It Build An IT Risk Taxonomy Phases 1 3 1
It Build An IT Risk Taxonomy Phases 1 3 1
It Build An IT Risk Taxonomy Phases 1 3 1
4 Analyst Perspective
5 Executive Summary
64 Appendix
67 Bibliography
Build an IT Risk Taxonomy
The pace and uncertainty of the current business environment introduce new and emerging
vulnerabilities that can disrupt an organization’s strategy on short notice.
Having a long-term view of risk while navigating the short term requires discipline and a
robust and strategic approach to risk management.
Managing emerging risks such as climate risk, the impact of digital disruption on internal
technology, and the greater use of third parties will require IT leaders to be more disciplined
in how they manage and communicate material risks to the enterprise.
Establishing a hierarchical common language of IT risks through a taxonomy will facilitate
true aggregation and integration of risks, enabling more effective decision making. This
holistic, disciplined approach to risk management helps to promote a more sustainable risk
culture across the organization while adding greater rigor at the IT control level.
Donna Bales
Principal Research Director
Info-Tech Research Group
Info-Tech Insight
A common understanding of risks, threats, and opportunities gives organizations the flexibility and agility to adapt to changing business conditions
and drive corporate value.
• .
In IBM’s 2021 Cost of a Data EY’s 2022 Global Bank Risk Protiviti’s 2023 Executive Perspectives
Breach Report, the Ponemon Management survey revealed that Chief on Top Risks survey featured
Institute found that data security Risk Officers (CROs) view the inability operational resilience within its top ten
breaches now cost companies to manage cyber risk and the inability risks. An organization’s failure to be
$4.24 million per incident on to manage cloud and data risk as the sufficiently resilient or agile in a crisis
average – the highest cost in the top strategic risks. can significantly impact operations and
17-year history of the report.
reputation. Info-Tech Research Group | 6
Persistent and emerging threats
Organizations should not underestimate the long-term impact on corporate performance if emerging risks are not fully understood,
controlled, and embedded into decision-making.
Protiviti’s 2023 Executive Perspectives Sustainability is at the top of the risk agenda for The risks related to digital disruption are
on Top Risks survey revealed talent many organizations. In EY’s 2022 Global Bank vast and evolving. In the short term, risks
risk as the top risk organizations face, Risk Management survey, environmental, social, surface in compliance and skills shortage,
specifically organizations’ ability to and governance (ESG) risks were identified as a but Protiviti’s 2023 Executive Perspectives
attract and retain top talent. Of the 38 risk focus area, with 84% anticipating it to increase survey shows that in the longer term,
risks in the survey, it was the only risk in priority over the next three years. Yet Info-Tech’s executives are concerned that the speed of
issue rated at a “significant impact” Tech Trends 2023 report revealed that only 24% of change and market forces may outpace an
level. organizations could accurately report on their organization’s ability to compete.
carbon footprint. Info-Tech Research Group | 7
Info-Tech Research Group | 8
Blueprint benefits
• Simple, customizable approach to build an IT risk taxonomy • Reduced operational surprises and failures
• Improved satisfaction with IT for senior leadership and business • More dynamic decision making
units • More proactive risk responses
• Greater ability to respond to evolving threats • Improve transparency and comparability of risks across silos
• Improved understanding of IT’s role in enterprise risk • Better financial resilience and confidence in meeting regulatory
management (ERM) requirements
• Stronger, more reliable internal control framework • More relevant risk assurance for key stakeholders
COSO’s Enterprise Risk ISO 31000 – Risk Management COBIT 2019’s IT functions were used
Management —Integrating with can help organizations increase the to develop and refine the ten IT risk
Strategy and Performance addresses likelihood of achieving objectives, categories used in our top-down risk
the evolution of enterprise risk improve the identification of identification methodology.
management and the need for opportunities and threats, and
organizations to improve their effectively allocate and use
approach to managing risk to meet the resources for risk treatment.
demands of an evolving business
Info-Tech Research Group | 11
Info-Tech offers various levels of
support to best suit your needs
Guided Implementation
DIY Toolkit Workshop Consulting
“Our team has already made this “Our team knows that we need to “We need to hit the ground “Our team does not have the time
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have the time and capability, but assistance to determine where to kicked off immediately. Our project on. We need assistance
some guidance along the way focus. Some check-ins along the team has the ability to take this through the entirety of this
would be helpful.” way would help keep us on over once we get a framework project.”
track.” and strategy in place.”
Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.
