Pregnancy With Internal Medical Diseases: Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Pregnancy With Internal Medical Diseases: Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Pregnancy With Internal Medical Diseases: Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
medical diseases
Department of
gynaecology and
Cardiovascular changes in normal
The major cardiocirulatory
changes that occur during normal
pregnancy include an increase in
cardiac output and blood volume
and a decrease in peripheral
resistance 。
1.During normal pregnancy , 6-8.5L of fluid
and 500-900mmol of sodium are retained
because of the action of
progesterone , renin , aldosterone , and
prolactin 。 A dilutional anemia occurs as a
dresult of the greater increase in plasma
volume relative to red cell mass 。
2. .renal blood flow increases by 30%
and uterine blood flow reaches 500mL/min at
term 。
3. .hormonal changes include a rise in levels of
estrogen and progesterone , renin
4. Additional hemodynamic changes occur
during the various stage of labor and delivery
depend on the patient’s positon,the degree of
5cardiac output increase by about 20% with
each uterine contraction as 300-500mL of
blood is expelled form the contractiong uterus
6 systolic blood pressure also rises with each
contractin,increasing the load on the left
ventricle by 10%,while the heart rate
falls.pain,fear ,and anxiety contribute further
to an increase in cardiac output.these chages
are less marke if the patient is in the lateral
decubitus position during labor or receiving
epidural anesthesia.
hemodyanmic and respiratory changes of
normal pregnancy
Physiologic direction and time of time of
variable percent of change onset effect
1. capillary telangiectases--increased
estrogen level and I ncreased venous
2. pulmonary rales --atelectasis due to
hypoventilation of lung bases because
of displacement of diaphragm
3. edema(legs,occasionally hands and
face) mechanical obstruction of inferior
vena by uterus,increased venous
pressure in legs
ectopic beats supraventricular
tachycardias --decreased
threshould for ectopic beats and
4. ectopic beats supraventricular
tachycardias decreased threshould
for ectopic beats and arrhythmias
leftward or rightward axis
nonspecific st-twave changes--
mechanical displacement of
shift,diaphragn, right ventricular
volume overload ,altered
sympathetic tone and altered
repolarization sequence
1.increased left and right ventricular
end diastolic dimensions-increased
blood volume increased cardiac output
2. increased velocity of circumferential
increased ejection
fraction,hyperdynamic function–
myocardial fiber shortening
increased contractility,increased cardiac
output ,increased sympathetic tone
symptoms and signs suggesting
significant cardiovascular disease
1. sever or progressive dyspnea and
orthopnea,especiallu at rest 。
2.paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea,signs of pulmonary
edema,cough,forthy pink sputum
3.effort syncope or chest pain
4.chronic cough ,hemoptysis
5.clubbing ,cyanosis,or persistent edema of extremities
6.increased jugular venous pressure,abnomal venous
7 accentuated or barely audible first heart sound
8.fixed of paradoxic splitting of s2 ,single s2
10 ejectionclick or late systolic click
,opening snap
11.friction rub
12.systolic murmur of grace III Or II jor
gradeIV intensity or palpable thrill
13. any diastolic murmur cardiomegaly
with diffuse sustained right or left
ventricular heave
14electrocardiographic evidence of
significant arrhythmias
cardiovasvular disease is the most
important nonobstetric cause of
disability and death in pregnanct
it is not surprising that the added
hemodynamic burdren of
pregnancy,labor,and delivery can
aggravate symptoms and precipitate
complications in a woman with
preexisting cardiac
disease.however,even a previously
healthy women may develop
cardiovascular problems specifically
.heart disease can be classified as
congenital or acquired
operated or unoperated
.Acquired diseases can be
degenerative, malignant, or
evaluation of the patient with
heart disease
a careful medical history
,complete physical examinaton
noninvasive laboration test in order to
establish a diagnosis and to determine
the severity of the disease in order to
facilitate planning the patient’s
the degree of functional disability is
graded according to the following new
york heart association classidication
class I:no symptoms limiting
ordinary physical activity
classII slight limiting with mild to
moderate activity but no symptoms
at rest
classIII marked limitation with less
than ordinary activity ;dyspnea or
pain in minimal activity .
classIX symptoms at rest or with
minimal activity and symptoms of
frank congestive heart failure.
