Entomology Group Work
Entomology Group Work
Entomology Group Work
Effect of climate change on insects
• Insects are most likely to be affected by climate change because
environmental factors have a strong influence on development
reproduction and survival of insects pests and their natural enemies .
• Insects have short generation times and a high reproductive
rates ,and hence they are more likely to respond quickly to climate
change than plants and vertebrates.
Diversity and community size
Large-scale changes in the amounts of rainfall caused by
globalwarmingwill have a major bearing on abundance and
diversity of arthropods.Extreme climatic events such as drought
are likely to decrease multitrophic diversity and change of
composition of arthropod diversity which in turn may affect other
associated taxa.
Effect on development and metamorphosis
Global warming will lead to faster development of immature
stages and adults will emerge much earlier than before.Observed
responses include early adult emergence and an increase in
length of flight period .Changes in butterfly phenology have been
reported in europe and species have advanced their flight periods
by 2-10 days for every 1 degree celsius.
Habitat diversity and
As a result of global warming, insects may find suitable
alternative habitats at greater lattitudes and higher
altitudes Genetic variation and multifactor inheritance
of innaterecognition of environmental signals means
that many insects will have to adapt readily to such
Many species may also have their diapause strategies
disrupted as the linkages between temperature and
moisture regimes and day lengths will be altered.
Extinction of insect
Climate change is one of the major factors for
species extinction( Arthropods).Mountain species
and those restricted to high lattitudes are most
likely to become extinct as a result of climate change
Species adated to cold climatic conditions will
eventually runout of habitable areas and eventually
become extinct.
of insects on climate change
Insects contribute towards the flourishing of flora
through enhancement of pollination processes which in
turn results into precipitation
Insect pests and pestcides
•Prevalence of insect pests to natural vegetation ie insect pests that
feed on floral parts of trees, those that feed on sup ie sap sucking
insects may cause a dynamic destruction of flora as in some of these
insects are good vectors of parasitic microorganisms that affect
several tree species for example beetles are good transmitters of
tymoviruses,comoviruses etc.As a result several flora are destroyed
which acutely affect rainfall distribution and atmospheric
concentration of green house gases leading to global warming.
•Increased use of insecticides to kill insect pests more especially
those containing carbonyl sulfides,sulphuryl fluorides and sulphur
oxides in their prevention leads to environmental problems such as
increase in the amount of green house gases in the atmosphere such
as hydrochrolofluorocarbons,methane,sulphur oxides etc leads to
green house effect and thus wide spread global warming.
Insects biodegradation and climate change.
Insects are agents of biodegradation in that they
breakdown organic wastes emitted to the environment
into useful components and nutrients which can be
used by the flora which ensures stable survival and
establishment of forest communities for example In
ecological succession ,insects play vital roles in forest
establishment thus leading to a stable climatic
pattern .