Internship Report For Homtop

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Internship Report

on Analysis of Market Retailers


LBSIMT, Bareilly Interns

 Observation & Feedback
 Research Objectives
 Retailers Survey
 Area Analysis
Table Of  Market Response

Contents  Competitors Strategies

 Conclusion
 Feedback
 Limitations
As compare to the competitors products, we have used
different types of products that Homtop offers and have a
great experience using the products and homtop offers better
type of quality in compare to their competitors, if not, same.
Observation Reviews that we’ve got from our family members are as
& follows:
Feedback • Comparatively Low-price.
• Offers the same quality as compare to market leader.
• Great Deals on every Products.
• More Quantity as compare to Other Brands.
We’ve done several activities major of which are Surveys of Retailers,
because we have to analyze the different areas and retailers
response for new products in the market and get the best opinion
out of consumers .
Sales is one of a part for which we have to do surveys at different
areas by which we can get the best option for increasing the sales
Research output for company.
Other Objectives are:
Event Planning
Retailers have a mix response according to several factors:
• Area Sales
• Customer Response
• Competitors Brands Reach
• Profit Margin on Competitors Products
• Reach of Retailers around Localities
• Demand of Products at retailer in different areas
• Response of new products in the market
Every area have different types of consumers who have
various aspects regarding new products such as:
Low Demand
New Product demand
Area Analysis Competitors Product demands
Previous Response of new product
Customer feedback of new products
Response of product depends upon previous sales made by Sales team which gives
us room to introduce the product to the retailers. Retailer’s response categories are
as follows:
Market • Not Very Much in Demand

Response • Product quality are not fully mark able by consumers

• Previous Sales team doesn’t initiate in re-order of products
• Some retailers are not able to differentiate between the product.
Competitors are targeting and capturing audience through aggressive advertisement
and digital media leverage.

Competitors They have their consumers as a brand promoters.

Strategies Live demo of products at very big scale.

Increase the reach of the product without defaming competitors brands.

People in the market, some of them want to promote a new upcoming brand but
some of them don’t ,
people in the market are ready to answer the survey without any hesitation and are
willing to start a new business relationship with the company.
Retailers are ok in answering the survey but ended up not interested in order to sell
the products
Conclusion Some people who don’t even want to answer the survey and continue to conduct
there business without any difficulties or don’t want to accept the challenges comes
with the business.
While doing research, performing several surveys for every departments of Homtop
so that they can easily perform for future activities.
Events need to be performed at monthly basis.
Feedback Surveys/ Reiki to be done on quarterly or half-yearly basis.
Pitch Line need to be prepared.
Proper Induction and follow up trainings should be schedule periodically.
1. Vague communication
2. Decision Making Process
Limitations 3.
Lack Of time
5. Lack Of Information

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