Info-Tech Research
Research Group| 13
Group | 13
Workshop Overview
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1.1 Discuss risk fundamentals 2.1 Discuss corporate strategy, 3.1 Establish level 2 risk types. 4.1 Continue to test robustness 5.1 Complete in-progress
and the benefits of business risks, macro of taxonomy and iterate if deliverables from
3.2 Establish level 3 risk types
integrated risk. trends, and organizational necessary. previous four days.
1. IT Risk Taxonomy 1. Build an IT Risk Taxonomy 1. Build an IT Risk Taxonomy 1. Build an IT Risk Taxonomy 1. Workshop Report
Committee Charter Template Workbook Design Template Design Template
2. Build an IT Risk Taxonomy 2. Risk Register Tool 2. Risk Register Tool
as an interrelated risk portfolio (RIMS). Strategy
An ERM is program is crucial because it will: Execute
Risk Appetite
• Help shape business objectives, drive revenue growth, and execute risk- Plan
based decisions. Respond
Enterprise Strategy
• Your organization’s strategy and associated risk appetite cascade down to each
business department. Overall strategy and risk appetite also set a strategy and risk
Enterprise Risk Appetite
appetite for each department.
IT Strategy
• Both risk appetite and risk tolerances set boundaries for how much risk an
organization is willing or prepared to take. However, while appetite is often broad,
IT Risk Appetite
tolerance is tactical and focused.
• Risk scenarios provide “what if” analysis through a structured approach, which can help to
define controls and document assumptions.
• They form a constructive narrative and help to communicate a story by bringing in business Server to support
context. payment processing
• For the best outcome, have input from business and IT stakeholders. However, in reality, risk Bottom-up approach –
scenarios are usually driven by IT through the asset management practice. driven by IT by identifying
critical assets and what
• Once the scenarios are developed, they are used during the risk analysis phase, in which harm could happen if they
frequency and business impacts are estimated. They are also a useful tool to help the risk team were to fail.
(and IT) communicate and explain risks to various business stakeholders.
Info-Tech Research Group | 23
Example risk scenario Use level 1 IT risks
to derive potential
Risk Type The process or system that is impacted by the risk • Service quality
• Product and service cost
Risk Scenario Deeper insight into how the risk might impact business • Inadequate capacity to support business needs
Category functions • Talent and skills gap due to inability to retain talent
Risk Statement Used to communicate the potential adverse outcomes of a The organization chronically fails to recruit sufficiently
particular risk event and can be used to communicate to skilled IT workers, leading to a loss of efficiency in overall
stakeholders to enable informed decisions technology operation and an increased security exposure.
Risk Owner The designated party responsible and accountable for • Head of Human Resources
ensuring that the risk is maintained in accordance with • Business Process Owner
enterprise requirements
Risk Oversight The person (role) who is responsible for risk assessments, CRO/COO
monitoring, documenting risk response, and establishing key
risk indicators
Informed by ISACA
Report Access to
Minimize Tools and
Losses Training
Data and
Respond Assess
Process Reporting
Info-Tech Research Group | 29
How the risk practices The risk taxonomy provides a common classification of risks
Accept Transfer
• Practically, its purpose is to knit together several operational risk Insurance Conduct Security (cyber)
management categories such as business continuity, security, and third-
party risk.
• The concept has been adopted by information and communication
technology (ICT) companies, as technology and cyber risks sit neatly
under this risk type.
• It is now not uncommon to see operational resiliency as a level 1 risk Info-Tech Research Group | 32
ERM Advanced
Use of
analytics is
Risks involved with model risk and
emerging risks posed by artificial
intelligence/machine learning.
Some large organizations will elevate certain material
Anti-Money Risk is Financial The risk of exposure to financial crime
operational risks to level 1 organizational risks due to Laundering viewed as Services, and fraud.
(AML) and material Gaming, Real
risk materiality. Fraud Estate
Conduct Risk Sector- Financial The current or prospective risk of losses
specific risk Services to an institution arising from
Every organization will approach its risk management taxonomy
type inappropriate supply of financial
differently; the number of level 1 risk types will vary and depend highly on services including cases of willful or
perceived impact. negligent misconduct.
Operational Sector- Financial Organizational risk resulting from an
Some of the reasons why an organization would elevate a risk to a level Resiliency specific risk Services, ICT organization’s failure to deliver its
1 ERM risk are: type operations, including its critical
operations, through disruption.