Medical history
physical examination
laboratory test
A electrocardiogram
B echocardiogram
C Doppler echocardiography
D exercise tolerance test
A electrocardiogram
The electrocardiogram (ECG) is
useful for determining
abnormalities of rhythm and the
presence of conduction defects,
evidence of chamber enlargement,
and signs of myocardial or
pericardial diaease ,ischemian,or
B echocardiogram
The transthoracic (TTE) echocardiogram
(both M and 2-dimensional secto scan) is a
rapid , safe and reliable tool for differntiation
the physiologic murmurs resulting from the
increased cardiac output of a normal
pregnancy from the murmurs of congenital
or acquired heart disease.the
echocardiogram can provide information
about abnormalities of anatomy and
function of the chambers,valves, and
the echocardiogram can provide
information about the patient’s
volume status and differentiate
cardiac from noncardiac caused of
pulmonary edema that are
important for diagnosis and
C Doppler echocardiography
determination of bood flow and
velocity ,quantitation of pressure
gradients and the degree of
regurgitaiton,as well as for
measuring intracardiac shunts and
estimation of pulmonary pressure
D exercise tolerance test
Exercise studies such as the
treadmill test are normally not
used during pregnancy,
However,the may be useful in a
woman contemplatin pregnancy or
in early pregnancy
E miscellaneous
1.a throat cuture to diagnose the presence of
beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection
2.and a Creative protein and antistreptolysin
titer if antecedent streptococcal infection is
suspected .
3.serial blood cultures are indicated if
infective endocarditis is suspected .
4.chest x-ray ,cardiac catheterization ,and
radioomuclide scans are generallu avorded
during pregnancy, since since the radiation
can be harmful to the fetus ,especially erly in
gestation. however ,these tests can be
performed with careful shielding og the
abdomen and pelvis ,if the mother’s
condition requires it.
Rheumatic heart disease
Active rheumatic carditis ,although
rare during pregnancy,can be a
serious and potentially fatal
complication.the diagnosis is based on
the jones criterial
1. evidence of a preceding group A
streptococcal infection
2. the minor criteria Included fever,
arthralgias ,elevated sedimentation
rate,and first –degree heart block 。
mitral valve disease
mitral stenosis is the most common
lesion in young women with rheumatic
heart disease
1..most patients with mild to moderate
stenosis who are in sinus rhythm
tolerate pregnancy well ,although the
risk for superimposed infective
endocarditis is ever present even in
hemodynamically mild disease.
.2.those with moderate to severe
disease are more likely to develop
complication such as pulmonary
venous congestion or frank pulmonary
edema,right ventricular hypertension
3. .however,sudden and unexpected
deterioration can occasionalluy occur
during pregnancy in patients with any
degree of mitral stenosis onset of atrial fibrillation in a
previously asymptomatic woman can
precipitate acute pulmonary
edema,which occasionally requires
emergency commissurotomy.
5.The normal hemodynamic changes of
pregnancy put patients with mitral
stenosis is at special risk to raising left
atria pressure.and the onset of atria
fibrillation .
the pregnant cardiac patient is
also at the risk for the
development of thromboembolic
complications because of
the.hypercoagulable state of the
blood during pregnancy as well as
venous stasis in the leg
A clinical findings
1.pulmonaty venous congestion
;dyspnea on exertion,and later at
rest;right ventricular failure;atrial
occasionally,hemoptysis.fatigue and
decrease in exercise tolerance are
more often manifestations of mitral
.the characteristic findings on
physical examination include a
right ventricular lift ,a loud first
heart shound(s-1),accentuated
pulmonic component of the second
heart sound (P-2),an opening snap
(os),and alow frequency diastolic
rumble at the apex with presystolic
The electrocardiogram is often normal
but may indicate left atrial enlargement
,right axis deviation ,or even right
ventricularly useful for defining the
anatomy of the valve and intravalvular
structure,quantitaiton the degree of
stenosis and associated regurgitation
,and identifying the presence of
abnormalities in other valves and
pulmonary artery pressure.
1.The goals of treatment for the
patient with mitral stenosis should
be to prevent or treat tachycardia
and atrial fibrillation, to avoid fluid
overload ,and to avoid
unnecessary increases in oxygen
demand such as occur with anxiety
or physical activity.
2. digitalis, quinidine,occasionall, sodium restriction and
diuretics may be necessary for treating congestive
failure and atrial arrhythmias
3anemia, intercurrent infection,and thyrotoxicosis
should be corrected.
3.1. cardiac surgery or balloon
valvuloplasty,although rarely necessary as an adjunct
to careful medical management of patients with chronic
rheumatic heart diseae,occasionally becomes
necessary as a life-saving maneuver in patients
with sever mitral stenosis
.3.2in an occasional patient ,mitral valve
replacement may be nesessary as an emergency
procedure during pregnancy
.4patients who have had a valve replaced with
a prosthetic valve require anticoagulatin
.5the teratogenic and fetotoxic effects of
warfarin and the risks of bleeding for the
mother and fetus during labor and delivery
must be balanced against the risks of
thromboembolic episodes
6patient with rheumatic valvular disease should
be delivered vaginally at term unless cesarean
section is indicated for obsteric reasons.
7appropriate analgesia should be given during
labor ,and epidural
8.1careful hemodynamic monitoring
during labor and delivery is inducated in
patient with compromised circulation.
