Taxation Gr.6

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By : GROUP 6
Includes , but is not limited with the following .
•Compensation for services in whatever form paid
• Gross Income from the conduct of trade, business, or exercise
of a profession
• Gains derived from dealings in properties
• Interest
• Rents
•Prizes and Winnings
•Partner's distributive share from the net income of a
Compensation for services for
in whatever form paid

• Under current tax rules, the term compensation

income " technically pertains to the types of
employee benefits that are subject to regular tax .
Gross Income from the conduct of trade,
business or exercise of a profession
• This includes income from any trade or business
legal/illegal, and whether registered/unregistered .
• Gross income from business or profession is
determined as follows:

Sales P xxx,xxx
Less: Cost of Sales P xxx,xxx
Gross Income P xxx,xxx
• Below were not included in gross income subject to
regular income tax.
1.Business income exempt from income tax.
• BMBE ( Barangay Micro-Business Enterprise )
• Income Tax Holidays
2. Subject to special tax
• PEZA( Philippine Economic Zone Authority )
• TIEZA (Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone
Authority )
• Self-Employed / Individuals
3. Subject to final tax
• Subscontractors
• FCDU ( Foreign Currency Deposit Units)
Gains from dealings with
• The gains or losses in dealing in ordinary assets are
subject to regular income tax. Dealings in capital
assets other than domestic stocks and real
properties are also subject to regular income tax.
Interest Income

• refers to the interest

Example :
income other than
passive interest • Interest from lendings
incomes subject to final • Interest from bonds
tax. A taxable interest • Interest income from
income must have been
bank deposit abroad
actually paid out of an
agreement to pay
Special consideration on rent :
1. Obligations of the lessor that are

INCOME assumed by the lessee are additional

rental income to the lessor.
2.Advance rental
arises from leasing a.Item of gross income if
properties of any i. Restricted
kind. It is a passive
ii. Restricted to be applied in the
income but it is not future years or upon the termination of
subject to final tax the lease .
under the NIRC ;
b. Not an item of gross income if
hence, it is subject to
regular income tax. i. it constitutes a loan

ii. security deposit

• Royalties earned from the sources within the
Philippines are generally subject to final income tax
except when they are active by nature. Active royal
income and royalties earned from sources outside
the Philippines are subject to regular income tax.
Type / Source Within Abroad

Passive X ✓
Active ✓ ✓
• Dividends declared by foreign corporation
• Share in the net income of a general
proffesional partnership (GPP).

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