CHAPTER 9 Regular Income Tax
CHAPTER 9 Regular Income Tax
CHAPTER 9 Regular Income Tax
Prizes and Winnings (9) General Criteria for Items of Gross Income
Prizes- effort / Winnings- by chance Under the NIRC, the regular income tax has a
catch-all provision for all income derived from
Exempt prizes and winnings:
whatever sources that are:
1. Prizes received without effort to join a
1. Not subject to final tax, capital gains
tax, and special tax regime, and
2. Prizes in athletic competitions
2. Not excluded or exempted by law,
sanctioned by their respective national
treaty, or contract from taxation
sports association
3. Winnings from PCSO or lotto not Other Sources of Gross Income Subject to
exceeding 10,000 Regular Income Tax
- Expenses of the taxpayer that are Effects of Value Added Tax on Reportable
reimbursed or paid by the customer or Gross Income
client constitute additional income to
the taxpayer.
- Example: when the lessee pays the
ownership costs of the lessor such as
real property tax and insurance on the
property, the payment constitutes
income to the lessor.