A Design of Single Axis Sun Tracking System: July 2011
A Design of Single Axis Sun Tracking System: July 2011
A Design of Single Axis Sun Tracking System: July 2011
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and only certain countries use the solar tracker such as USA
Abstract--Solar power generation had been used as a renewable and South Korea. The large scale solar tracker that normally
energy since years ago. Residential that uses solar power as used is not suitable for the residential use. As a result, this
their alternative power supply will bring benefits to them. The project will develop a Sun tracking system specially
main objective of this project is to develop an automatic solar designed for residential use for a low cost solar cell.
tracking system which will keep the solar panels aligned with Previous researchers [5,7] and [6] used LDR and
the Sun in order to maximize in harvesting solar power. The
system tracks the maximum intensity of light. When the
photodiode as sensors respectively. Meanwhile [5] and [6,
intensity of light is decreasing, this system automatically 7] used DC motor with gear and steeper motor respectively.
changes its direction to get maximum intensity of light. LDR Those projects have disadvantages and some of the
light detector is used to trace the coordinate of the Sun. While disadvantages are high cost during development, difficult to
to rotate the appropriate position of the panel, a DC geared control motor speed and difficult to design because using
motor is used. The system is controlled by two relays as a microprocessor.
driver and a microcontroller as a main processor. This project The main objective for this project is to develop the sun
is covered for a single axis and is designed for residential tracking solar system model which is a device that follow
usage. Finally, the project is able to track and follow the Sun
intensity in order to get maximum power at the output
the movement of the Sun regardless of motor speed. Beside
regardless motor speed. that, it is to improve the overall electricity generation using
single axis sun tracking system and also to provide the
Index Terms--solar tracking, sun tracking. design for residential use.
LDR or light dependent resistor has been chosen as the
I. INTRODUCTION sensor because LDR is commonly used in sun tracking
In last ten years, many of residentials around the world system. This is because LDR is sensitive to the light.
used electric solar system as a sub power at their houses. The resistance of LDR will decreases with increasing
This is because solar energy is an unlimited energy resource, incident light intensity [2]. For the controller, PIC18F877A
set to become increasingly important in the longer term, for had been chosen. This PIC programming will give the pulse
providing electricity and heat energy to the user. Solar to the driver to move the motor. For the driver, bi-
energy also has the potential to be the major energy supply directional DC motor control using relay has been used. The
in the future. Solar tracker is an automated solar panel that motor controller had been chosen because it can control the
actually follows the Sun to increase the power [3]. The sun's motor to rotate clockwise and counter-clockwise easily. DC
position in the sky varies both with equipment over any geared motor also been chosen because it has a hold torque
fixed position. One well-known type of solar tracker is up to 24 kg.cm and low rpm. Last but no least, LM7805 is
the heliostat, a movable mirror that reflects the moving sun used to convert the input voltage from the source to 5 V
to a fixed location, but many other approaches are used as ouput because integrated circuit only need 5 V to operate.
well. Active trackers use motors and gear trains to direct the
tracker as commanded by a controller responding to the II. METHODOLOGY
solar direction. The solar tracker can be used for several This project is divided into two parts, hardware
application such as solar cells, solar day-lighting system and development and programming development. Figure 1
solar thermal arrays [1]. The solar tracker is very useful for shows block diagram of the project.
device that needs more sunlight for higher efficiency such as
solar cell.
Many of the solar panels had been positioned on a fixed
surface such as a roof. As sun is a moving object, this
approach is not the best method. One of the solutions is to
actively track the sun using a sun tracking device to move
the solar panel to follow the Sun. With the Sun always
facing the panel, the maximum energy can be absorbed, as
the panel is operating at their greatest efficiency [4]. The
main reason for this project is to get the maximum
efficiency for the solar cells. Although there are many solar
trackers in the market, the price is expensive and Figure 1: Block diagram of the project
unaffordable because the market for solar tracker is still new
The project is built using a balanced concept which is
two signals from the different sensors are compared. Light
Desired Voltage
ADC output = (2)
Figure 5: Input at RB0 is high
When the input RB1 is high (1), relay RL1 will be
activated. Therefore 12 V will be tapped to the DC geared
motor. Figure 6 shows the condition when input RB1 is set
to high (1), the motor will rotate in counter-clockwise
direction. Table 2 shows the motor operating condition.
Power Characteristic Curve - Solar Tracker and Static Panel
Power (mW)
Single Axis Sun Tracking Solar System model is
developed by considering given specification. The system is
able to track and follow the Sun intensity in order to get
maximum power at the output regardless motor speed.
Besides, low speed DC geared motor has been used for
neglecting motor speed parameter and therefore the system
only focuses in tracking of Sun intensity.
The system can be applied in the residential area for
alternative electricity generation especially for non-critical
and low power appliances.
The author would like to thank the Universiti Tun
Hussein Onn Malaysia for financial support.