A Brief Introduction To of Freemasonry: The Swedish Rite
A Brief Introduction To of Freemasonry: The Swedish Rite
A Brief Introduction To of Freemasonry: The Swedish Rite
Tofique Fatehi
[email protected] http://tofique.fatehi.us
Freemasonry in Sweden
1735 Freemasonry brought to Sweden 1752 First Lodge in Sweden Lodge St. Jean Auxillaire established 1756 Eckleff establishes the Scottish Lodge LInnocente 1759 First Chapter (Stuart Lodge) established 1760 Grand Lodge of Sweden formed
SwR in Germany
1768 First Swedish Rite Lodge founded in Germany 1770 The Grand Land Lodge of Freemasons in Germany founded 1773 The GLL of Germany recognized by the GL of England 1776 The GLL of Germany recognized by the GL of Sweden
Grand Lodge AM&FM of Germany Grand Land Lodge of Freemasons of Germany Grand National Mother Lodge The Three Globes (GL of Fredrik the Great) American Canadian Grand Lodge Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany
These work the first three degrees which are basically the same as the three Craft Degrees:
Entered Apprentice 2nd Fellow Craft 3rd Master Mason
The Chapters