Detection of Fascioliasis in Sheep and Cattle by Using of ELISA Technique
Detection of Fascioliasis in Sheep and Cattle by Using of ELISA Technique
Detection of Fascioliasis in Sheep and Cattle by Using of ELISA Technique
/1 2011
AL-Qadisiya Journal of Vet.Med.Sci. Vol./10 No./1 2011
The results of the present study seropositve animal and their age group so
showed that seroposative cattle and sheep the rate of infection was increased in cattle
were (74.5%) and (76.7%)respectively with ages more than and less than one year
while the negative results of cattle and which recorded (82.3%) and (17.6%)
sheep were (25.4%) and (23.2%) respectively table (2).also in sheep and in
respectively table (1).The results showed the same way revealed (44.1%) and
also there were relationship between (55.8% ) respectively table ( 3 ) .
8 +++
4 +\-
cattle ? 1 cattle ? 1
year year
AL-Qadisiya Journal of Vet.Med.Sci. Vol./10 No./1 2011
2 0
Sheep ? 1 Sheep ? 1
year year
occurred in children between the age of 9 – they are responsible for taking herds of
12 years old because children may become sheep to grazing field and that in
incontact with F . hepatica metacercaria agreement with our study as infection
by drinking contaminated water or eating occur when there is suitable condition and
vegetables growing near ditches because suitable chance to complete the life cycle .
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74.5% 76.7%
17.6% 82.3%
55.8 % 44.1 %