edema is primarily in the dependent areas( feet and ankles of ambulatory patients) and abdominal Viscera. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY There are multiple systemic compensatory mechanisms used by the body to adapt to chronic heart failure. They include: (1)Mediation at the molecular/cellular level; This involves up- or down regulation of various metabolic pathway components leading to changes in efficiency of oxygen and other substrate utilization. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY (2) Mediation by neurohormones; (i)The renin-angiotensin system: Its activation, leads to the elevation of blood volume and arterial tone by increasing sodium reabsorption, water retention and vascular tone. Increased angiotensin can result in net vasoconstriction and increase afterload. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY (ii) Sympathoadrenal axis: One of the principal mechanisms for increasing cardiac output is an increase in sympathetic tone secondary to increased adrenal secretion of circulating epinephrine and increased neural release of norepinephrine. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY -these hormones act on cardiac β-adrenergic receptors to increase the heart rate and myocardial contractility leading to increase in cardiac output. -Because of localized vasoconstriction, mediated by these hormones' action on peripheral arterial α-adrenergic receptors, blood flow may be redistributed from the cutaneous, visceral, and renal beds to the brain and the heart to increase cardiac output. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS SYMPTOMS Feeding difficulties such as less volume per feeding, dyspnea while sucking. poor weight gain. profuse perspiration. Fatigue. effort intolerance. Anorexia. Irritability, weak cry. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION -Abdominal pain -Reduced urinary output -dyspnea -cough -tachypnea -noisy, labored respirations with intercostal and subcostal retractions, as well as flaring of the alae nasi. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION SIGNS -Tachycardia -Tachypnea cardinal
-Tender Hepatomegaly usually occurs Signs
-Cardiomegaly invariably occurs -Splenomegaly occurs sometimes -Edema may occur on dependent areas such as the eyelids as well as the sacrum and less often the legs and feet or anasarca may be present. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS SIGNS -Raised jugular venous pressure in older children -Crepitations or rhonchi -Pallor - Orthopnea -A gallop rhythm is common. -When ventricular dilatation is advanced, the holosystolic murmur of mitral or tricuspid valve regurgitation may be heard. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF THE CLINICAL MANIFESTATION OF CARDIAC FAILURE Pulmonary venous congestion: gives rise to tachypnea, dyspnea, crepitations and rhonchi. Systemic venous congestion: result to raised JVP, Edema and hepatomegaly. Increased sympathetic adrenergic activity triggered by reduced cardiac output: is the cause of pallor, tachycardia, sweating, cold extremities and poor pulses. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF THE CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF CARDIAC FAILURE CONTD. Fluid retention: causes abnormal weight gain, reduced urinary output, pulmonary/systemic venous congestion. INVESTIGATION These are carried out for the following reasons; - To confirm the diagnosis. To ascertain the cause. Determine the severity. Monitor the response to treatment. INVESTIGATION -They include; Chest x-ray ECG 2D-Echo Arterial blood gas analysis Serum electrolyte levels Serum BNP. INVESTIGATION (1) Chest X-ray: May reveal; Cardiac enlargement. Variable pulmonary vascularity depending on the cause. Fluffy perihilar pulmonary markings suggestive of venous congestion. Acute pulmonary edema. INVESTIGATION (2) Electrocardiography; - Identify cardiac chamber enlargement. - Used to evaluate rhythm disorders as a cause of cardiac failure. (3) Echocardiography; - Useful in assessing ventricular function. - Doppler studies are used to estimate cardiac output. INVESTIGATION (4) Arterial blood gas analysis; - Arterial oxygen levels may be decreased when ventilation-perfusion inequalities occur secondary to pulmonary edema. Respiratory or metabolic acidosis, or both, may be present when heart failure is severe. INVESTIGATION (5) Serum electrolyte levels; - Infants with heart failure often display hyponatremia as a result of renal water retention. INVESTIGATION (6) Serum B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a cardiac neurohormone released in response to increased ventricular wall tension. It may be elevated in children with; (a) heart failure due to systolic dysfunction (cardiomyopathy) (b) heart failure due to volume overload (left-to-right shunts such as ventricular septal defect). TREATMENT The principles of treatment is aimed at; (1) Reducing the work load on the heart. (2) Improving myocardial perfomance. (3) Correcting the underlying causes. GENERAL MEASURES; - Bed rest to reduce the demand on the heart. - Nurse patient in semi-upright (cardiac) position for comfort. - Increase the daily caloric intake. TREATMENT Nasogastric tube feeding is required in severely ill infants who may lack sufficient strength for effective sucking because of extreme fatigue, rapid respirations, and generalized weakness. Competitive and strenuous sports activities are usually contraindicated. TREATMENT SPECIFIC MEASURES (1) Diuretics: These agents interfere with reabsorption of water and sodium by the kidneys, which results in a reduction in circulating blood volume and thereby reduces pulmonary fluid overload and ventricular filling pressure. Common examples are frusemide, spironolactone and chlorthiazide. TREATMENT (a)Furosemide inhibits the reabsorption of sodium and chloride in the distal tubules and the loop of Henle. Dose is 1-2mg/kg in two divided doses.
