Detection of Beta Lactam
Detection of Beta Lactam
Detection of Beta Lactam
Pratima Pandey
BSC.MLT 3rd year
Procedure: 100 μl of penicillin phenol red solution was placed in the well of
microtitre plate. Several colonies were suspended in the solution to get dense
suspension. The solution turned yellow within 10-15 minutes if β Lactamase
enzyme was produced.
Note: Colour changes after 15 minutes is not of significance
since it represents decomposition of substrate. Overnight broth
culture should not be used as the organism may have produced
an acid in growth medium.
3. Iodometric method
Reagents- Sterile potassium or sodium penicillin G powder (6 lac units) was
dissolved in potassium phosphate buffer PH 6.0, 0.05 M at a concentration of 6000
μg / ml (to be prepared fresh when required) Starch solution was prepared by adding
1 gm of soluble starch to 100 ml distilled water and slowly bringing it to boil.
The solution should become clear opalescent in appearance and can be stored at 4 ºC
for several days.
Iodine solution: This was prepared by dissolving 2.03 g of iodine and 53.2 g of
potassium iodide in 100 ml distilled water. It should be stored in ground glass,
stopper brown bottle.
Two drops of starch were added and then the plate was kept at
room temperature for 30-60 minutes.
One drop of iodine was then added which turn the solution
blue. If the blue colour disappeared in 10 minutes, the organism
was considered as β lactamase positive. Negative control with
penicillin alone was kept without any culture suspension.
4. Modified hodge test for carbepenemase
The Modified Hodge Test (MHT) detects carbapenemase
production in isolates of Enterobacteriaceae.