Sales Tool Kit

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• By definition, the term "sales" refers to all
activities involved in selling a product or
service to a consumer or business. But in
practice, it means so much more.
Step 1:
Develop a strong work ethic - A successful salesman is always hustling and working hard, no
matter the situation. If you’re willing to put in the work, you’ll reap the benefits.

Step 2:
      Work on building your networking skills and get involved with business organizations
because at least 50% of future contacts start out as people you meet face to face - make
connections and cultivate the skills needed for later success.

Step 3:
Have persistence, self-confidence, vision in order to overcome any obstacles that may come your
way yet again, like a failed sale or an outdated marketing technique—never give up until you’ve
completely exhausted every avenue of opportunity with respect to a particular product or service

Step 4:
Show Respect for the Customer – always make a customer feel important at all times in whatever
situation you find yourself, whether that is during opening delays or when sales are slow a few
weeks later on right after the holidays send prompt thank-you notes whenever possible
communicating only your best wishes because this will go a very long way. 
beyond knowing how to use a CRM or how to create a sales forecast being a great salesperson means you’re
in tune with your soft sales skills just as much as you are with your technical sales skills
Here are 11 skills you should incorporate  
1. Empathy
2. Confidence
3. Optimism
• 5. Active listening
• 6. Emotional intelligence
• 7. Effective communication
• 8. Flexibility
• 9. Time management
• 10. Public speaking
• 11. Growth mindset
always important to be able to put yourself in
someone else’s shoes – especially as a salesperson.
•When you’re able to understand what people might
be thinking or how they might be feeling, you’re able
to guide conversations in a productive way. 👍
•You can uncover motivations, pain points and more,
meaning you have a better idea of when you can push
ahead or when you need to hold back a bit – which
can really turn you into a sales rockstar!

Emotional intelligence allows you to understand how others are feeling and manage both your emotions and their
emotions toward you.
here are four abilities that encompass emotional intelligence:
• Perceiving emotions – the ability to detect and decipher emotions in faces, pictures, voices, etc., including your
own emotions. This is the most basic aspect of emotional intelligence and it makes all other processing of
emotional information possible.
• Using emotions – the ability to harness emotions to facilitate various cognitive activities, such as thinking and
problem-solving. An emotionally intelligent person can capitalize fully upon changing moods in order to best fit
the task at hand.
• Understanding emotions – the ability to comprehend emotion language and to appreciate complicated
relationships among emotions (and be able to describe how emotions evolve over time).
• Managing emotions – the ability to regulate emotions in both ourselves and in others. Therefore, the emotionally
intelligent person can harness emotions, even negative ones, and manage them to achieve intended goals.
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work on listening to your prospects. In many
cases, they will tell you what their pain points are
and what they’re looking for – you just have to
It is, of course, productive to ask questions to
guide the conversation in a way that gets you the
info you need, but avoid taking over the
No one wants to hear how great you or your
company are without prompting. Listen to what
they have to say, and then determine the next best
step for them.
Remember: you need to be on the customer’s
side, and you need to make them feel good about
the exchange! 

From sending emails to holding meetings, making phone

calls and using live chat for sales, there are many ways in
which a salesperson needs to communicate in any given
day, which makes this all the more crucial. Having a
reliable tool or a team communication app that enables
you to collaborate with your team or contact your
prospects is, therefore, a must.
As an effective communicator, you should be able to keep
your audience in mind at all times and adjust
accordingly. 🗣
For example, you shouldn’t be speaking to your fellow
sales colleagues the same way you would speak to a
customer, because they have different needs from you and
different goals in mind.
Simply put: being effective in how you communicate
 helps you get your points across and reach your goals. 🙌

onfident people inspire confidence in others –

so if you’re confident about what you’re
selling, prospects will feel that confidence
and “buy into” what you have to say.
•Working in sales can be a bit of a whirlwind at times. Meetings get
moved around, prospects ask questions that aren’t included in a demo, the
list goes on…
•That’swhy flexibility is crucial! You have to be able to change plans at
the drop of the hat – in a positive and constructive manner. 🤗
•Rather than approaching changes with panic or frustration, take a step
back for a moment, take a few breaths and try to offer up solutions or

•Working in sales can mean a lot of unanswered

emails from leads, hung-up phone calls, rejections in
many forms…so great salespeople understand the
importance of staying positive!
•Not everyone you speak to will necessarily be
interested (or even qualify) for your product or
service – and that’s ok. It’s all about being optimistic
in the face of any adversity or rejection.

Optimism is closely tied to confidence. It means that
you’re hopeful and confident that things will turn out
•Working 60 hours per week and barely making
your sales targets is not sustainable, or fun.
•Working 40 hours per week and blowing your sales
targets out of the water is sustainable and fun. 🎉
•Time management also means managing your
energy. Be sure you’re getting enough rest. This
way, when you’re at work, you can always be at
your 100%.
•Of course, every week is different, but if you’re
able to prioritize and delegate your work in an
effective way, it can be a gamechanger.
•Some people love speaking in front of a group.
Others, not so much.
•Regardless of where you fall on that spectrum, it’s
a great soft skill as a salesperson.
•You’re going to be speaking to people on a regular
basis, as well as offering demos and presentations,
so the last thing you need is to freeze up in the
middle of a crucial meeting. 😰
•The best thing you can do to overcome public
speaking fears is to practice, practice, practice. The
more you do it, the more natural it will feel.
•The most fundamental thing that can make or break
a top salesperson is their integrity.
•Being honest and transparent with prospects is
crucial in being a salesperson with strong integrity.
•This should be a no-brainer, but bears repeating:
salespeople should never push a sale on someone
who isn’t a good fit for a product or service.
Whether that is in regards to pain points, budget or
any other reason.
•A salesperson should also never be misleading
about what a product or service can do for someone.
If you overpromise and underdeliver, that comes
back to haunt you in a big way.
incredible what people can
accomplish when they have a growth
•What does that mean exactly? Well,
it’s the belief that you are capable of
strengthening your talents and
acquiring new sales skills/abilities
over time.
•Itmeans that you understand the
importance of hard work and
constantly trying to improve, rather
than just staying stuck in your
ways. 🚀

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