-There is the potential for significant loss of potassium
during the administration of frusemide thus dietary potassium supplementation may be required to maintain normal serum potassium levels. TREATMENT -Chronic administration of frusemide may cause contraction of the extracellular fluid compartment and result in “contraction alkalosis.
(b)Spironolactone is an inhibitor of aldosterone and
enhances potassium retention. The dose is 2–3 mg/kg/24 hr, usually given orally in two to three divided doses TREATMENT (c )Chlorothiazide affects the reabsorption of electrolytes in the renal tubules only. The usual dose is 20–40 mg/kg/24 hr in two divided doses. Less potent than frusemide.
(2) Afterload reducing agents and ACE inhibitors:
-This group of drugs reduces ventricular afterload by decreasing peripheral vascular resistance and thereby improving myocardial performance. TREATMENT -Some of these agents also decrease systemic venous tone, which significantly reduces preload. Examples include; (i)nitroprusside (ii)prazosin (iii)nitroglycerin (iv)Hydralazine. TREATMENT (3) ACE inhibitors may have additional beneficial effects on cardiac remodeling independent of their influence on afterload. Examples include; (a)Captopril: This produces arterial dilatation by blocking the production of angiotensin II, thereby resulting in significant afterload reduction. Venodilation and consequent preload reduction have also been reported. TREATMENT In addition, captopril interferes with aldosterone production and therefore also helps control salt and water retention. The oral dose is 0.3–6 mg/kg/24 hr given in two to three divided doses. (b)Enalapril is a longer acting ACE inhibitor that can be taken once or twice daily. Dose is 0.08–0.5 mg/kg/dose q12–24h. TREATMENT (3) α and β-adrenergic agonist These drugs are usually administered in an intensive care setting, where the dose can be carefully titrated to hemodynamic response. (a)Dopamine : is a predominantly β-adrenergic receptor agonist. The dose is 2–10 μg/kg/min. -Has α-adrenergic effects at higher doses. TREATMENT -Has less chronotropic and arrhythmogenic effect than the pure β-agonist. -It results in selective renal vasodilation because of its interaction with renal dopamine receptors. (b) Dobutamine, a derivative of dopamine, is useful in treating low cardiac output. It causes direct inotropic effects with a moderate reduction in peripheral vascular resistance. The usual dose is 2–20 μg/kg/min. TREATMENT (c)Isoproterenol is a pure β-adrenergic agonist that has a marked chronotropic effect; it is most effective in patients with slow heart rates. The dose is 0.01–0.5 μg/kg/min. (d)Epinephrine is a mixed α- and β-adrenergic receptor agonist that is usually reserved for patients with cardiogenic shock and low arterial blood pressure. The dose is 0.1–1.0 μg/kg/min. TREATMENT (4) Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors: These drugs works by inhibition of phosphodiesterase, which prevents the degradation of intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate. Examples are milrinone and amrinone. (a)Milrinone has both positive inotropic effects and significant peripheral vasodilatory effects on the heart. TREATMENT -Has generally been used as an adjunct to dopamine or dobutamine therapy in the intensive care unit. -It is given by intravenous infusion at 0.25–1 μg/kg/min. - useful in treating patients with low cardiac output who are refractory to standard therapy and has been shown to be highly effective in managing low-output state in children after open heart surgery. TREATMENT (5) Digoxin therapy: It increases myocardial performance by; (i) Increasing the force of contraction (ii) Slowing the heart rate (iii) Decreasing the conduction through the AV node.