• The risk has significant impact on the organization's strategy, reputation, Privacy Board driven Healthcare, The potential loss of control over
or financial performance. – perceived Financial personal information.
as material Services
• The regulator has explicitly called out board oversight within legislation. risk to
• It is best practice in the organization’s industry or business sector. Information Board driven All may The people, processes, and technology
Security – regulatory consider involved in protecting data
• The organization has structured its operations around a particular risk focus (information) in any form – whether
digital or on paper – through its
theme due to its potential negative impact. For example, the organization
creation, storage, transmission,
may have a dedicated department for data privacy. exchange, and destruction.
Info-Tech Research Group | 34
Risk and impact
Rolling Up Risks to a Portfolio View
Mapping risks to business outcomes happens within
the ERM function and by enterprise fiduciaries. Enterprise impacts Enterprise risk profile
Strategy/ • Ability to
Mission achieve goals Strategic
• Impact on
capital or
• When mapping risk events to enterprise risk types, the relationship is operational Reporting
rarely linear. Rather, risk events typically will have multiple impacts on
the enterprise, including strategic, reputational, ESG, and financial Compliance
impacts. Security Event Reputation
• Damage to
• As risk information is transmitted from lower levels, it informs the next
level, providing the appropriate information to prioritize risk.
• In the final stage, the enterprise portfolio view will reflect the enterprise 1. A risk event within IT will roll up to the enterprise via the IT risk
impacts according to risk dimensions, such as strategic, operational, register.
reporting, and compliance. 2. The impact of the risk on cash flow and operations will be
aggregated and allocated in the enterprise risk register by
enterprise fiduciaries (e.g. CFO).
3. The impacts are translated into full value exposures or modified
impact and likelihood assessments.
Info-Tech Research Group | 35
Common challenges
How to synthesize different objectives between IT risk and enterprise risk
Commingling risk data is a major challenge when developing a risk taxonomy, but one of the
underlying reasons is that the enterprise and IT look at risk from different dimensions.
• The role of the enterprise in risk management is to • IT risk management focuses on internal controls and
provide and preserve value, and therefore the sits as a function within the larger enterprise.
enterprise evaluates risk on an adjusted risk-return basis. • IT takes a bottom-up approach by applying an ongoing
• To do this effectively, the enterprise must break down process of risk management and constantly identifying,
silos and view risk holistically. assessing, prioritizing, and mitigating risks.
• ERM is a top-down process of evaluating risks that • IT has a central role in risk mitigation and, if functioning
may impact the entity. As part of the process, ERM must well, will continually reduce IT risks, simplifying the
manage risks within the enterprise risk framework and role for ERM.
provide reasonable assurances that enterprise objectives
will be met.
• To ensure the root nodes (level 1 risk types) address the risks of your
organization, it is vital to have a strong understanding or your organization’s Strategic IT Risk Council
value chain, so your organizational strategy is a key input for defining your IT Ensures business and IT • Provide input
level 1 risk types. initiatives, products, and services • May review taxonomy ahead
are aligned to the organization’s of going to the enterprise risk
• Since the taxonomy provides the method for communicating risks to the people goals and strategy and provide
council for approval
who need to make decisions, a wide understanding and acceptance of the expected value. Ensures
taxonomy is essential. This means that multiple people across your organization adherence to key principles.
should be involved in defining the taxonomy. Tactical Subcommittee
• Form a cross-functional tactical team to collaborate and agree on definitions. The • Define risk types and
Ensures key activities and
team should include subject matter experts and leaders in key risk and business planning are in place to execute
• Establish and maintain
areas. In terms of governance structure, this committee might sit underneath the strategic initiatives.
enterprise risk council, and members of your IT risk council may also be good • Recommend changes
candidates for this tactical working group. • Advocate and communicate
• The committee would be responsible for defining the taxonomy as well as
performing regular reviews.
• The importance of collaboration will become crystal clear as you begin this work,
as risks should be connected to only one risk type. Info-Tech Research Group | 37
Input Output
2.1 Establish a cross-functional
working group • Organization chart and
operating model
• Cross-functional working
group charter
• Corporate governance
framework and existing
committee charters
2-3 hours
2. Consider the members of current committees and your objectives and begin
Materials Participants
a) Committee mandate, goals, and success factors.
b) Responsibility and membership.
c) Committee procedures and policies. • Whiteboard/flip charts • CISO
3. Make sure you define how this tactical working group will interact with existing • Build an IT Risk Taxonomy • Human resources
committees. • Corporate communications
• IT Risk Taxonomy
• CRO or risk owners
Committee Charter
Download Build an IT Risk Taxonomy Workbook Template • Business leaders
• Business Leaders
• Human Resources
Do’s Don’ts
• Ensure your organization’s • Don’t develop risk types based on
values are embedded into the function.
risk types. Parent risk types aligned to
• Don’t develop your taxonomy in a
• Design your taxonomy to be silo. Level 1 organizational values
forward looking and risk
• Make level 1 risk types generic
so they can be used across the
Level 2 Subrisks to
organization. level 1 risks
• Ensure each risk has its own
attributes and belongs to only
one risk type. Level 3
• Collaborate on and
communicate your taxonomy definition
throughout organization.
