IGCSE 74 Particles
IGCSE 74 Particles
IGCSE 74 Particles
Edexcel IGCSE Physics pages 226 to 231
August 21st 2012
236 144 89 1 0
U Ba + Kr + 3 n + γ
92 56 36 0 0
fission fragments
barium-144 and krypton-89
Other fission examples
Other fission products can be produced. Their masses
usually have a roughly 3:2 ratio.
236 134 90 1 0
U Xe + Sr + 2 n + γ
92 54 38 0 0
fission products = xenon-134 and strontium-90
5. Heat exchanger
Here water is converted into high
pressure steam using the heat
energy of the coolant.
reactor underneath
water coolant
6. Concrete shield
This absorbs the radiation coming
from the nuclear reactor.
Choose appropriate words to fill in the gaps below:
Nuclear fission is the _________
splitting up of the nucleus of an atom
into two smaller nuclei. Energy, neutrons and _________
radiation are also emitted.
Nuclear ________
reactors use Uranium _____
235 or Plutonium _____to
produce energy by nuclear ________.
fission A controlled chain
reaction is maintained by the use of _______
control rods which
absorb some of the _________
neutrons produced.
An _______
atomic bomb is the consequence of an uncontrolled
chain reaction.
reactors gamma 239 atomic splitting
neutrons 235 fission control
Nuclear fusion
Nuclear fusion is the joining of two atomic
nuclei to form a larger one.