3rd Lecture
3rd Lecture
3rd Lecture
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We iterate through training examples and The perceptron learns by observing correct
update weights based on errors in each classifications of training examples.
How does Perceptron work?
Sentiment Analysis: Given a text document or a sentence, the perceptron model can be used
to determine the sentiment expressed, such as positive, negative, or neutral. This is valuable
for applications like social media monitoring, customer feedback analysis, and review
Image Classification: The perceptron model can be applied to classify images into different
categories. For example, it can be used to distinguish between images of cats and dogs based
on features extracted from the images.
Fraud Detection: By training on historical transaction data, the perceptron model can learn to
detect fraudulent activities in real-time. It can flag suspicious transactions or identify patterns
indicative of fraudulent behavior.
Limitations of Perceptron Model
• In this class, you have learned how Perceptron models are the
simplest type of artificial neural network which carries input and
their weights, the sum of all weighted input, and an activation
• Perceptron models are continuously contributing to Artificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning, and these models are
becoming more advanced.
• Perceptron enables the computer to work more efficiently on
complex problems using various Machine Learning technologies.
• The Perceptron's are the fundamentals of artificial neural
networks, and everyone should have in-depth knowledge of
perceptron models to study deep neural networks.