Iot U-IV Updated
Iot U-IV Updated
Iot U-IV Updated
I2C- The I2C interface pins on Raspberry Pi allow you to connect hardware
modules. I2C interface allows synchronous data transfer with just two pins -
SDA (data line) and SCL (clock line).
Programming Raspberry Pi with Python
• pcDuino
• BeagleBone Black
• Cubieboard
• It is an Arduino-pin compatible single board mini-computer that comes with a
1 GHz ARM Cortex-A8 processor.
• pcDuino is a high performance and cost effective device that runs PC like OS
such as Ubuntu and Arduino ICS.
• It Supports programming languages such as C,C++,Java and Python.
BeagleBone Black:
• It is similar to Raspberry Pi,but a more powerful device.
• It comes with a 1 GHz ARM Cortex-A8 processor and supports both Linux and
Android Operating systems.
• Like Raspberry Pi, it has HDMI video/audio interface, USB and Ethernet ports.
• It is powered by a dual core ARM Cortex A7 processor and has a range of
input/output interfaces including HDMI, USB, IR, Serial, Ethernet, SATA and
96 pin extended interface
• It also provides SATA support.
• It can run on both Linux and Android Operating Systems.