Gatewood 8e CH 06
Gatewood 8e CH 06
Gatewood 8e CH 06
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Information is the basis for all decisions
concerning the selection of job applicants
But sometimes decisions are wrong,
perhaps because of faulty data
The objectives of this Part 2 of the text are:
1. Explore the role of HR measurement in
selection decision making
2. Examine the concepts of reliability and
validity of selection data and their role in
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Human Resources
Measurement in Selection
Chapter 6
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Fundamentals of Measurement:
An Overview
In selection decision making we assume
that information is available
◦ But what types of information can be used?
◦ Where does it come from?
◦ What characteristics are most useful
We will focus on:
◦ (a) basics of psychological measurement in
◦ (b) locating, developing and interpreting
measures used in HR selection
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The Role of Measurement…
The Nature of Measurement
A Definition
From an HR perspective, measurement
involves the systematic application of rules
for assigning numbers to people to
represent the quantities of a person’s
attributes or traits
Rules: Tests must be administered under
the same conditions and scored in the same
manner as all other users
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The Role of Measurement…
The Nature of Measurement (2)
A Definition (cont.)
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The Role of Measurement…
The Nature of Measurement (3)
Criteria and Predictors in Selection
Two types of variables must be identified
for prediction:
◦ Criterion (a definition of what is meant by
employee success on the job)
The most frequently used performance criteria are
supervisory ratings of work performance
◦ Predictor (measures of WRCs identified
through a job or work analysis as important for
job success
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The Role of Measurement…
The Nature of Measurement (4)
Measurement and Individual Differences
Measuring individual differences helps us
identify those who should be hired
Figure 6.1 shows a hypothetical
distribution of quantity output for a group
of workers
◦ The plot shows that employees differ in their
levels of productivity
◦ Few produce a very large or very small output
◦ We need a selection procedure that will predict
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Figure 6.1- Hypothetical
Distribution of …Production
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The Role of Measurement…
Scales of Measurement
A scale of measurement is a means by
which individuals can be distinguished
from one another on a variable of interest,
either a predictor or a criterion
◦ Different predictors and criteria differ
dramatically in precision
Figure 6.2 shows hypothetical
distributions of trainees’ scores for two
methods of measurement
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Figure 6.2- Hypothetical
Distributions of Trainees…
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The Role of Measurement…
Scales of Measurement (2)
The manner in which a variable is
measured, and not the variable itself,
determines the level of measurement
Four types of scales exist:
◦ (a) nominal
◦ (b) ordinal
◦ (c) interval
◦ (d) ratio
Precision increases from nominal to ratio
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The Role of Measurement…
Scales of Measurement (3)
A nominal scale is composed of two or
more mutually exclusive categories
◦ Example: Male or female
An ordinal scale is one that rank-orders
objects of individuals from high to low
◦ Example: test scores, as percentiles
◦ Figure 6.3 shows an example of an ordinal
scale of measurement
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Figure 6.3- Example of an
Ordinal Scale of Measurement
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The Role of Measurement…
Scales of Measurement (4)
An interval scale uses constant units of
measurement to rank-order
◦ Example: See Figure 6.4
A ratio scale has an absolute zero point, and
differences between numerical values have
◦ Example: most scales involving physical
measurement or counting
Table 6.1 summarizes the types
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Figure 6.4- Example of an Interval
Scale …Rating…Performance
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Table 6.1- General Characteristics,
Four Scales of Measurement
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Standardization of
Selection Measurement
In the context of selection, a measurement
method is the systematic application of
preestablished rules or standards for
assigning scores to the attributes or traits of
an individual
A selection measure may provide
information to be used either as a predictor
or a criterion
◦ But differences in scores must be attributable to
ability, and not to other factors
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Standardization of
Selection Measurement (2)
Standardized Measurement is required
A predictor or criterion is standardized if:
◦ 1. Content. All people measured by the same
◦ 2. Administration. Information is collected the
same way in all locations
◦ 3. Scoring. Rules for scoring exist and are
applied in the same way
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Standardization …
Measures Used in HR Selection
In a validation study, criteria are employed
as part of a research study designed to
determine which selection procedures are
related to job success and should be used in
selection decision making
◦ Criterion measures serve as a standard for
evaluating how well predictors do their job
Predictors have a direct impact on decisions
Criteria play an indirect role
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Standardization …
Measures Used in HR Selection (2)
Predictors or Selection Procedures
Many types have been used, but most fall
into three broad categories:
◦ 1. Background information
◦ 2. Interviews
◦ 3. Tests
