Mini Task People Analytics Fundamental

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Learning The
Fundamentals of
People Analytics
Oleh : Fia Nurfitriana


Course Summary
Introduction to People Analytics

• People analytics lives at the intersection of statistics, behavioral science, technology, systems, and
people/business strategy.
• Since people analytics involves aggregating and analyzing data, it requires a skillset (business,
marketing, HR, data, IT) that goes beyond those considered ‘traditional’ to HR.
• People analytics help HR make more informed and evidence-based decisions, leading to more
effective and efficient, targeted, and context-specific HR practices. Which eventually will help to drive
better business outcome.
• Analytics help us escape our biases and imperfect decision-making, enabling us to make better
decisions and be fairer to everyone.

Course Summary
People Analytics Project: Approach People Analytics Project: Process
1. Waterfall Approach 1. Ask the Right Questions
2. Agile Approach 2. Data Selection
3. Data Cleaning
4. Data Analysis
People Analytics Project: Levels
1. Descriptive Analytics
5. Interpretation & Execution
2. Diagnostic Analytics
3. Predictive Analytics
4. Prescriptive Analytics

1. What do you think are the common People Analytic challenges & how to tackle them
2. Imagine you are just recently hired as a People Analytics Specialist in a SaaS company. This year,
some of the objectives of the company revolve around Company Performance, Company Size
Growth, and Employee Retention. Create an action plan that includes:
a. What dashboard(s) are you going to develop in the first year of your employment & why
b. What metrics you are going to show in the dashboard(s) & why?
c. What approach and project management methodology you are going to use in the
development of the dashboard(s) & why?
d. Determine the maturity level of your people analytics project!
e. What data(s)/variable(s) would you need in order to develop the dashboard(s) (e.g. Join Date,
Resign Date, etc.)
Jawaban Exercise
1. Unconditional bias, so just more objective when analyzing people.

2. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Because KPIs provide insight into whether an organization is meeting
its goals, staying on track, or veering off course. By tracking KPIs, businesses and organizations can
make necessary adjustment to stay on target.

3. Revenue per employee, profit per employee, profit per FTE, Absence rate, absence rate per
manager/department, voluntary turnover rate, involuntary turnover rate, involuntary turnover rate, turnover
rate of talent, turnover rate, turnover rate per manager/department, time until promotion, promotion rate,
satisfaction rare, salary hike since last year, candidate job satisfaction. Because it fits with company

4. Agile methodology, flexible improvement.

5. Comprehensive company and employee data.

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