Gender Issues
Gender Issues
Gender Issues
Gender issues include all aspects and concerns related to
women’s and men’s lives and situation in society, to the way they
interrelate, their differences in access C D
to and use of resources,
their activities, and how they react to changes, interventions and
policies. The
Analysis of Philippines
Teachinghas a number of women inTeaching
teaching strategy reflection
difficult circumstances. These include (i) women in armed
conflict, (ii) women victims of domestic violence, (iii) women in
prostitution, (iv) women in prison, and (v) single women.
I.Women’s Issues
Feminists’ advocates still believe that
sexism is still rampant in these modern
times. Although a number of women have
broken through male bastions in the past
decades, feminists argue that there is still
much work to be done. Changes in the
nation’s economies globally have brought
more opportunities for women to
participate in the workplace.
A collection of research studies with real-world
applications, designed to help people understand the
Title text addition
similarities and differences of men and women, with The user can demonstrate
on a projector or computer,
an applicant or employee on the basis of:
● Race
● Age
● Color
● Sex
● Religion
● National origin
Equal employment opportunity is a government
policy that requires that employers do not
discriminate against employees and job applicants
based upon certain characteristics, such as age,
race, color, creed, sex, religion and disability.
Women oftentimes encounter
attitudinal or organizational biases
that prevent them from reaching
their full potentials in the
workplace. They are often blocked
from top management positions in
businesses and industries.
The gender mainstreaming strategy aims to change an
organization’s orientation and modes of operation in such a
way that the results and effects of the organization’s
activities support the advancement of gender equality in all
of an organization’s fields of intervention (output
dimension as per the SPO model). However, promoting
equal opportunities within an organization and its
personnel is not least a question of internal and external
D. Sexist Advertising and Music
The media has often criticized for the
stereotyping of women and exploiting them via sexy
advertisements) portraying them skimpy swimsuits
almost naked). They have been portrayed either as sexy
vamps out to seduce the male population in liquor,
cigarette and satisfying the male’s appetite for libido.
Their intellectual capabilities are undermined and not
accurately and justifiably portrayed in202X
some 202X 202X
advertisements. Media and advertising present models
of males and females greatly influence gender attitudes
and behavior.
A number of popular music today have lyrics of sexual
overtones, most of which pertain to women. These lyrics in
some ways are shaping the minds of the listeners, particularly
the youth in the areas of sex, violence, drugs and Satanism.
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MTVs are inclined to promote sex rather than love, friendship,
The user can demonstrate
Title text addition
The user can demonstrate
Title text addition
The user can demonstrate The user can demonstrate
growing up, having fun and the like.
on a projector or computer, on a projector or computer, on a projector or computer, on a projector or computer,
or print the presentation or print the presentation or print the presentation or print the presentation
and make it film and make it film and make it film and make it film
E. Domestic Violence
Photo credit:
Battering, child abuse, verbal abuse, abuse of the elderly and other forms
of domestic violence are ugly realities of family life in the Philippines. It
can begin as early as the dating and courtship stages. Victims are reluctant
to share their unpleasant experiences and typically confide in their peers
rather than their parents and authorities.
Domestic violence is a global problem and is harsher in
societies that devalue certain family members like children born
out of wedlock, stepchildren, disabled children or women in
general. The oppressive situation of battered women is so
intolerable that it has been compared to that of prison inmates.
Like inmates these battered women are confined to their homes,
suffering from progressive loss of self-esteem, making them
prone to repeated abuse. Some are generally cut off from
physical and emotional assistance and moral support.
Filipino society condemns such violence which manifests in
physical forms like pushing, slapping, punching, hitting with a
blunt object, choking as well as psychological and emotional