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Standardization …
Measures Used in HR Selection (3)
or Measures of Job Success
One way to classify criteria is by the
measurement method used to collect data:
◦ 1. Objective Production Data
◦ 2. Personnel Data
◦ 3. Judgmental Data
◦ 4. Job or Work Sample Data
◦ 5. Training Proficiency Data
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Standardization …
Standards for Evaluating Selection Measures
Some of the factors to be used for choosing
a selection measure are listed in question
form in Table 6.2
◦ If a measure doesn’t meet these standards,
(a) determine whether you can adjust your data or
calculation of the score, or
(b) if that option is not viable, find or develop another,
more suitable measure
◦ The factors listed in Table 6.2 are not of equal
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Table 6.2- Factors to Consider
When Choosing… Measures
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Table 6.2- Factors to Consider
When Choosing… Measures (2)
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Standardization …
Finding & Constructing Selection Measures
Once we have identified the criteria
necessary for successful work performance,
the process of identifying and implementing
our selection procedures may begin
◦ A consultant, perhaps an industrial-
organizational psychologist, is needed
Two choices:
◦ (a) locate and choose from existing measures
◦ (b) construct our own
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Standardization …
Locating Existing Selection Measures
Advantages of using existing measures:
◦ 1.Use of existing measures usually less expensive
and less time-consuming than developing new
◦ 2. If previous research was conducted on these
measures, we will have an idea of the reliability,
validity and other characteristics of the measures
◦ 3. Well-developed, existing measures are often
superior to what could be developed in-house
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Standardization …
Locating Existing Selection Measures
Information Sources for Existing Measures
◦ Sources in print and on the Internet (see Table
6.3) list sources of existing measures (see also
Table 6.4)
◦ Text and Reference Sources
◦ Buros’ Mental Measurements Yearbooks
Other Reference Sources
◦ Journals
◦ Test Publishers (Levels A, B and C)
◦ Professional Associations
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Table 6.3- Internet Sources for …
Existing Selection Procedures
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Table 6.4- Selected List of
Preemployment Test Publishers
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Standardization …
Locating Existing Selection Measures (2)
Minimum recommendations for choosing an
existing selection measure:
◦ 1. Completely understand the attribute you want
to measure, and the best means for assessing.
◦ 2. Read reviews and evaluations of the measure;
Buros’ Mental Measurements Yearbook good
◦ 3. Order and study a specimen, if available
◦ 4. Next, ask “are there compelling arguments for
using or not using this measure?”
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Standardization …
Constructing New Selection Measures
Development of measures is a complex,
risky, resource-consuming process
Best you work with a professional
Your knowledge of the basic issues involved
in selection measure development, validation
and application can help bridge possible
communications gap between the
organization and the consultant
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Standardization …
Constructing New Selection Measures (2)
Steps in Developing Selection Measures
◦ 1. Analyze the job for which a measure is being
◦ 2. Select the method of measurement to be used
◦ 3. Plan and develop the measure
◦ 4. Administer, analyze and revise the preliminary
◦ 5. Determine the reliability and validity of the
revised measure for the jobs studied
◦ 6. Implement and monitor the measure
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Figure 6.5- Checklist Used to Match
Selection Procedure with WRCs…
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Figure 6.6- What an Industrial Electrician
Needs to Know to Perform The Job
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Figure 6.7 – Form Used to Determine
Item Budget for Knowledge Topics…
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Interpreting Scores on
Selection Measurement
Using Norms
◦ To interpret the results of measurement, we need
to know:
(a) how others scored on the selection procedure
(b) the validity of the selection procedure
◦ Scores of relevant others are norms
◦ When using norms to interpret scores:
Norm group selected should be relevant
Use local norms when appropriate
Remember that norms are transitory
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Interpreting Scores on
Selection Measurement (2)
Using Percentiles
◦ Percentiles scores are used to show the
percentage of persons in a norm group who fall
below a given score on a measure
A percentile score is not a percentage score
◦ The higher the percentile score, the better a
person’s performance relative to others
◦ Figure 6.8 illustrates how normative percentile
data are reported in test manuals
◦ Percentile scores useful, but subject to misuse
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Figure 6.8- Illustration of How Percentile
Norms are Reported in Test Manuals
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Interpreting Scores on
Selection Measurement (3)
Using Standard Scores
◦ Standard scores represent adjustments to raw
scores, so it is possible to determine the
proportion of people who fall at various standard
score levels
Scales indicate, in common measurement units, how
far above or below the mean score any raw score is
◦ Stanine scores are a form of standard score
◦ Figure 6.9 depicts the relationship among these
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Figure 6.9- Relationship Among Normal
Curve, Percentiles, Standard Scores and
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