8.2postpartum oxytocics should be
given cautiously and blood loss carefuly
.8.3redistribution of fluid from the
interstitial to the intravascular space
immediately postpartum can precipitate
pulmonary edema in compromised
infective endocarditis
Endocarditis is an acute or subacute
inflammatory process resulting from
blood-borne infection (streptococcus )
,abnomal heart valves and the
endocardium in the proximity of
congenital anatomic defects are
preferential sites for involvement by
blood-borne infection.
.infected maternal from vegetations can
embolize from right-sided lesion such as
the tricuspid valve to the lungs,and
from left-sided lesion to the systemic
patients with endocardites often give a
history of recent extensive dental work
,intravascular or urologic
intravenous illicit drug abuse
Clinical findigs
The diagnosis is based on symptoms such
as persisitent fever sweats,weakness,and
embolic phenomena ,both to the lungs and
to the periphery in an individual with risk
factors for endocarditis.
.physical findings include petechial
hemorrhages,clubbing of the fingers and
the diagnosis is confirmed by the finding of
a positive blood culture or demonstration
of vegetations on the valves by
Patients at risk for developing
infective endocarditis include those
with underlying congenital or acquired
valvular heart disease and intravenous
durg abusers
Acute inflammation of the
myocardium may be due to rheumatic
fever , such as infecion with group B
.coxsackie viruses or protozoal disease
the myocarditis may be acute or
subacute,may be associated with
symptoms of systemic illness,and may
occur at any time.during pregnancy,
.the clinical manifestations are those of
chest pain fever pulmonary
rales,tachycardia,edema,and systolic
murmurs and gallops on physical
examination;as well as
cardiomegaly,reduced ventricular
function,conduction defects ,and arrythmias
on electrocardiogaraphy and
4.specific serologic and bacteriologic tests
may reveal the identity of the initiation
the clinical course is variable,
.the disease may run an
acute,subacute ,or chronic cours ;be
self –limited with complete recovery ;or
lead to progressive myocardial fibrosis
and eventually to cardiomyopathy
Peripartum cardiomyopathy is
used to describe this form of
cardiac failure when the onset
occurs in the last months of
pregnany or within 6 months
postpartum ,and no specific
etiology or prior heart disease is
.The clinical manifestations are those of
right and left ventricular failure with
pulmonary congestion,hepatomegaly
.low cardiac output,chest
pain.hemoptysis and cough ,fatigue
,dyspnea ,decreased exercise
tolerance,edema,systolic murmurs,third
heart sound ,elevated jugular venous
pressure,pulmonary rales,and
arrhyhmias and pulmonary as well as
systemic emboli are common
the electrocardiographic changes are
include arrhythmias ,low QRS
voltage,left ventricular hypertrophy,
on echocardiography,there is evidence
of enlargement of all
chambers,generalized decrease in wall
motion,reduced ejection fraction ,and
often mural thrombi
Treatment and prognosis
.The prognosis depends on the
degree to which the cardiomegaly
is reversible with standard
treatment for congestive heart
use of anticoagulants are indicated
for patients with intractable heart
failure and repeated embolic
In addition to controlling precipitating
or aggravating factors,the principles of
management of angina pectoris and of
myocardial infarction in pregnant
women do not differ from those in
nonpregnant patients
smoking should be forbidden and
other risk factiors meticulously
control of hypertension treatment of
hypotension,.standard therapy to
reduce oxygen demands and to
improve myocardial perfusion include
bed rest
women who have had a myocardial
infarction before or during pregnancy
should be delivery vaginally,if possible
with epidura anesthesia and outlet
forceps to shorten the second stage of
labor.careful intrapartum
hemodynamic monitoring may be
Congenital heart
.the common congenital cardiac
anomalies can be broadly grouped under
various categories such as cyanotic or
acyanotic ,simple or complex,mild or
severe,and compatible with a normal
pregnancy or a contraindication for
obstructive lesions of the right or left
ventricular outflow tract that result in
pressure overload of the ventricle,such as
pulmonary stenosis,or coarcation of the
left to right shunts resultingin ventricular
volume overload and increased pulmonary
blood flow,such as atrial septal
defect,atrioventricular canal,ventricualr
septal defect,endocardial cushion
defect,patent ductus arteriosus,and truncus
Cyanotic or hypoxic congenital heart
disese in which unoxygenated
venous blood enters the systemic
circulation,such as tetralogy of
complex,tricuspid atresia,pulmonary
atresia,single ventricle ,transposition
of the great arteries,and ebsterin’s
anomaly,complex lesion may
combine several of these features.
.Operative procedures for correctionor
palliation are now available for almost
all of these defectis and are performed
even in small infants .
2.however,problems persist in most
patients becaues of residual
inoperable lesions and the need
for anticoagulation
Patients with acyanotic congenital heart disease
tolerat pregnanyc well ,whether the heart disease has
been surgically corrected or not ,and have a low
incidence of spontaeous abortions and premature