Use corporate inputs to help structure your Consider macro trends that may have an impact on
taxonomy how you manage IT risks
Geopolitica Economic
l Risk Downturn
How many planned integrations do we have (over the next How often is data moved? And to what locations?
24 months)?
What is our need for specialized skills, like digital, AI, Third-party How many third-party suppliers do we have?
Talent Risk etc.? How reliant are we on the global supply chain?
Does our culture support change and innovation? What is the maturity level of our third-party
How susceptible is our organization to labor market
Do we have any concentration risk?
What is the extent of digital adoption or use of emerging
Strategy technologies in our organization? How equipped is our organization to manage cyber
Security threats?
How many security incidents occur per
How aligned is IT with strategy/corporate goals? year/quarter/day?
How much is our business dependent on changing Do we have regulatory obligations? Is there risk of
customer preferences? enforcement action?
IT Level 1 Definition Definition Source Note how this definition by OSFI includes cyber
risk as part of technology risk. Smaller
Technology Risk arising from the inadequacy, disruption, Open Risk Manual organizations and organizations that do not use
destruction, failure, damage from large amounts of sensitive information will
unauthorized access modifications, or typically fold cyber risks under technology
malicious use of information technology
risks. Not all organizations will take this approach.
assets, people or processes that enable and
support business needs, and can result in Some organizations may elevate security risk to
financial loss and/or reputational damage. level 1.
• Ultimately, the identification of a level 1 IT risk type will be driven by Does your organization
the potential for and materiality of vulnerabilities that may impede an have sensitive data such
as PII data?
organization from delivering successful business outcomes.
Yes No
• Senior leaders within organizations play a central role in protecting
organizations against vulnerabilities and threats.
• The size and structure of your organization will influence how you Level 1 Data Level 1 Technology
manage risk.
Level 2 Data Privacy Level 2 Security
• The following slide shows typical roles and responsibilities for data
Level 3 TBD Level 3 Data Privacy
• Large enterprises and organizations that use a lot of personal identifiable
information (PII) data, such as those in healthcare, financial services, and
online retail, will typically have data as a level 1 IT risk and data privacy • In larger enterprises, data risks are managed within a dedicated
as a level 2 risk type. functional department with its own governance structure. In
small organizations, the CIO is typically responsible and
• However, smaller organizations or organizations that do not use a lot of
accountable for managing data privacy risk.
data will typically fold data privacy under either technology risk or
Info-Tech Research Group | 46
security risk.
Global Enterprise Midmarket
Privacy Requirement What Is Involved Accountable Responsible Accountable & Responsible
Privacy Legal and • Ensuring the relevant Accountable roles understand privacy obligations for Privacy Officer (Legal) Privacy Officer (Legal)
Compliance Obligations the jurisdictions operated in.
Privacy Policy, • Defining polices and ensuring they are in place to ensure all privacy Chief Risk Officer (Risk) Head of Risk Function
Standards, and obligations are met.
Governance • Monitoring adherence to those policies and standards.
Data Classification and • Defining the organization’s data classification and security standards and Chief Information Security Officer (IT) Chief Information Security
Security Standards and ensuring they align to the privacy policy. Officer (IT)
Best-Practice • Designing and building the data security standards, processes, roles, and
Capabilities technologies required to ensure all security obligations under the privacy
policy can be met.
• Providing oversight of the effectiveness of data security practices and leading
resolution of data security issues/incidents.
Technical Application of • Ensuring all technology design, implementation, and operational decisions Chief Information Officer Chief Data Architect (IT) Chief Information Officer
Data Classification, adhere to data classification, data management, and data security standards. (IT) (IT)
Management and
Security Standards
Execution of Data • Ensuring business processes that involve data classification, sharing, and L1 Business Process Owner L2 Business Process Owner
Management access related to their data domain align to data management standards (and
therefore privacy obligations).