- When administered orally, initial effect can be seen as
early as 30 min, peaks 2-6 hours and its half-life is 36 hours. TREATMENT -The drug crosses the placenta, and therefore a fetus with heart failure (secondary to arrhythmia) can be treated by administering digoxin to the mother. -The kidney eliminates digoxin, so dosing must be adjusted according to the patient's renal function. -Its also excreted by the liver. TREATMENT DOSING OF DIGOXIN: Digoxin is given as follows; -Calculate the total digitalizing dose as 0.04-0.06mg/kg/24hrs. -Give half the total digitalizing dose immediately. -Give the succeeding two one-quarter doses at 12 hr intervals later. - Maintenance digitalis therapy is started ≈12 hr after full digitalization and it is one quarter of the total digitalizing dose given in two divided doses at 12hourly interval for children less than 10 years of age. TREATMENT -Thus maintenance dose is given as 1/8 of the TDD 12 hourly. - Daily maintenance dose can be given to older children greater than 10 years and adults. - Closely monitor the heart rate of a patient on digoxin and do not give if the heart rate is ≤ the lower limit of normal for the age range of the child. TREATMENT The margin of safety of digoxin is very small therefore toxicity is a real risk. The serum drug levels of digoxin is routinely measured in developed countries with facilities to do so. In developing countries, the clinical and ECG features are used to monitor the levels of toxicity. Appropriate blood level is ≈2–4 ng/mL in infants and 1–2 ng/mL in older children. TREATMENT Symptoms of digoxin toxicity include; -Malaise -Nausea, Vomiting -Anorexia, excessive salivation -diahorrhea and yellow vision(in those who can appreciate it). Physical findings of digoxin toxicity include bradycardia and arrhythmias TREATMENT ECG finding in digoxin toxicity include; atrial ectopics paroxysmal atrial tachycardia with AV –block junctional rhythms atrioventricular dissociation complete heart block. Ventricular ectopics (bigeminy) and paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia occur less in children. TREATMENT Factors that potentiate digitalis toxicity include; (i) hypokalemia (ii)Hypomagnesemia (iii)Hypercalcemia (iv)cardiac inflammation secondary to myocarditis, (v)prematurity. TREATMENT Treatment of toxicity: Stop the drug, ↑ K+ intake, Atropine for bradycardia, propranolol or lignocaine for other arythmias. TREATMENT Normal effects of digoxin administration on ECG include; Sinus bradycardia first and second degree heart block sagging of ST segment diminished amplitude of T-wave. TREATMENT (6) Treatment of underlying conditions; - Surgical correction of structural abnormalities in congenital heart diseases, Rheumatic heart disease etc. - Antibiotics for infective endocarditis, bronchopneumonia and septicemia. - Blood transfusion for treatment of anaemic heart failure. Diuretic therapy is also used. TREATMENT Digoxin is contraindicated in anaemic heart failure because it increases the oxygen demands of tissues including the myocardium which in this case is already oxygen depleted due to anaemia. .
SUGGESTED READING (1) Bernstein D. Heart Failure. In: Kleigman MR, Berham ER, Jenson BH, Stanton FB, editors. Nelson’s Textbook of Paediatrics.19th ed. Elsevier; 2011. (2) Ogunkule O,Ekure E. Heart Failure in Childhood. In Azubuike JC, Nkanginieme KEO. Paediatrics and Child Health in a Tropical region.3rd ed. Owerri: African Educational services; 2007. (3) Jaiyesimi F. Cardiovascular diseases. In: Stanfield P, Brueton M, Chan M, Parkin M, Waterston T, editors. Diseases of Children in the Subtropics and Tropics. 4th ed. Educational Low priced books. (4) Internet.