Subject Computer Network: Prepared by Prof.A.H.Rokade

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Computer Network

Applications Of Computer Network
Business Application
• Resorce Sharing:The goal is to make all programs, equipment, and especially data available
to anyone on the network without regard to the physical location of the resource or the user.
An obvious and widespread example is having a group of office workers share a
common printer. None of the individuals really needs a private printer, and a
high-volume networked printer is often cheaper, faster, and easier to maintain
than a large collection of individual printers.

• travel agency
• Three-person law firm is now highly dependent on computer networks for allowing
employees to access relevant information and documents
• Client
Server Model 1

Network Server
Applications Of Computer Network
Home Applications
• Smart TV
• Person to person communication-eg email
• Wifi
• CCTV Camera
• E-Commerce Using PC
• Online News Paper, Digital Library
• Social networking
• E-Banking
• Online
• Types e-Businesses
Applications Of Computer Network
Mobile Users
• Mobile computers, such as laptop and handheld computers, are one of the
fastest-growing segments of the computer industry
• Their sales have already overtaken those of desktop computers.
• People on
• the go often want to use their mobile devices to read and send email, tweet,
watch movies, download music, play games, or simply to surf the Web for
• Connectivity-Router home
• Wireless hotspots
• Text messaging or textingSocial networking
• GPS (Global Positioning System)
• m-commerce (mobile-commerce)
Applications Of Computer Network
Social Issues
• Social
• Political
• Ethical
• Shoulder attack
• Fishing Attack
Network Hardware
• There is no generally accepted taxonomy into which all computer
networks fit, but two dimensions stand out as important:
transmission technology and
• There are three types of transmission technology that are in
widespread use: broadcast links and point-to-point
• Broadcasting
• Unicasting
• Multicasting
Types of Computer Network

Fig.Personel Area Network

Types of Computer Network
Fig.Local Area Network Range:100m to 1000m

PC-1 PC-2

ng Device

PC-3 PC-4
Types of Computer Network

to 10km

e.g Cable TV Network

Fig. Metropolitan Area Network

Types of Computer Network

Range More than 100KM

Network Software
Protocol Hierarchies
Network Software
Protocol Hierarchies
• list of the protocols used by a certain
system, one protocol per layer, is
called a protocol stack
• A set of layers and protocols is called
a network architecture
Network Software
Connection-Oriented Versus Connectionless Service
Network Software
Service Primitives
Primitive Meaning

LISTEN Block waiting for an incoming connection

CONNECT Establish a connection with a waiting peer

ACCEPT Accept an incoming connection from a peer

RECEIVE Block waiting for an incoming message

SEND Send a message to the peer

DISCONNECT Terminate a connection

Fig. Six service primitives that provide a simple connection-oriented

Reference Model
Reference Model
Examples of Computer network

• A collection of interconnected networks is

called an internetwork or internet.
• A network is formed by the combination of a
subnet and its hosts
Examples of Computer network INTRANET
• An intranet is a private network contained within an enterprise that is used to securely
share company information and computing resources among employees. An intranet can
also be used for working in groups and teleconferences
• How are intranets used?
• Central repository. Intranets become the main repository where important information
and company data are stored.
• Collaboration. These internal networks provide a way to share information that makes it
easier for employees to work together.
• Personalization. Intranets provide personalized content to employees based on their role
within the company.
• Communication. They make employee directories, company news and organization charts
readily available, improving internal corporate communications.
• Easy access to information. Intranets provide easy access to information about company
policies, benefits and updates.
• Social elements. Social media features let employees create an account, post content and
status alerts and browse a newsfeed.
Examples of Computer network INTRANET
Examples of Computer network
• It is a Wireless Personal Area Network
(WPAN) technology and is used for
exchanging data over smaller distances.
• This technology was invented by Ericson in
• It operates in the unlicensed, industrial,
scientific and medical Areas.
Examples of Computer network
Examples of Computer network
• Wi-Fi uses radio waves to transmit information
between your device and a router via
• Two radio-wave frequencies can be used,
depending on the amount of data being sent:
2.4 gigahertz and 5 gigahertz.
• The two Wi-Fi frequencies are split into multiple
channels so as to prevent high traffic and
Examples of Computer network
Network Standards

• Networking standards define the rules for data

communications that are needed for interoperability
of networking technologies and processes.
• Standards help in creating and maintaining open
markets and allow different vendors to compete on
the basis of the quality of their products while being
compatible with existing market products
• During data communication, a number of standards
may be used simultaneously at the different layers.
Network Standards

• The commonly used standards at each layer

• Application layer − HTTP, HTML, POP, IMAP
• Transport layer − TCP,UDP
• Network layer −IP
• Data link layer − Ethernet IEEE 802.3, X.25,
Frame Relay
• Physical layer −RS-232C (cable), V.92 (modem)
Network Standards
Legal and Social issues
• Most ethical and legal issues in computer system are in the area of individual’s
right to privacy versus the greater good of a larger entity i.e. a company or a
society. For example, tracking how employees use computers, crowd surveillance,
managing customer profiles, tracking a person’s travel with passport and so on
• Privacy: This deals with the right of an individual to control personal information.
It is the protection of personal or sensitive information. Privacy is subjective.
Different people have different ideas of what privacy is and how much privacy
they will trade for safety or convenience.
• Accuracy: This talks about the responsibility for the authenticity, fidelity an
accuracy of the information.
• Property: This determines who the owner of the information is and who controls
• Accessibility: This deals with the issue of the type of information, an organization
has the right to collect. And in that situation, it also expects to know the
measures which will safeguard against any unforeseen eventualities.
Network Policies
• Acceptable Use policy
• Disaster Recovery policy
• Back-Up policy
• Archiving policy(Retatintion)

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