• Furthermore, regulatory cybersecurity requirements have emphasized control frameworks. “Information security” defines the people,
processes, and technology involved in protecting
As such, many organizations have adopted NIST because it is comprehensive, regularly
data (information) in any form – whether digital
updated, and easily tailored. or on paper – through its creation, storage,
transmission, exchange, and destruction.
• While NIST is prescriptive and action oriented, it start with controls and does not easily
integrate with traditional ERM frameworks. To address this, NIST has published new
guidance focused on an enterprise risk management approach. The guidance helps to
bridge the gap between best practices in enterprise risk management and processes and
Source: RIMS & ISACA
control techniques that cybersecurity professionals use to meet regulatory cybersecurity
risk requirements.
Info-Tech Research Group | 48
Input Output
3.1 Establish level 1 risk types • Organization's strategy • Level 1 IT risk types
customized to your
• Other organizational
artifacts if available
2-3 hours (operating model, outputs
from audits and risk
1. Consider your current and future corporate goals and business initiatives, risk assessments, risk profile,
management artifacts, and macro industry trends. and risk appetite)
4. Add any risk types that are missing and unique to your organization.
3.2 Map IT risk types against • IT level 1 risk types • Final level 1 IT risk types
1-2 hours
1. Using the output from Activity 3.1, map your IT risk types to your ERM level 1
risk types.
Materials Participants
3.3 Establishing level 2 and 3 • Output from Activity 3.1, • Level 2 and level 3 risk
3. Once satisfied with your level 2 risk types, break them down further to level 3 risk
Materials Participants
Note: Smaller organizations may only define two risk levels, while larger
organizations may define further to level 4. • Whiteboard/flip charts • CISO
• Build an IT Risk Taxonomy • Human resources
Design Template
• Corporate communications
2-3 hours
1. Leveraging the output from Activities 3.1 to 3.3 and your IT Risk Taxonomy
Design Template, begin to test the robustness of the taxonomy by working
backward from controls to level 1 IT risks.
2. The lineage should show clearly that the control will mitigate the impact of a
realized risk event. Refine the control or move the control to another level 1 risk
type if the control will not sufficiently reduce the impact of a realized risk event. Materials Participants
3. Once satisfied, update your risk register or your risk management software tool.
3.5 Draft your IT risk appetite • Organization’s risk appetite • IT risk appetite statements
statements statement
Materials Participants
• Not only is the risk taxonomy used to assess organizational impact, but it is also used for risk reporting, scenarios analysis and horizon scanning,
and risk appetite expression.
• It is essential to capture IT risks within the ERM framework to fully understand the impact and allow for consistent risk discussions and meaningful
• Defining an IT risk taxonomy is a team sport, and organizations should strive to set up a cross-functional working group that is tasked with defining
the taxonomy, monitoring its effectiveness, and ensuring continual improvement.
• The work does not end when the taxonomy is complete. The taxonomy should be well socialized throughout the organization after inception
through training and new policies and procedures. Ultimately, it should be an activity embedded into risk management practices.
To gain acceptance of your risk taxonomy within your organization, ensure it is well
understood and used throughout the organization.
1. Consider your audience and agree on the key elements you want to convey.
Info-Tech • Use this blueprint to transform your ad hoc risk management processes into a
formalized ongoing program and increase risk management success.
Research • Learn how to take a proactive stance against IT threats and vulnerabilities by
identifying and assessing IT’s greatest's risks before they occur.
Risk Owner The designated party responsible and accountable for ensuring that the risk is maintained in accordance with enterprise
Risk Register A tool used to identify and document potential and active risks in an organization and to track the actions in place to manage each
Risk Response How you choose to respond to risk (accept, mitigate, transfer, or avoid).
Risk Source The element that, alone or in combination, has potential to give rise to a risk. Usually this is the root cause of the risk.
Risk Statement A description of the current conditions that may lead to the loss, and a description of the loss.
Risk Tolerance The amount of risk you are prepared or able to accept (in terms of volume or impact); the amount of uncertainty an organization is
willing to accept in the aggregate (or more narrowly within a certain business unit or for a specific risk category). Expressed in
quantitative terms that can be monitored (such as volatility or deviation measures), risk tolerance often is communicated in terms of
acceptable/unacceptable outcomes or as limited levels of risk. Risk tolerance statements identify the specific minimum and
maximum levels beyond which the organization is unwilling to accept variations from the expected outcome.
Risk Transfer The risk response where you transfer the risk to a third party.