Solar Energy System
Solar Energy System
Solar Energy System
Renewable Energy?
• Renewable energy, collected from renewable resources, which are
naturally replaced on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain,
tides, waves, and geothermal heat
• Most of modern technology comes from electricity and almost all of
electricity we generate comes from sources that wouldn’t exist without the
Problem with Fossil Fuels
• By some estimates, the total energy of the fossil fuels accumulated in the
Earth’s crust in the past 500 million years is 1023J (Joules)
• However, humans are currently using 1x1020 Joules/year of electricity! At
this rate, we will run out of fossil fuels in the next 100 years!
• Fossil fuels are depleting faster than they are producing. Fossil fuels are
going extinct!
Solar Energy
• Renewable energy sources don’t get depleted but there is a limit to how
much power they can provide
• The most abundant renewable energy source is solar energy
• Solar energy is mainly used in two ways; photovoltaics and solar thermal
• When sunlight falls on a semi-conductor, and electrons are excited which
then form electrical current. So directly sunlight is converted into
Sun and Sunlight
Wave nature of Light
• Some scientists, including Newton, believed that light was carried by
particles which move in straight lines
• English scientist Thomas Young discovered that light moved not in a
straight line but in the form of waves
Electromagnetic Sunlight
• It is a kind of radiation including visible light, radio waves, gamma rays,
and X-rays, in which electric and magnetic fields vary simultaneously
• Sunlight is electromagnetic radiation from the Sun
• Some of the properties of electromagnetic radiation are:
• Intensity
• Direction
• Wavelength
• Frequency
Quantization of Light
• Quantization means that something cannot be further separated into
arbitrarily small pieces: eventually, you reach a piece small enough that it
can no longer be divided
• Albert Einstein discovered the photoelectric effect with the introduction of
the "photon", a quantized packet of electromagnetic radiation
• His work on photons would lead to him winning the 1921 Nobel Prize in
• Light being quantized into photons, similar to how matter is quantized
into atoms
Photoelectric Effect
• Some materials will emit electrons when light is shined on them - this is
called the photoelectric effect.
• The photoelectric effect occurs because energy delivered by the light can
be absorbed by electrons, and once an electron has gained enough energy,
it can escape from its host material
Photovoltaic Effect
• Very high energy photons are required to cause the photoelectric effect,
and most solar photons would not be energetic enough to eject an electron
• PV cells make use of the Photovoltaic Effect
• The photovoltaic effect is similar to the photoelectric effect, but instead of
energizing electrons so much that they're ejected from the material, the
electrons are energized while still being contained in the material
• The photoelectric effect is usually observed in metals, while the
photovoltaic effect is observed in semiconductors
Solar Module
• A solar module, or photovoltaic (PV) module, is a device that
converts light into electric current using the photovoltaic effect
• A solar panel is made up of multiple solar cells
• The array of a PV system, produces direct current (DC) power
which fluctuates with the sunlight's intensity
• For practical use this usually requires conversion to certain
desired voltages or alternating current (AC), through the use of
• Types of solar modules depend on the type of solar cell they
are made up of!
Solar Panel, Module and Array
PE = ISUN x πrE2
PE = 1361.66 x π x (6.37×106)2
PE = 1.74 x 1017 W
•This means that on average, devoting one square meter of surface area to
solar energy collection will allow us to collect 6 kWh of solar energy each
Calculating Daily Solar Resource Area
• Daily Solar Resource Area is the area required to collect enough power to
fulfill a certain demand in one day
• Dividing the total demand by the electricity output from our collector yields
the total collector area required
Let's imagine a generic solar collector, which is able to convert 25% of the
sunlight incident on it into electricity
If Pakistan wants to meet their entire electricity demand of 25 GWh/d =
2.5×107 kWh/d) using solar power, how much collection area would be
• Assume that the daily solar resource at the Earth's surface to be 6 kWh/(m2d)
• Hint: Since our collector is 25% efficient, that means it can provide
6kWh/(m2d) x 25% = 1.5 kWh/(m2d)
•Dividing the total demand by the electricity output from our collector
yields the total collector area required calculated as:
Pakistan sits at a latitude of about 33∘ North. What is the collector area
required to meet its electricity needs?
• Assume we are using the same 25% efficient solar collector as before
• Hint: The solar resource at an angle will be less than the solar
resource at the Earth’s surface
Daily available solar resource = 1000 x x kWh/(m2d) x 0.25
Daily available solar resource = 1.66 kWh/(m2d)
If the solar altitude is 45∘ then the intensity reaching a horizontal solar collector
when the can be given as
Isurf = Ibeam sinα
Where Ibeam is the solar intensity in the direction normal to the Sun
Plugging in α = 45∘ and Ibeam = 1000 W/m2 gives
Isurf = 707 W/m2
Effect of the Tilt Angle
• In order to maximize the energy collected by our collector, we want to
maximize its projected area with respect to the direction of the sun
• At a latitude of 40∘N, sunlight will appear to come from ∼ 40∘ south of
overhead (this will change depending on the season, but will average out
to 40∘)
To align the collector so it is as close to normal with the incident sunlight as
possible, it should be tilted 40∘ to the South
Direction of the Collector
• When sunlight reach the Earth's surface with a large incidence angle,
it reduces the solar resource, since the same amount of sunlight is
spread over a larger surface area compared to the case of normal
• The reduced solar resource at higher latitudes can be addressed by
tilting solar collectors towards the equator
• In the northern hemisphere, collectors can be tilted south
• In the southern hemisphere, collectors can be tilted north
• By tilting a collector in this way, sunlight no longer has a large
incidence angle on the collector
Solar Tracking System
•Suppose we decide a stationary collector doesn't collect enough energy, so
we decide to give it an upgrade: we raise the collector onto a tracking
system that can rotate the collector so it always points towards the Sun
•The energy that the new and improved system be able to collect on the
equinox (the day which is exactly 12 h long, at all latitudes) can be
• Because the collector that has been upgraded to track the Sun always faces
towards the Sun, that means the power incident on it is always 24
kWh/(m2d) (as long as Sun is above the horizon)
• On the equinox, there are 12 h (or equivalently 0.5 d) of daylight, so the
total energy collected is simply given by